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  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The skill problems have been fixed. Please test and give constructive feedback. Thank you in advance! unforgiven ” The sparkle now works as stated in the archers spell announcement, its duration is the same as the one indicated on the spell, there is no special animation, if the sparkle blow touches its target, the caster simply disappears ( visually and on the mini map as well), I tested with the principle of automatic attack and as one would expect, despite the fact tha…

  • Archer Feedback

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The skill problems have been fixed. Please test and give constructive feedback. Thank you in advance! unforgiven ” Thank you = D the archer spells work correctly, you only have modified the description of the spells to add the side effects (with the% of preference), I did several dozens of tests and with rain of arrows j I slowed down each time, fire arrow I burned 2 times out of 3, shot shooting well dropped and shot sparkling makes invisible the time indicated.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The skill problems have been fixed. Please test and give constructive feedback. Thank you in advance! unforgiven ” Thank you = D the archer spells work correctly, you only have modified the description of the spells to add the side effects (with the% of preference), I did several dozens of tests and with rain of arrows j I slowed down each time, fire arrow I burned 2 times out of 3, shot shooting well dropped and shot sparkling makes invisible the time indicated.

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Les problèmes de compétences ont été corrigés. Veuillez tester et donner des commentaires constructifs. Merci d'avance! non pardonné ” Thank you = D the archer spells work correctly, you only have modified the description of the spells to add the side effects (with the% of preference), I did several dozens of tests and with rain of arrows j I slowed down each time, fire arrow I burned 2 times out of 3, shot shooting well dropped and shot sparkling makes invisible the time…

  • Okay, but you should consider my idea and discuss it with your colleagues to see what they think about it, because I think there's really a way to get positive things out of it.

  • Quote from unforgiven: “This Beta is almost over. ” what do you mean ? the changes on the archers are still not functional and shaman spells always bugs so how can it be finished? Unless you want to reworked and retest it in an upcoming beta. My idea is also for the next beta test, regarding the interactions with protection of the darkness, may be this is the opportunity for you to reflect on this spell to make it more fair and less cheat with respect to other classes, moreover the damage reduct…

  • Let us not forget that the side effects announced are not effective!

  • Hello, after many conversations with other players as well as with members of the GameForge equine, I had an idea that fits perfectly into this PVP balancing beta and that could be tested at an upcoming beta. The idea is simple: it would be necessary to implant a new passive bonus, which would reduce any type of damage PVP. This new bonus would not be comparable to any other since it could not be found on the stuff or other item. My idea would be to add this bonus to each level up of our charact…

  • My opinion about the lycan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    We must not rely on the current beta of any, shaman buffs no longer work and changes on the archer are not effective so good.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Because it resists the class with one and the same weapon: the bow saw that all the other spells also need it: ninja assassin can take sword and daggers and even bow with poisoned mist, the warriors have 2 weapons also, the sura also and do not even need to cast their spells, idem for the shamans, the lycans can use their buff without a weapon. So there is only the archer who is blocked with a single weapon and who in any case never goes xp with the bow and who therefore can not use any skill in…

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Yes knowing that when we xp we can not change weapons in the melee ... but hey it will not change much anyway.

  • RIPLycan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Monsaire: “as they say out there, we are only 15% of the total players of Metin2, so we do not have no importance for them ” Your reasoning does not hold: The archers are still less numerous yet we were heard and they added us full of stuff well on our spells.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    It's super cool it means that either PVE with bows are PVE without being able to cast a single spell, I think nobody else can do that no?

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    And I find that the fact that having a bow and arrows for a feather strike is an bad idea It seems so logical to me

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I do not see this as anything negative, even if there are more powerful weapons now the old ones will always be able to sell themselves (the dragons will sell their events to the care and vice versa) so it will make the trade of these weapons will lose no value since always useful to someone.

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Why obsolete? On a dragon the fans will do the same damage as before and on the care the gong will do the same damage as before. We offer you a free boost if you choose your weapon of choice so I do not see what you can do.

  • RIPLycan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    300 k is not bad, the archers do not even reach 200k so please do not please.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I exceed 100% by having some items dex + alchemy but I do not have garnet earrings so see that this is possible: 171262poisonn102.jpg

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Personally I am lvl 92 and in normal conditions I go up to 92% so it really does not bother me.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “.what do we need to have 100% chance as before? Items with 12 INT? On ninja? c'mon be serious. ” Not just items Dex ca there is only the dex that increases the poison ...