Dmg-Bug from Bosses (All Classes except Warrior)

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    • Dmg-Bug from Bosses (All Classes except Warrior)

      Every Class except the Warrior has a big disadvantage in PvM.

      Especially Bosses with level 103 and above sometimes hit Dmg which is 5-10 times as high as normal.

      There are 2 opportunities to solve the Problem:

      • Remove this Dmg-Bug, so every Class can have the same Chances
      • Add this Dmg-Bug to the Warrior (i'm not really convinced by this idea)

      Only Bosses which have an Attack-Skill (so the Gamers need Skillresistance) hit these Dmg-Bugs.
    • It might sound strange, but if you're killing Razador on a Weaponary Sura for example, and you're standing to far away from him (but still damaging him) you're definitely gonna get Hit for a Lot more Damage.

      Atleast that's what i found out in all my Years doing that Boss. To sum it up, i'm saying you're most likely to get 1Hit when you're standing far away from the Boss while killing him. Just try to get as close under him as possible.

    • Normal 6-9K Input, "1-Hit-DMG" 27K and more.
      Video is here just to show the bug.

      TianyLu wrote:

      It might sound strange, but if you're killing Razador on a Weaponary Sura for example, and you're standing to far away from him (but still damaging him) you're definitely gonna get Hit for a Lot more Damage.

      Atleast that's what i found out in all my Years doing that Boss. To sum it up, i'm saying you're most likely to get 1Hit when you're standing far away from the Boss while killing him. Just try to get as close under him as possible.
      I also tried to stay very close but it doesn't work. I still get 1-Hits with my lycan.
      Maybe your char isn't bugged at all. Because many other weapon suras/lycan/schamans/ninjas have this problem.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Yemon ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      Getting higher damage from skills is not a bug and should also happen with Warriors.
      It dosen't happend with warriors.

      We discussed this bug over 2 years in the german forum.

      All classes exept the warrior are getting those 1-Hit DMG numbers.
      Sometimes it is over 70K on 24% "Damage resistance against skills" from razador/nemere.

      But never ever got a warrior on our server those numbers.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Yemon ().

    • I am body warrior but i didnt test it too much this. I know someone in my server who did this video about this bug in skill damage and many other friends who suffers this damage.

      PD:I edit this, because I did not know that the warriors also affected us this bug. Because little I have tried with the bosses when they get those points of life, at least I had not happened until now. Then this bug should be corrected since it is not understandable its damages with critics and penetration in comparison with the damage that they do normally or even under that circumstances of life points.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Blesenth: For a mistake ().

    • Yemon wrote:

      S de este error dura

      Hola, soy sura espejo, el daño hecho a mí por los jefes es desproporcionado, como se ve en el video de arriba, hay jefes que ni siquiera hacen la animación del golpe de habilidad y me matan de nada, sin embargo a mi Socio Que siempre está conmigo que es un guerrero cuerpo ni siquiera traer la vida, esto no es normal, que te hace querer jugar, no puede ser que un espejo sura no puede soportar un jefe, incluso cuando no está en su crítica Fase. Espero que lo arreglen pronto. Maldiciendo
    • Aze wrote:

      It does happen as warrior i was killing razador the other day and got a hit that said 62k on my mento so yea..
      Maybe it is only a body Warrior thing.
      Do you have a video or screenshot from that number?

      It can also happend that the bosses do x3 dmg so like 3 times 8-10k (normal dmg). But that is normal and you will also die.
      But we are talking about only 1 big number mostlikeley over 28k up to ~80k.

      RabbitRun wrote:

      It does happen on warriors when using Berserker. Remember that it increases damage.
      Sreenshot pls, or video.

      I don't understand your language can you translate it into english please :)

      Maybe it can happen with warriors but the chance must be very low. Suras/Lycans/Schamas and Ninjas are getting those 1-Hits very often.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Yemon ().

    • I do not have a video but i will try to get one next time :) but it wasnt 3x dmg i saw the dmg with my eyes :) i have also seen higher dmg on official server (danish one) where it did around the same dmg
      Aze lvl 113 Mento warrior :love:
      Sentinel 110 BM sura <3
      Snops lvl 105 body warrior :evil:
      Jesse lvl 100 Dragon shaman :thumbsup:
      and alot of small guys under 100 :sleeping:
    • There are two things happening here and they are getting mixed up. One is "berserk" skill from bosses - when they reach certain % of HP, this will activate - they will attack faster and deal by far more damage. The other one is the chance of dealing high damage spikes to the defender. If you are not prepared for this - as in defence, skill resistance - you will die.
    • This is definitely a Bug no matter what you say.
      40+ Skill Resistance and my Lycan became 60k by Razador.
      This is a bad joke from you unforgiven
      This Isn´t normal, definitely NOT!
      all Player spend a many many Money in This Game to become this Resist for Bosses an you say this is normal?
      a Crit Hit ist für me

      as an an example 10K when the boss make normaly 5k Damage. My skills are crit Hits are x2 not x10!
      Why do you still talk from "this is normal"?I Think you don´t know about because you don´t play this bugy game..
    • The so called "Berserker Skill" from Bosses, should only trigger if he reaches a certain % of HP.. Most likely <25%, but at the Moment if you're trying to kill a Boss with any other Race then Warrior you'll most likely get 1 Hit by the Boss over and over again.

      A little Comparison:

      Body Warrior - Level 95, no Alchemy - no Problems what so ever killing Bosses on the Level 90 Maps.

      Weaponary Sura, Level 120, Excellent Diamond, Resistance against Skill Damage, Titanshield+9, etc. (basically full High End PvM Equipment) - manages to get 1 Hit by a Boss Level 94. Seems legit doesn't it?
    • I agree with you guys.. In normal server me and my friend killed Razador (I am 106 weaponry sura, he is 100 lvl body warrior), I had titan shield +9 and clear diamond with skill resistance. I died with this 1 hit bug so many times and couldn't hold razador on me. However my friend who hasn't titan shield just clear diamond, he held Razador on him. Finally we killed it.

      To sum up, body warrior didn't get extra or 1 hit bug damage but I did.

      He is 100 lvl warrior with 9 skill resistance.
      I am 106 weaponry sura with 19 resistance. I have also fear and armour skil.. I should take so much less damage then him. But Why do I die constantlu?
      This is a bug. For that reason Everyone try to have a warrior for RAZADOR
    • I will try to make video with 2 same class characters at once in same equipments and we will see when a boss does a skill is both character equally hurt or not. Maybe we can see a single skill, but that hurts randomly different amount to each players. But if somebody can do this comparison video then welcomed. Both same and different classes but in the very same equipments at once. And then we will see if any of the classes getting higher damage or not.