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  • Quote from BlueShade: “actually think this choice hasn't really been a bug but was made on purpose. Flame Spirit is not exactly a "buff skill" but a "passive attack skill" - here's a proof for you: it cannot be turned off by Dispel. Since the game dynamics do not allow casting skills while riding horse/mount, I guess it's fair for it not to work while riding. ” Yes but we can very well use the effect of attack value of enchanted blade, aura of the sword, soul of the purple horse on horseback so …

  • Characters personalization in PvP

    Strijelac - - Archive


    ery good initiative, such a system would be appreciable for all, especially with the system of rotation that would allow even gameforge to find there shares, however I would like to come back to one point: Quote from Priore: “- This skill should activate automatically when you accept a request of duel (so to not influence PvM) ” Agree on the principle of not influencing the pvm, but what about the mass pvp, raids, wars or even spots of pvm? It would be necessary to find a system so that it can w…

  • Quote from BlueShade: “And if you're thinking of shamans who are between lv.75 and lv.120, well, first of all you could level up (sorry if I sound rude, heheh ); moreover, Healers' overall performance in PvP is surely way better than Dragon Shamans', mostly because they can restore their own HPs. By the way, we still haven't tested the effectiveness of the weapons on the two different types of Shaman. I mean, they said that Dragons' attacks will be stronger when wearing a bell - but bells notori…

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from TruArcherKing: “And Please PLEASE fix stealth on ” Is not this cheating software?

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Fully agree, I really do not think it can generate the other races because 2 seconds of immunity is just what it takes to get out of melee and as you are invisible base, the opponent does not Can not miss its fate (except for zone spells that do not target but good).

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “It actually does not solve the auto-attack problem and the "vacuum" effect it would create on a camounflaged character, but it brilliantly gets around it. Does invincibility prevent bouncing and "block" from being attacked? If the answer is yes, then it's truly a good idea. ” I don't know, but I think that given that sparkling blow drops the target(s) this should be enough.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Of all they come to complain while they have a spell that type 2 times without the least valid reason.

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    In this sense, for example (in the case of a sparkling blow to a perfect master level), they could give an invisibility of 4-5 seconds and an invincibility of 2 seconds (since this bonus already exists on the pets) To be able to escape from the melee without taking any damage and thus to be able to continue the fight.

  • Critical hit changes??

    Strijelac - - Archive


    It has been shown following experience, comments from many players, and several serious video tests that Lycans surpass all other physical classes in pvp and is almost as good as am in pve. In addition it said a small nerve is not going to be a sick nerve, we archers we took a big nerve not justified while we were already bad in pvp and unplayable in pve (except stuff perfect obviously but good. ..) so brief rage not because you play Lycan we accepted it and you have had ample time for your glor…

  • Protection of Darkness

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Rovez: “And .. you must pay 500k a week to allow your skills weapon to give full damage!! ” And again, the damage is just drinking all the other races except the shamans do more damage on their spells with a generally lower waiting time.

  • Protection of Darkness

    Strijelac - - Archive


    It changes nothing to the fact that your first statements and arguments are false: there is much worse than warrior in pve to know shaman care and ninja archer so stop to fill you there is worse because the archer is neither good in pve nor Good in pvp. Moreover, I would like to remind you that here we are talking about the protection of darkness and no warriors.

  • Protection of Darkness

    Strijelac - - Archive


    The guy has 2 spells of boost killer in a 0 and archer 1 useless, dragon shaman has only one useful spell because area damage and shaman care has a boost spell giving a shabby attack value and that is mounted That in the last, moreover it does not possess any real spell of zone and it happens to this to be filled.

  • Protection of Darkness

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Warriors the weakest class of the game in pvp and pvm just a big joke, if people make mules cac for metins it's sure that the race is the weakest in pvm that makes sense. People should make Ninja archers it's much better in pve.

  • Protection of Darkness

    Strijelac - - Archive


    To stuff equal a sura bm beats any class without anti magic and the potions blue is not done for the dogs so sura bm it remains cheat sorry. It is imperative to review the protection of darkness.

  • Feedback on all classes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “It was read and it was given to WebZen but you need to consider that this is outside of the scope of the Beta. ” Strijelac likes this

  • Feedback on all classes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “Some sugestions for it were already made tho: ” Yes I know I have participated in most of them but I do not really feel they have postponed these comments to Webzen more than we no one talks about when we give ourselves the To make a general comment...

  • Feedback on all classes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Not the archers are not happy

  • Feedback on all classes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    And the archers do not need to be touched?

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    Strijelac - - Archive


    No, but at some point you have to stop too, the archers are useless in pv and shit in pvp thanks to the sparkling nerve and the arrow which is the highest of the game so stop to please you please

  • Archer

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Feather stride: As this beta is the beginning of the balance, if the archer is left as it is present on the beta, it seems essential to modify considerably this skill given that at the moment it is the skill most Useless game as well as one that is never up to less than lvl 120 and again. So it would seem wise to add another bonus like a dexterity boost, an increase in our max range, a defense bonus against slowing down for example.