Lykan Nerf

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    • Lykans used to be too OP, but now with the new piercing hits they are ridiculous.
      They have everything, good buffs, good skills with chances of critical hits, blackout, bleeding and now their Wolf Soul gives a ridiculous ammount of piercing hit.
      I have two proposals for it:
      1- Nerf lykan skills, remove the chance of piercing hits in their abilitys and the chance of critical hit.
      2- Power up the rest of characters: If they can have critical hit, blackout, bleeding and piercing, the rest of characters should have skills with secondary effects. Shamans, Shuras and Blade Ninja don't have 100% chance skill with blackout, burning is useless compared to bleeding and poison, only lykans have abilitys with chance of critical hit, so every character should have abilities with it. With the piercing hits the unique viable solution is remove it from Wolf Soul.
    • Yea i dont get why they have pierce in their skill? warriors dont? they dont have anything to help the aura and lykan also have same attack speed + more block its insanely stupid..
      Aze lvl 113 Mento warrior :love:
      Sentinel 110 BM sura <3
      Snops lvl 105 body warrior :evil:
      Jesse lvl 100 Dragon shaman :thumbsup:
      and alot of small guys under 100 :sleeping:
    • I wouldn't take out piercing/crit from skills especially for a class that had them. It's not the bonus that has to be taken out, it would be better to lower the base skill damage instead so the piercing/crit damage will also be lower. When they were first introduced, Lycans were the only class capable of dealing 40k NORMAL damage per skill...all the other classes were able to do about 20k (that's for a normal character not talking about gearing up for a damage record).

      Lycans should have their speciffic advantages as any other class has. Just that when altering piercing calculation/effect and defence/class resistance, some classes got more advantage in combat. This is what this "ballancing" is supposed to do right? Avoid to have a certain class to OP compared to the others. If you find out that they got too much damage, lower the base damage for hit/skills and check for bugs like getting unusual high damage values when certain bonuses are over 100% (like piercing)...but don't take piercing out of it
    • Well, it seems clear to me that they are definitely OP. They've got bonuses on chance to avoid arrows, atk speed, atk value (this one, being the highest value reached in Metin2), critical hits and now, even piercing hits.

      They're both good at PvP and PvM - there were some lv.90 Lycans capable of taking down Beran Setaou, before the 17.3version changelog. And they didn't even need to use any power-up from itemshop.

      The only drawback is given by relatively slow melee attacks, when "swinging" claws, but that's solved by riding a horse or a boar.
    • Of course they shouldnt f********** add piercing to the lykan skill :) yes they could but do the same to aura warriors than to.. this is so stupid really im so pissed that they dont use their mind.. Lykan already have the best AW and now they should get a even better skill wtf?
      Aze lvl 113 Mento warrior :love:
      Sentinel 110 BM sura <3
      Snops lvl 105 body warrior :evil:
      Jesse lvl 100 Dragon shaman :thumbsup:
      and alot of small guys under 100 :sleeping:
    • Lycans already have pierce from crimson in the normal servers too so that's nothing new. The only new thing is that now you can see how much exactly it adds and also the pierce now in beta kinda isn't working correctly. I agree lycans are too OP now but I don't think you should remove crit/pierce/bleed. The way to nerf them should be just lowering the base skill damage as Rapier said. Or maybe reduce the crimson boost from INT a little bit so that its similar attack value to aos or eblade - then the rest of the skills would be a bit weaker too and everything would even out.
    • How necessary is a nerf for lycans? Usually the people who complain about lycans damage are also the ones who have no def against it. Ok, Lycans do have good base damage (without too much bonusses), but what happens if you dispell a lycan? Will they still be able to do so much 'op damage'?

      What is not being kept in mind about this character is that the skills are sometimes easy to miss (especially when you fight with a lot of people, which makes a lot of lagg and I mean lagg in the connection).
      Also, the auto attacks are usually useless in pvp unlike ninjas, warriors and suras, these can be much more reliant on their autoattacks which are sometimes necessary to land skills or just dealing damage on your opponent. This can really make you feel sluggish while playing with lycan on the floor, also in pvm for example when you farm in grotto of exile.

      However I also think that lycans have a lot of 'side' effects on their active skills and quite low cooldowns as well (wolf claw 12s+crit, wolf breath 20s+'double hit', shred 12s 'crit+bleed', wolf pounce 12s). Compared to other characters, lycans have more in their kit.

      I think if you nerf the damage of lycans, that it will result in a very useless character. It's a really strong character now when both parties don't have too much bonusses and I think that this is due to their big kit.

      Just my personal opinion about lycans, tell me if you (dis)agree.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jeroenado ().

    • Hey jeroneado!

      What happens when you dispell a lycan? Nothing. Same as when you dispell a body warrior or a wep sura. The dispell is a disappointing thing for almost every class in the game.

      The lycan is the only one who can benefit from the new piercing system! They damages can go higher than one body warriors damage without negative side effects like the warriors berserk skill.. Plus they can reach easy the 100% piercing.

      One regular char can get max 110 - 120% piercing with all ingame stuff? Lycan can get more 60% ,unfair thing! After 100% rise the damage. One lvl 105 lycan can hit around 80k dmg on a lvl 105 metin? Show me another class who can do this! Lycans must be nerfed.

      Or ,ok. Dont nerf the lycans just give same benefits to the body warriors because they can reach easy the attack and moving speed cap. After the speed caps lets give us damage bonus too. Or just release the caps and let us use the full speed as we can!
      Or replace the berserk negative side effect with 60% piercing too! :)

      Or the archers and healers who can reach easy the moving and casting speed cap. Lets give a bonus damage too when they reach the max. Why not?


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Signo ().

    • @jeroenado

      You can't handle "could be" or "if" as a matter of Fact.
      You don't always see a Sura with dispel around a Lycan, so you gota calculate the Damage while his Buffs are active.
      Also you can't take the "Skills are easy to miss" Argument into Account, because that's simply a Thing of "not knowing how to play his Race well"

      You could very well nerf the Damage / AV Value Buff from his Soul and it would still be a good Character to play, but not AS good as it used to be. But if we wanna have a good Balancing every of the 6 Races needs to be tweaked in their own Way, even if it means getting rid of some Damage. Otherwise it won't work.

      One regular char can get max 110 - 120% piercing with all ingame stuff? Lycan can get more 60% ,unfair thing! After 100% rise the damage. One lvl 105 lycan can hit around 80k dmg on a lvl 105 metin? Show me another class who can do this! Lycans must be nerfed.

      Or ,ok. Dont nerf the lycans just give same benefits to the body warriors because they can reach easy the attack and moving speed cap. After the speed caps lets give us damage bonus too. Or just release the caps and let us use the full speed as we can!

      Or the archers and healers who can reach easy the moving and casting speed cap. Lets give a bonus damage too when they reach the max. Why not?

      Not anymore. It used to be like that in the first Days of the Beta, they've changed it since. Now the Damage Buff over 100% Piercing is not AS high anymore. Even though i agree on the "its unfair because the Lycan can reach up to 170% Piercing" Argument.
    • Its ok. The bonus damage not AS high than before. But they will get more than everybody. They have got higher AP than a WP or a Body plus they get mor bonus damage from piercing then the others. Now the lycan has the biggest attack ingame.
      They can reach the attack speed cap too so from horseback can be better in metinhunt/boss killing than one wep sura or a body warrior. In pvp they got bleeding ,alot of critical in skills plus piercing.. Lycans are too over powered.

      2 solution is acceptable.
      -Lets make the other races strong as the lycans!
      -Nerf the lycans.