Why Shaman class has TWO weapons?

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    • Why Shaman class has TWO weapons?

      To explain myself...Why the decision for Shaman to have TWO weapons with which they can use skills?

      War has only the two-hand weapon available for upgrade right? Why they don't have the sword two? That would be unfair for the ninjas and suras right? So you've cut the sword. Why then have both the bell and the fan and not only fan?

      What kind of "class balancing" is that? Giving for a class TWO usefull weapons. You'll say that no-one is using bell as a PvP weapon...well think again. Given the new rezistance/defence and piercing hit changes, if a Shaman makes 10k damage WITH A FAN, what would he/she do with a bell? Anyone knows that bell is best for hits and fan for skill due to it's increased magical stats. But It might be that these will change. So Shamans will be advantaged by this and will have access to two weapons. ALL the other classes have only one.

      Please re-evaluate this approach.

      PS. I'm Archer Ninja so I don't have any direct implication, but I have to point things that doesn't seem "balanced"
    • I was interpreting "balancing" as equal chances in combat...or at least fair. Is't this the purpose of this balancing update? Right now, with the AMR stones, Shamans damage is very high on skills. Now you give them TWO weapons one of which has increased hit damage that will benefit more from the new piercing hit (even if it will be tuned more).

      The fact that you let Shaman to have two class specific weapons is a different story. Each class had up to a point two specific weapons. For some reason you decided to ditch one of them and keep only one...except for the Saman. Now you say they're getting two new weapons because they have two speciffic class weapons :) Of course they have, you allowed this. Now we're talking about "balancing". OK, maybe I got it wrong, could you please tell what means balancing from your perspective? Cause when I read and watched interviews and forum threads and so on, I had the impression you wanted to make fights even and to put accent on fighting techniques and abilities...or at least this is was the official version. Now you give an advantage to a class from scratch (allowing it to have two weapons) and still want ballance? :)

      And if you really wanted to give a sword to warrior you could have make the new sword wearable only by warriors so no other class could use it.

      So now only class that is able to use two weapons is Shaman. All other classes must now (eventually) seek bell resistance as a bonus on their equipment right? Because almost noone has this.

      Where is the "valuable items will remain also valuable after the implementation" part? Piercing hit was changed, defence and class resistance calculation is changed, there is a new class weapon and this time with big chances to be useful in PvP (the bell)...
    • It's funny to see how a veteran of the game complains about a race as weak as the shaman.A warrior being especialist of hand-to-hand combat, he fears the bell? Knowing that the moment the shaman gets within range of a warrior's weapon is dead, 4 hit skills against a 4-bell combo, it's very funny.
    • You got me wrong...I'm not complaining about a race. And Shamans are anything but "weak", they are one of the most balanced and good classes in PvP if you know how to play. And every class has it's advantages, body warrior has aura and powerfull hits, shamans have buffs and extremely low cooldown for skills and with AMR stones deals alot of damage even on full magic resistance, so please, let's not play the "I'm a poor Shaman and need more..." because it's like a broken song.

      I stated a fact, there is one class having two weapons. The skills and damage and everything else is a different story...it doesn't give you extra equipment.

      If you'll ask a warrior he will tell you that two handed weapon is mostly used in general fights while in duels most preffer a sword to to it's faster attack. So there are reason on each side.

      And as I said, I'm ninja (archer) so I don't care about warrior if he does or does not have sword. But I care about this "ballancing", after all that's why we are all here. Don't come with childish posts if you don't agree with my point...come with arguments so the ones that read and decide can judge and take appropiate actions.

      If this is so disturbing as a question or discussion, please close the thread, I don't like it being transformed in a useless argue. But then, I don't see a point in all this "give feedback" thing.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().

    • I have seen videos from a Romanian friend that used his shaman buffer to pvp a dagger ninja. So the shaman did 700-750 dmg with flying talisman because the other was full on magic resistance (i think the videos was before the AMR stones) and then he used his bell. Conclusion was that he did 4,4k with piercing (maybe critical too) on the dagger ninja. If shamans do get a new bell (which i think is the right thing) then with the new changes on piercing they will be able to reach also 10k piercing. What is wrong is that warriors (for now i hope) cannot get a Rune Sword to a new epic which is unfair. I am ninja dagger, but this is unfair.
    • Maybe I'm wrong and my decision to use Rune Sword when I've played weapon sura was a mistake, but honestly I think that 90% of weapon sura use Rune Sword and not Dragon Tooth Blade. You are forcing players to give up their current weapons to make new ones from a lvl 65 weapon....
      Same value for "old" items ... not sure if Rune Sword will be able to keep it when it's practically the only weapon that isn't getting a buff.
      As was already said, two handed blades aren't the choice when pvp 1vs1. So beside weapon sura, all warriors will now have to use two handed weapons if they want the buffed variant... nice.
      Sometimes I wonder if someone at a table has just one question in his head, "what can be changed to make players create new items to add new bonuses on it so we can get more money"...
    • There's a simple reason why: one is mainly used for PvP, the fan which always has higher magical attack and the bell for PvM and for hits from a mount. Try using your fan in pvm from a mount and then you'll understand. Also, you complain that it is the only class that has two weapons. This is not quite true: ninjas can use daggers, sword and bows, suras can only use swords, warriors have the two handed weapon and the sword, the lycan only has his daggers-like weapon. I agree, it's kind of hard to "equilibrate" the classes in terms of weapons, but that's why there's magical resistance, pets and alchemy. Also, historically, the shaman was the weakest class, hence having an advantage of choosing 2 weapons wasn't as significant as it might be now, but removing one of the weapons just because you need to have bell or fan resistance alongside everything else is just how the game is.
    • Unravel wrote:

      There's a simple reason why: one is mainly used for PvP, the fan which always has higher magical attack and the bell for PvM and for hits from a mount. Try using your fan in pvm from a mount and then you'll understand. Also, you complain that it is the only class that has two weapons. This is not quite true: ninjas can use daggers, sword and bows, suras can only use swords, warriors have the two handed weapon and the sword, the lycan only has his daggers-like weapon. I agree, it's kind of hard to "equilibrate" the classes in terms of weapons, but that's why there's magical resistance, pets and alchemy. Also, historically, the shaman was the weakest class, hence having an advantage of choosing 2 weapons wasn't as significant as it might be now, but removing one of the weapons just because you need to have bell or fan resistance alongside everything else is just how the game is.
      You either don't read or you don't care about what I've said. Ninja's CANNOT USE SKILLS with BOTH the bow and the dagger...depending on the class they use one or the other. Shamans can use their skills with both the bell and the fan. Warriors don't have TWO weapons have only one: the two handed weapon. They don't have any sword that can be transformed. Neither do the suras or the lycans have two weapons. Again, this is about the NEW 115 Kyanite weapons and NOT about the current 105 ones.

      And please don't come with the argument that fan cannot be used in PvM....neither the two handed weapon of the warrior can be used in duels/1-1 combat, or the bow when leveling at high level. Ask any warrior or ninja and they'll confirm. The 105 Sura speciffic class weapon cannot be used in PvM. Ask any weapons sura about that and he'll confirm. That's why they have chosen Rune Sword because it has greater physical attack and less magical compared to the Dragon Tooth Blade. Exactly the SAME reason for which you choose bell against fan for shaman in PvM.

      Historically the shaman was the weakest class because OTHERS saw it as a support class only and nobody thought it might be good at PvP (and nobody tried at that time). After they tried and invested in PvP items and not just using it for buffs, situation changed so it doesn't need any advantages, it has already: AMR stones, the lowest cooldown from all classes and the less used defences (almost no one look for a bell/fan defence bonus on their gear)

      I don't need anything, I'm an archer ninja so I shouldn't care. But I do care for the sake of fairness and class ballancing. I was told not to take "ballancing" as "equality" and maybe here I'm wrong...but I don't ask anything like this for my class. This pledge is for the suras that don't have a choice and the warriors that don't have a sword.

      I don't even know why I should bother....