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  • Emotions - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Hello, i have being testing the new emotions, and they are good, and the animations are funny! I personaly don't like the design of some of the emoticons, poor background choose of colours, like strong yellow's, green or primary blue. For me talking ballons shoud be white or non existent, there might be 2 or 3 ballon that work's well with colour, such as the moon, the sun, the rainbow, because it works well as an whole. Now the others i don't think it works good, or the sensation they want to tr…

  • Quote from RabbitRun: “Quote from hugoW: “Quote from RabbitRun: “I'd like to report something similar: Normally by right-clicking items from storeroom items will automatically go to inventory, but it doesn't. ” Adding information to this, so far from all the equipment and other itens in the storeroom that i tried, the "right-click" move to inventory only works on living pets to me xD ” Yes it only works once and then it won't work anymore ” Y was just coming here about to say that i was wrong, i…

  • Quote from RabbitRun: “I'd like to report something similar: Normally by right-clicking items from storeroom items will automatically go to inventory, but it doesn't. ” Adding information to this, so far from all the equipment and other itens in the storeroom that i tried, the "right-click" move to inventory only works on living pets to me xD

  • Feedback 18.4

    hugoW - - Feedback EN


    It would be more easy just to add the elementary damage bonus to the actual legendary stones, than to redesign the interface of the system

  • That is a problem, they don't have books on npc's on this beta test... May God help you

  • Quote from HZZA3: “Quote from hugoW: “now you don't need "critics" in order to kill a player with 1 skill shot xD ” Players and monsters ,Believe me now after this update we will be able to kill the dragon or Razdor with only 1 shot, Such as the GM when he writes the order to kill Razazdor in chat. ” If the dragon or razador don't kill you first xD

  • The beta last year was to balance the game, so that there was no "1 shot 1 kill" so removed critics and changed a lot of stuff. And all the updates after that beta just makes in the other direction, to boost the characters, with crazy bonus on alchemy and crazy kynamite weapons and other stuff, now you don't need "critics" in order to kill a player with 1 skill shot xD Nice balance they made, to unbalance it later. Because what gives money income is what gives more damage. I don't agree with the…

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Patriickx: “Quote from lmcdoss6: “Quote from Patriickx: “0928_211336.jpg Hello, as I told you now, I bring you the mascot type "prismatisch". It gives me more hp than the "legendary" but still follows 13% of berseker ” dont forget that to see the change in the skill % you have to re-login ” It was the first thing I did xD ” The Bashido is now the same size as your character hahaha

  • المتجر

    hugoW - - Bugs


    He said he got error open item shop warehouse, and he didn't change pass was 000000, and asked for solution, (used google translator)

  • did you put the country after the id on login in the beta? id: lycan2dd_de _pt _ro

  • New Pet Books

    hugoW - - Bugs


    they are the 5 books on the event helper, not inside the chest, probably not included yet

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Patriickx: “0928_211336.jpg Hello, as I told you now, I bring you the mascot type "prismatisch". It gives me more hp than the "legendary" but still follows 13% of berseker ” Thanks for the patience! XD Well, you can now see if the bashido has some speciality from the new skills!

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Kelius: “Ok, i read again through this thread and i can't be sure, so i deleted this post, my bad. ” Non of us are 100% sure on the stuff, without official information we are just guessing based on logic, i personally think the Mytisch and Prismatisch are the top tiers of the pet system, inicially just because of the "animation event" that occured after that pet type appears on the system, there is no other reason for this to happen, only to mark that is the best you can get. Soo just…

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Abenteuer, adventurous in english... nah these 2 new specialized pets are going to be a "myth" on some live servers, very very rare, maybe they already exist in the live servers, but the diference is so low from the legendary ones that nobody noticed.

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Charradas: “You're right, but these pet subtypes have to be special in some way. Does anyone have a Razador pet at 105 level? ” Guess we need to wait for some oficial information. Meanwile, i got tested the strong against monsters skills, and im not sure but i think on the live servers already worked the way it is by calculating first the added % of moobs to the damage and only then calculating the berzerker melee damage % so it boosts a little more than if it is just % added to the b…

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Charradas: “Quote from hugoW: “The aging cycle? so it ages fast? i don't think so... the prismatich that i have since yesterday only aged 1 day. ” Not this way. The age cycle of the regular subtype layout 0.5% - 0.6% is +/- 100 days = + 0.1% HP The age cycle of the regular subtype layout 0.6% - 0.7% clould be for example +/- 50 days = + 0.1% or +/- 100 days = + 0.2% ” No, because the legendary pet, it gives like 25,4%hp with 759days And the prismatish pet, it gives like 26.1% hp with …

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Charradas: “Quote from hugoW: “Thanks @Patriickx well i guess the theory that gives 14% its slowly prove to not be true, then im not sure about this "rarity" pets that we need to change over 1000 times to get them, just a little better hp stats... proves absolutely not to be worty of the time and possible money to make them, lets just be happy with legendary and adventurous pets xD ” I'm still not convinced. I need to see a Razador pet. The Baashido pet can be different because it is …

  • Im sorry i didn't understand german so couldnt see that post! Glad its already reported

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Olthir: “I'm here to say to what is indeed and what is not. Thanks for your feedback! I'm not in charge to say, what we should put or not in the game: i'm not a game designer ” Yes i reported that, wasn't sure if it should be that way, thanks for the answer! But could foward the other information aswell, and the idea of the @lmcdoss6 that is better than mine, wich is a concearn of every player, not to lose the aging of its pet. Edit: Thanks @Patriickx well i guess the theory that give…

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Olthir: “Quote from hugoW: “Dont know if its intended or not, but i think it should be the way it is now. You have a aged pet over 700 days... and by some reason you let it die... forgot or something, the time of the pet continues to count even dead, so it reaches 800 days dead, you put it in the new system being dead, it is revived with that age, 800 days, and it gives the correspondent stats. So: If you use any pet with any age, DEAD in the new system, the system will revive it, and…