Minor improvements

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    • Minor improvements

      Hey there,

      I just wanted to suggest some minor improvements in order to make the game more enjoyable, especially when it comes to working with repetitive actions.

      I noticed that in DSS you can load materials in the refinement window just by right-clicking on the needed material: wouldn't it be nice if the same thing applied to potions brewing, especially for Young ones, which are pretty boring to prepare?

      Also, while upgrading DSS level, I noticed something really annoying. Beans cannot be loaded as a "pack" in the refinement windows - you have to take them one by one and I was almost running out of patience.
    • @Testreg: that's exactly what I was referring to. The dews-making system, especially the one concerning Young/Bo Waters is pretty troublesome and it hasn't been changed for YEARS.

      Recently, many windows allow players to interact just by right-clicking in their inventory in order to load the items, but it seems they've forgotten of the older dews system.


      @unforgiven: I understand your answer as well and I guess you're right. However, you all should also realize that beta testings represent the only realistic chance we have to directly gain feedbacks from testers and/or GF official members.

      Players do actually never get any real feedback concerning their reports, in their respective communities.

      Yet, we're discussing about something which would definitely improve the game without interfering with the balancing matter. It's like saying, if the kitchen table is a mess, I don't think it's entirely out of scope pointing out that there's a bottle on the floor that should be binned.

      Anyway, I don't want to debate. Many thanks for your attention, that is truly appreciated.