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  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from TcatalunyaT: “well Quote from unforgiven: “And you will deal x2 against monsters. You cannot simply separate damage in PvP from PvE. Dragon Shamans can have full +39% critical hit chance. Healing Shamans will need to have this in their gear. And just one small note. In PvP, if you have 100% Critical Hit Chance before the patch and 80% after the patch, you still have HIGHER chance of landing Critical Hits with Skills after the patch than before. And, on top of that, the chance to do cr…

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    OK, I have lost. I have tried my best, but is impossible. You have destroyed Dragon Shamans, and you aren't going to change anything. Continue with your costumes, power items and happy hours, these things are the real problem of the unbalance.

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “And you will deal x2 against monsters. You cannot simple separate damage in PvP from PvE. Dragon Shamans can have full +39% critical hit chance. Healing Shamans will need to have this in their gear. And just one small note. In PvP, if you have 100% Critical Hit Chance before the patch and 80% after the patch, you still have HIGHER chance of having Critical Hits with Skills after the patch than before. And, on top of that, the chance to do critical hits with normal hits ha…

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “it will still have a good effect in PvP. ” Yes, it was my dream having more crits with 500 extra damage, still less than the damage done by healing force without crits (when you deal a critical hit, thing that is unlikely to occur if you don't have 150% crits)

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “My total lasting fire was 1k per tick. If you sum all of them you get 5k. The DOT reduces the amount of HP you recover, so it actually does something. ” Most classes have better effects than lasting fire (Blackouts, Dispel, Flame Spirit, Poison and Cure)... And Healing Shamans has more damage, less cooldowns and they are able to recover their HP and cure their abnormal status.

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Ok.. So, I grabbed a shaman with an OK gear and tried to scale my damage up, as you usually would do. I have used the same gear to test the damage output from both Shamans. This is without crits.…7424d784fc279fda8b5d991e1 This is only using Fans so the Healing Shaman had the upper hand. What i did not add here was the DoT from lasting fire that was around 5k damage. If you consider this, Dragon Shamans were dealing more damage than Healing S…

  • Quote from TcatalunyaT: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “I see a big problem for the classes that can benefit from all the different 4 status. A warrior or a lykan can have all their power because they don't need one of the four stats, while weaponary suras, archery ninjas and shamans have to sacrifice one of their stats. ” not just that, there are som items that bring really important bonuses, 3ebony earings have str and hp (realli interessting), however, the characters who dont power up with str but wit…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “While Lycan doesn't get attack through STR, it gets through DEX and VIT. Warriors do not get attack through DEX and VIT like Lycans. Same for Shamans. I really do not understand where you are going with this, IElfenLied. ” I see a big problem for the classes that can benefit from all the different 4 status. A warrior or a lykan can have all their power because they don't need one of the four stats, while weaponary suras, archery ninjas and shamans have to sacrifice one of…

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    The additional damage with crits (in my case) is less than x1,1. In my test: * Skill * Normal Hit * Critical Hit * Dragon's Roar * 6400 * 6900 * Flying Talisman * 4900 * 5350 * Shooting Dragon * 5400 * 5900

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The chance to deal critical hits with skills were never the face value that you had. We have increased this chance at the moment but this doesn't mean that right now, the chance to deal critical hits with skills is 100%. Regarding testing this, remember that it is chance based so you can have 100 hits where you critted in a row and you can also have the possibility of never critting in 100 skills. ” Thanks for reafirm that now crits are useless on PvP (less chances of cri…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from TcatalunyaT: “Yes, just hope they remind what balancing means and step back to this update and make a real balance, not an unbalance. We players understand its hard bc lots of things are linked and a small change in one thing makes a huge difference on another side. But that isn't a way for justifying the ENORMOUS unbalance broducesd by this 17.5 version. If its that hard bc of the game code, simply take longer to realase the 17.5 and make ALL or ALMOST ALL players satisfied or at lea…

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “I don't care for anything here, I was just trying to explain how the CHANCE works, since the player over there was surprised he didn't get a 1:1 ratio. Anyway it's true, with v17.5 even the actual "power" of a critical skill will behave differently. ” I didn't get 1:1 ratio, but they say that the probability would increase with skills, and now I have tested that the chance is lower than in my live server.

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “By the way, I've actually NEVER seen a Spider Pet having more than 2 skills on the official servers. It might have been bad luck, but I've been asking around and everyone's pretty sure about this. ” The same, also I have never seen monkeys with 3 skills.

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    I also have tested the critical hits on PvE, and the chances look similar as the chances we have now, the problem is on PvP.

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The formula to calculate whether a hit is critical or not has changed for PvP - The chance of landing a critical strike with normal hits has been reduced. - In order to increase skills’ relevance, the chance of landing a critical hit with skills has been increased ” It is suposed that the % have increased, and now I have less crits than in my live server, combined with the fact that x1.2 damage is stupid, they are giving me more reasons to leave the game, my dragon Shaman…

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    I have tested the new crits chance on PvP @unforgiven @Comkra @meh, and I can say that with 100% crits on my gear, I needed more than 20 flying talisman to have a critical hit. It is not suposed that all these 20 flying talismans should have been crit?

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    As you said, spider pet is only special for lykan resistance. On PvM is outclassed by Razador and on PvP is also ouclassed by Razador and Nemere. And as you said, the spider key is too expensive (spider legs and Queen Spider Poison, combined with the high % of failing), so in my opinion Spider Pets are not useful, only if you get one Egg from Tombola or Okey Event and it has good HP and slots.

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Card System: -Some transformations are wrong: Cung-Mok, Mu-Rang, Jug-Hyul, Young-Ji and Li-An (you are not transformed in these mosnters, for example when you use the transformation of Li-An you are transformed on a White Tiger, with Young-Ji a Brown Bear, ...) -As a suggestion, the damage when you are transformed should be the same as a polymorph marble (I made a suggestion some months ago) because that system is very time consuming and is useless.

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from LionKing: “Location: Groto der exile2 Bug: The monster give to low experience you need weeks or days to level from 90-95 Do you really test it WEBZEN? to see how hard is to level up from 90-95 is a pain in the a...s i think the experience table should be increased in groto der exile2. Why every player Run away from groto2 and go meley hort to level because is hard hard to make from 90-95.... @Comkra @meh @Firelli @unforgiven @threea Healer Shamy: This skill is totaly useless Attack Up…

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Yes, is a big injustice, lykans are like before and Shamans, who were by far a worse class, still have all their stupid updates. ” like before? Less 55 seconds skill duration, less attack value, less int scalling, less piercing hits.. like less than half ” We have lost 160 seconds on Blessing, less crits, now crits on PvP are horrible, our skills are based on STR...