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  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Weapon sura and berserk warrior are the most balanced characters both in pve and pvp..

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Does the lycan skills always have been raised by STR and we didnt know it or its just now with the update?

  • This update/ pvp balancing do not balance anything just umbalance it even more, they wanted to gave dragon shaman independence, failed! now is only good as a buffer.. OP characters like shaman cure or black magic sura continue even more OP, critical nerf in pvp dont even have to say anything no one liked or agreed.

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Why change things that no one complained about?

  • Biggest lie of the new update

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “And then you will have the eternal problem of one doing 3 skills and opponent is dead. This is definitely what we are trying to avoid. ” you only die with 2-3 skill if you have a weak itens and alchemy set.. you are devaluating your more powerfull players ( the ones who really invest more) if they can kill someone with even one skill its because they have a good set that cost a lot of euros, of course weaker people cant stand a chance vs a OP set, this a free to play but …

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Mortal kombat... Wtf... If you want to be in the big league you have to be big league worthy... mediocre players should not stand a chance against great players, Is it fair to be able to compete agains someone that plays 5/6 hours day and the invested 2000 euros vs someone who only plays a few hours and dot put real money?

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    A thing that i personally dont agree is finishing the one hit kill.. if u dont have itens simply dont fight him,run, players should be reward by having perfect items and alchemy that they spend lots of yang and euros to obtain it, its like real life, you are a normal person and you try to fight an good mma figher you will be destroyed in seconds, its just the way it is criticals should remain double damage.

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “Quote from unforgiven: “And you will deal x2 against monsters.... ” Quote from Apollykan: “A thing that i dont yet understand, will the critical hits/skill will be double damage like before on pve? ” Based on what unforgiven said above...yes you will have criticals like 2x normal damage in PvM. Only in PvP crit damage was decreased ” if that is true, at least we have our criticals in pve/pvm.. In pvp they could reduce the chance but, keep the 2x damage

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    A thing that i dont yet understand, will the critical hits/skill will be double damage like before on pve?

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    This update is completely non sense... They are going to loose players 1- pve is harder and boring without crit. 2. Really expensive pvp/pve itens lost is value... Equals to really mas players 3. dragon shaman is now more weak 4. Players like to see high damage critics, the game is losing players because of updatea like this.

  • Polymorph Marble Damage

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “Excuse me @Comkra, I didn't fully get it. You are saying that it's intended for the self-buff to DISAPPEAR (both the icon and the bonus) as soon as the warrior is polymorphed, right? Well, are you actually aware that on live individual communities, there's a bug concerning wolves and Crimson Soul? Everyone's complaining about the fact that it still remains active after polymorphing. ” i think its logic to the crimson remains transformed, its a non weapon required self buff…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from darkdev315: “I see the update and it's a bit better. I would still suggest that Crimson should have duration of 140/150 seconds and 500-530 attack. ” the only change that is acceptable is bit of reduction on the int scalling and some piercing, lycan need some extra damage because of the slow meele hits, but we acconplish a reasonable raise on the crimson soul nerf!

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from Apollykan: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Yes, is a big injustice, lykans are like before and Shamans, who were by far a worse class, still have all their stupid updates. ” like before? Less 55 seconds skill duration, less attack value, less int scalling, less piercing hits.. like less than half ” We have lost 160 seconds on Blessing, less crits, now crits on PvP are horrible, our skills are based on STR... ” i know i dont agree too

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Yes, is a big injustice, lykans are like before and Shamans, who were by far a worse class, still have all their stupid updates. ” like before? Less 55 seconds skill duration, less attack value, less int scalling, less piercing hits.. like less than half

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Lycan has now 120 seconds! A thank you to @unforgiven i still think that duration balance was not necessary but , at least we are being listened!


    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from TheDevilSZ: “- Warrior's Aura - 608 dmg - 90 Strength = berserk 33% dmg increse - Sury blade - 585 dmg - 90 intelligence = only 3 pvp skils (fear not working in some dungeons) -- Wolf - 360 dmg - 90 intelligence = 20% of the players got wolf defence for pvp wars and its dosent heave any negative efect on his skils(oficila sv right now) so STOP crying lykan babys ” what the f.... in my server many people dont have magical resistance, so lets nerf the magical chracters, this doesnt work…

  • Quote from BlueShade: “No, every class just gets extra attack damage from TWO statuses only. Lycans benefit from DEX in a 2:1 ratio and VIT in a 1:1 ratio. And plus they get extra attack damages via-Crimson by boosting INT. And I'm perfectly fine with that. What I don't understand is why other classes do not get the same ratios from their primary and secondary statuses. ” What about weapon sura? they get damage increase in self buff with INT and extra damage from dex and str

  • Lykans doesnt benefit from STR

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Damage is fine i guess, but the duration is too low considering we have to switch to an INT set to have the damage scalling. i think the duration should remain 175s.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “As said many times, Lycan got lots of buffs through stats and other things. The current version will stay. Anyways, everyone is comparing Lycan with Warrior/Sura on their normal gameplay, let's give some love to the Shamans too. ” Quote from unforgiven: “As said many times, Lycan got lots of buffs through stats and other things. The current version will stay. Anyways, everyone is comparing Lycan with Warrior/Sura on their normal gameplay, let's give some love to the Shama…