Soul Stone Antymagii in weapon

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    • It is fair if you want to have AMR stones. If you want to have only two weapons don's use AMR stone. Or don't have stones against all classes to your weapons. I am a ninja and i user AMR. I don't like to spend euros to make a new 105 lvl +9 weapon but if i had to have only two weapons and have stones against all characters with AMR (only with the armor stone giving double percent) then it would be unfair to the non magical players. You gain something you lose something. FAIR.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by GaarasamaGreekServer ().

    • GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      It is fair of you want to have AMR stones. If you want to have only two weapons don's use AMR stone. Or don't have stones against all classes to your weapons. I am a ninja and i user AMR. I don't like to spend euros to make a new 105 lvl +9 weapon but if i had to have only two weapons and have stones against all characters with AMR (only with the armor stone giving double percent) then it would be unfair to the non magical players. You gain something you lose something. FAIR.
      But it's not my fault that The magician needs antimagation. Without Soul stone antymagii Sura beats less. Physical charakter without Soul stone antymagii beats the same.
    • Maniak wrote:

      GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      It is fair of you want to have AMR stones. If you want to have only two weapons don's use AMR stone. Or don't have stones against all classes to your weapons. I am a ninja and i user AMR. I don't like to spend euros to make a new 105 lvl +9 weapon but if i had to have only two weapons and have stones against all characters with AMR (only with the armor stone giving double percent) then it would be unfair to the non magical players. You gain something you lose something. FAIR.
      But it's not my fault that The magician needs antimagation. Without Soul stone antymagii Sura beats less. Physical charakter without Soul stone antymagii beats the same.
      Well sure it is not your fault. It is the fault of costumes that give an additional 30% magic res. That way magical characters could not even reach 1k dmg per skill so they introduced the AMR stones. Well maybe the percentage was a little too high, but i am sure that they had it tested so they came up with this solution. If you want to have 3 characters stones in your weapon then don't use AMR stone. Simple as that, i know it does not seem fair, but oh well.
    • In my opinion they should remove all temporary Skins with bonuses and the anti magic stones.

      The Balancing was fine before they gave us switchable skins.
      After the switchable Skins a lot of people had 30% Magic Resistance more and could reach over 100% with green dew.
      The only reason why they implement Anti Magic stones is because the Skins are broken and Unbalanced.

      Also the green dew should be removed from the game or give another bonus.

      They should have removed the switchable skins years ago and just go back to the skins without bonuses.
    • How about fixing the DMG Output form those monsters in the enchanted forest :) and push up a little bit the Magic Resistance on helmet and Bracelet O_O

      And here just to explain why those skins and temporary things are broken:

      Yemon wrote:

      You are a Archer player right :) ?
      Let me show you how broken the Skins are, if you wear:
      Leather Boots+9 --> 20% Arrow Resistance
      + Any Necklace with 15% Arrow Resistance
      + Any Earring with 15% Arrow Resistance
      + Lv115 Armor+9 (5% Skill Resistance) with 15% Arrow Resistance
      + Armor Skin with 15% Arrow Resistance
      + OLD Weapon Skin with 15% Arrow Resistance
      + 25% Sash with 3% Arrow Resistance and 1% Skill Resistance (115+0 with 15% Arrow Resistance in the Sash)
      + Tiger Shield+9 (20% Resist Vs Ninja)
      + Garnet Bracelet+9 (10% Resist Vs Ninja)
      + Alchemy (18% Skill Resistance + 18% Resist Vs Ninja)
      + Dragon Bone Bracelet 15% Skill Resistance
      + Ring of Will Power (30% Resist Vs Ninja)

      = 98% Arrow Resistance + 86% Resist Vs Ninja + 39% Skill Resistance
      With those defence you won't get hurt any more from an Archer and let me know your results :)

      Nearly the same is possible with all other classes, but they will have a little bit different %:
      93% Sword/Degger/Claw/... Resistance + 86% Resist Vs Warrior/Ninja/Lyka/Sura/... + 51% Skill Resistance
      Because of the boots.

      But anyway, if you have those single defence those classes won't hurt you any more.
      Just try it out and tell me your experience.

      The Problem is, that the Game contains to much possible Push towards DMG and they more DMG is in the Game they more resistance/defence is needed. So I think, we should lower/decrease the DMG at all and also remove the temporary skins/"push".
      I wish, we could have a balancing with the normal defences + alchemy.

      Maybe, if the skins are not longer available, we could increase the normal Resistance on the Items.
      Like from 15% up to 17-18% so that the new maximum (without skins) will be 68-72%.

      But I know, that the skins in general are not good.

      Of corse would the GF lost some income, but do you want a good balancing? or live with bad updates every year?
      They better the Balancing will get, they more players will have fun and they more players will play on the original server again.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Yemon ().