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Quote from Th3Original: “I know people crazy... This type of ppl in this case will buy a lot of computers just to continue doing all solo xD ” At least it will become difficult for them in addition to not all have the ability to buy several PC. In addition, leaders must be made more difficult by increasing their defense,HP regeneration and attack So it requires two to three at least to finish
Quote from BlueShade: “The only way to prevent solo playing is preventing multiaccount ” Plus it will prevent exploitation of auto-hunt (If applied for auto-hunt) Quote from HZZA3: “I had an idea why we should not integrate your solution with my solution at the top So cancel the pulling of monsters & bosses & prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer. That will make it difficult for them and they will really have to look for help from other players ” +1
Quote from Law G: “The most appropriate way to solve it: GameForge can resolve it by nerf it or increase the Recharge time. ” Or simply make the skill affected by the arrow defense + All characters must be balanced Especially defenses and magic skills Quote from Law G: “The most appropriate way to solve it: GameForge can avoid it by adjusting the Limit of defences to be Maximum at 70% or 75% Sword , Claw , Dagger ...etc ). ” Great suggestion
Feedback + solutions
aha15 - - Feedback: 18.4
PostQuote from RabbitRun: “Nonsense. Then what is auto-hunt for? You do nothing to level up. You do nothing to use potions. And so you shouldn't get yang? No. Yang should always be present. I'm not saying yang farmers like that should be nerfed but what you said is totally nonsense ” Focus on what I said is reduced or stopped !! Because it makes no sense to be equal to someone who makes an effort with those who do not Also automatic hunting with multiple accounts totally illogical (from the aspect o…
Feedback + solutions
aha15 - - Feedback: 18.4
PostThank you for your great suggestions Just a simple comment on this part : Quote from abu7med: “The simple solution here – auto hunting is not activatable in some maps like devils catacomb cause it's unfair to other farmers and unbalanced thing which kills the game ” It is best to reduce or stop dropping yang in all maps with auto-hunt So that no one exploits auto-hunt in other maps (not only DC).
Quote from BlueShade: “Anyway, there's a sad truth. Webzen/GF are obviously against an excessive yang influx (otherwise they wouldn't have made the thongs of time, or the costume projection so expensive) and more importantly they'd have associated a greater quantity of yang to high level dungeons. So I still think that the key lies in reducing the excessive amount of yang drop in DC - or limiting it to a higher floor, which: 1) would require the usage of shruken heads; 2) would have a limited ti…
Quote from GamePriv: “Having 81 lvl characters + pets with yangs + 80% yang (costume + 60% yang equipment) In one day you can drop about 200 - 250 kk per account. ” Quote from BlueShade: “Don't get me wrong... I don't wanna be rude but this is ridicolous. You all are arguing over a 2-5kk difference. Be it 8kk/1h or 14kk/h, things won't change. Players still exploit this chance of yang farming WAY TOO MUCH and we all know how they use them. Please don't act innocent. You know, when there's the ch…
Quote from vijay: “Quote from aha15: “Quote from vijay: “Quote from aha15: “After the bridge any account will have 15kk even more ” This is straight up wrong. Stop talking shit when you never tried shit yourself.Not sure how you got these numbers but they are false. ” i'm sure because i'had already had test itand what's the RIGHT numbers u talking about? 10k per day perhaps ” You will never make 15kk/hour in the DC.The spots behind the bridge are between 5 to 10kk/hour with 60% Yangdrop and Pet.…
Quote from vijay: “Quote from aha15: “After the bridge any account will have 15kk even more ” This is straight up wrong. Stop talking shit when you never tried shit yourself.Not sure how you got these numbers but they are false. ” i'm sure because i'had already had test it and what's the RIGHT numbers u talking about? 10k per day perhaps
actually Quote from vijay: “Quote from aha15: “(one accout have mean of 15kk each hour so having 3.6 billion per day ) ” Nice numbers you got there my friend. Completly false.Btw you got limited spots in the DC so you are talking about 1 or 2 players, not everybody. ” After the bridge any account will have 15kk even more for 5-6 accounts (1.8 billion) berfore the bridge 7-8kk for 5-4 accounts (900kk) the sum 2.7 billion per a day (still too high) even enchanted forest have good spots for yang (f…
Quote from BlueRay: “From my perspective, people who are angry at the current system, and want it gone, are people who, by outside reasons, either can’t leave the computer turned on 24/7, have bad internet or just don’t have a character prepared for catacombs. And because they can’t have it, like the greedy gluttons they are, nobody else can. Simple as that. ” Quote from BlueRay: “I don't get all the fuss about catacombs and yang, why is it so bad? ” Yes, it's bad when a player prepare 10 accoun…
PostQuote from danielc25: “In my server, I see 75's solo the ice witch...How is this fair ” In my server, I have seen 75's solo defeat beran-setaou elemental resistance should be modified but don't reduce the effectiveness of these resistances Remove elementary resistances from costumes or replace it with dark, ice & earth
Quote from GANERELGOOD: “I liked this update and hope it will be activated immediately ” But GANERELGOOD or VOLF that's wasn't your opnion in ae-forum espically the part about dragon stone shard being untradable as for my opnion : the mythic should be clarity not a class with max+ 6 or 7 this is more logical
شامان التنين - تعويذة طائر - زيادة وقت الشحن - زيادة نقاط ضرر باستعمل الجرس - الضرر يزيد ايضا بالقوة - زيادة نطاق الضرر - اضافة تأثير تبطئ - رماية تنين - زيادة وقت الشحن - زيادة نقاط ضرر باستعمال الجرس - الضرر يزيد ايضا بالقوة والمناورة - زيادة فرصة نار دائمة - اضافة تأثير سوقط لاعب الخصم - استدعاء التنين - تقليل وقت الشحن - زيادة نقاط ضرر باستعمال الجرس - الضرر يزيد ايضا بالقوة و الذكاء - الان منطقة الضرر سوف تكون عند الخصم بدل صاحب المهارة - للتوضيح المقصود دائرة زئير تنين سوف تكون حول الخصم ا…
الليكانر - روح الذئب الكرزي - وقت الشحن تم زيادته بشكل كبير - تم ازالة ميزة تجاهل وتخفيض الدفاعات - تم تقليل فرصة ضربة خارقة للمهارة بشكل ملحوظ - تم تقليل وقت بقاء مهارة مفعلة - تم تقليل قوة هجوم بشكل ملحوظ
شامان العلاج - رمية برق - تم زيادة وقت الشحن - تم زيادة نقاط اسلوب المطلوبة - اضافة نقاط اضافية للمهارة اذا تم استعمال المروحة - الضرر يزيد بالذكاء والمناورة - زيادة نطاق الضرر - استدعاء البرق - تقليل وقت الشحن - تم زيادة نقاط اسلوب المطلوبة - اضافة نقاط اضافية للمهارة اذا تم استعمال المروحة - الضرر سوف يزيد بالقوة - زيادة نسبة الاغماء - مخلب البرق - تقليل وقت الشحن - تم زيادة نقاط اسلوب المطلوبة - اضافة نقاط اضافية للمهارة اذا تم استعمال المروحة - الضرر سوف يزيد بالقوة والذكاء - تم اضافة تأثير …