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    badidol - - Archive


    Character copy

  • The beta server is supposed to be the test for 17.4, so quite obviously it's running on 17.4

  • Why is it still not open?

    badidol - - Archive


    Please be patient and don't open one thread after the other for the very same topic The counter on the beta website unfortunately seems to count in local time, however, the server will open up at 15:00 CEST, which is in 1 hour 9 minutes from now.

  • Question

    badidol - - Archive


    Character copy

  • Character copy

    badidol - - Archive


    It would appear the countdown shows local time instead of CEST, sorry for that. The server will go live at 15:00 CEST, which from now is in 1 hour 15 minutes.

  • Question

    badidol - - Archive


    Please check the beta website, there is a countdown that shows you when the server will be available. Hint: it will open, as written in the announcements, at 15:00 CEST.

  • Character copy

    badidol - - Archive


    Quote from Godofsun: “On the beta site it says that the server is live ” Does it?…86b73f6c4f27d059e8fa06489

  • [PROBLEM]Characterauswahl

    badidol - - Archive


    Quote from jimaras777: “Use English for everyone to understand. ” This section here is clearly marked as German. German's just fine in here. For an EN only section please go and check out the EN only section. Also: please don't do backseat moderation. We can handle moderation on our own just fine, thank you Da das Problem gelöst ist, schließe ich den Thread dann auch mal

  • Character copy

    badidol - - Archive


    Don't worry, it really is just a copy Your character will not vanish from the original server

  • [PROBLEM]Characterauswahl

    badidol - - Archive


    Das Problem war auf eine doch eher begrenzte Auswahl an Nutzern beschränkt und sollte in Kürze (innerhalb der nächsten 5-30 Minuen vermutlich) auch für diese behoben sein.

  • [PROBLEM]Characterauswahl

    badidol - - Archive


    Sind dran. Melde mich, wenn ich Näheres weiß.

  • 1st PvP Balancing Optimisation

    badidol - - Archive


    Bugfixes included in this version: - Fixed - When a weapon sura ran out of mana the effect of Enchanted Blade was not restarted - Fixed - a mistake in the config.exe file was fixed - Fixed - It was possible that when you died and had Red Potions or Elixir of the Sun active, it didn't expire - Fixed - Low level weapon suras could use dispel on high level characters - For the creation of Gaya you now need 30 gem stones, 15.000 Yang and a spirit stone. These can range from +0 to +3. In case of succ…