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Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostThis was already for months in the test server. You can read more about it here: [BUG] Some documentation for Skill Critical DMG Bug The damage cannot be lower than the base hit - there is one of the examples where it goes below but this is just an error calculation.
Hi @GaarasamaGreekServer, I understand what you mean. Critical hit chance and damage have been reduced but they will still give a nice edge on whichever PvP match. Regarding item devaluation, we tried to reduce this at a minimum but it is impossible for it not to happen, specially when it is a free market where players decide the prices.
It will not be possible to change your weapon directly. @angelyna24, you can maximize at your own discretion, you can even maximize both but then you might not have INT or VIT maximized. At the moment it is exactly the same BUT the difference is that you can maximize your melee damage through STR or you can maximize your damage mitigation through DEX (while having VIT and INT at 90, obviously). The same happens with some other classes. @Quelin, isn't it a matter of having the possibility and wha…
[Feedback]Bug fixing EN
unforgiven - - Archive
PostHi Warrior, 1 - Red potions are, at the moment, enough for the players' needs. There are multiple different systems where players can increase their HP regeneration. 2 - The change on piercing hits already helped with the Mental Warrior. A the moment there won't be any change but we did request some small changes to help this character in future. 3 - This is a bit tricky, it is not so simple, technically. 4 - Critical Hit chance that you see on the Character Sheet is only for normal PvE hits. It…
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostThere is a big misunderstand of what balancing means. Balancing does not mean that Character A is the same as Character B which is the same as Character C and so on. Balancing also means that Character A has advantage on OptionZ over Character B but has disadvantage on Option Z over Character C, and so on. Regarding difference between magic characters and melee characters. We know about this and we know that magic characters are usually better in PvP at the moment but lots of factors influence t…
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostYou cannot talk about balancing with a single character on your mind. It has to have all the other characters in mind too. Just because you change VS. Healer, what would happen VS. Warrior? What about VS. Sura? Everything is connected and cannot simple be reduced to "Healer Shaman can beat Dragon Shaman".
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostWhat about a 30% reduction of critical hit chance in comparison with -17% that Dragon Shamans have? What about having more long distance skills? What about having an almost 100% (if not 100% chance) of having lasting fire? What about having knockback on your skill to push the character back with 100% chance? All of these don't work? This is not the last time we have a balancing change. Things can, and most likely will, change in future. This is not a one single update situation but a continuousl…
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostTh3Original, You are talking about a specific case. Let's do the same user story but having a Dragon Shaman vs a Warrior (choose which one). Let's do the same vs other classes.
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostAttack Up increases also damage output from skills which are melee and this can be problematic. Reflect increases the DPS and it is helpful if you are able to withstand the damage that you receive. Yes, both classes have the damage output +/- similar. I can agree with you that in PvP, healer shaman will have the upper hand against a dragon shaman BUT in PvE these rolls reverse. As said before, you cannot, at the moment, separate completely PvP and PvE damage hence no more changes for now. Healin…
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostThere is nothing to fix in the skills. They are working as intended. Reflection gives a part of the normal damage back to the attacker which increase - passively - the damage output. Attack Up can increase any other classes damage which means it can really break things if it gets increased. I have already shown that the Healing/Dragon Shaman have pretty similar damage outputs. It will depend mainly on the players' gear to maximize which parts suits them the best.
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostYou cannot differentiate damage in PvP and PvE situation. While they have the upper hand in PvE, you have the upper hand in PvP against them. While Healing Shaman can have the upper hand in PvP against you, you have the PvE upper hand against them. Balancing does not mean that you are better than every single other character in every single other situation - this is called unbalanced. It makes no sense to discuss this further because it is obvious that this won't go anywhere even if I show real …
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostAnd you will deal x2 against monsters. You cannot simply separate damage in PvP from PvE. Dragon Shamans can have full +39% critical hit chance. Healing Shamans will need to have this in their gear. And just one small note. In PvP, if you have 100% Critical Hit Chance before the patch and 80% after the patch, you still have HIGHER chance of landing Critical Hits with Skills after the patch than before. And, on top of that, the chance to do critical hits with normal hits has been reduced, which w…
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostFine, we will make all bonuses from Buffs not working while you are on your horse, just like Flame Spirit. (I am joking) Dragon Shamans can deal as much damage or higher than Healing Shamans, it is a matter of equipment. And, on top of that, you have critical hit chance which works better in PvE and it will still have a good effect in PvP.
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostMy total lasting fire was 1k per tick. If you sum all of them you get 5k. The DOT reduces the amount of HP you recover, so it actually does something.
Shaman balancing
unforgiven - - Archive
PostOk.. So, I grabbed a shaman with an OK gear and tried to scale my damage up, as you usually would do. I have used the same gear to test the damage output from both Shamans. This is without crits.…d90541d54fc29ca95ee5d174c This is only using Fans so the Healing Shaman had the upper hand. What i did not add here was the DoT from lasting fire that was around 5k damage. If you consider this, Dragon Shamans were dealing more damage than Healing Shamans.