Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

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    • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

      The Healer Shaman should get his ''attack up'' reworked. 1. Make it a self-buff, not being able to buff anyone else with it and have it give only magical attack value, around 200-250 maybe?. That's for PvP. 2. Make it a self-buff, not being able to buff anyone else with it and have it give only normal physical attack, around 300-400 maybe?. That's for PvM. 3. Maybe a mix between magical and physical attack? 100-125 and 150-200 maybe?. That's a hybrid for both PvP and PvM. These are just some ideas on how to improve this skill, because in its current state it really is the worst skill in the game.
    • First off attack+ should affect skill damage instead of adding physical (per hit) damage. Just in case to avoid multiboxers to boost their dps output (boss soloing etc. - you get the idea).

      Proposal of rework as follows:
      self activating with moderate recast time /or mana consuption over time - with AoE

      AoE damage boost distribution:
      self = 100 % of calculated skill value
      ally = 50 to 70 % of calculated skill value

      Or just replace it with grand heal (party heal to make "healers" more viable for the group)
    • Phobia wrote:

      On Perfect it will be 46% to attack.
      That'd be an exaggeration, I agree with @Aworan. Just think of Khan and Porky pets, which are Item-Shop exclusive: well, they do not give a percentage THAT high.

      Just my two cents. I think that Healers are already quite good in PvPs and are not really in need of a powerful extra-buff on their spells. Their attacks may be not extremely powerful but their cooldown is very low - plus, there's Swiftness enhancing this attribute.

      The fact is, Healers actually fail to be really supportive in PvE, especially during guild dungeons - in which their cousins Dragon Shamans are way more effective.

      In the past everyone theorized a Healer could prove to be useful by healing a physical class facing a boss, but in a real situation this never happens.

      So, I think we should stick to this:

      • Increase its strength.

      ...otherwise the original concept would be lost.

      The problem is that a mere +50 atk value is really nothing special - it may have been useful back in 2008, but nowadays there are many stronger monsters: adding a SO weak bonus isn't useful in any circumstance.

      Not to mention that mastering a skill requires much more time than brewing a Zin Potion - because, yeah, that potion already gives +50 atk.

      Even Leadership - which is, however, way thougher to master if compared to Attack Up - gives +85.

      Now, it's true that adding many little power-ups may give off a good result, but still it's quite frustrating mastering a skill THAT useless. I know many shamans who prefer to reserve more attention to PvP and end up giving their skill points to the 7th ability. That's a real waste.

      Moreover, I'vegot a feeling that attack value is not properly calculated on characters using transformation, making the bonus even worst.

      So, why don't you think of adjusting its value, giving it the efficience of about 120/150 attack points, but introducing average damage, instead? Average damages effectiveness depends mainly on the power of the character who's RECEIVING the buff: this way, the idea of a "strenghtening" is emphasized.

      Does a 12-15% on average damages sound too much? It is somewhat around the value given by a flawless/brilliant ruby.
    • I don't agree with you, @WasuLove - and I'm telling you this not as a Healer user. I think that a good balancing about PvP capabilites of Shamans should concern AntiMagic, rather than reducing their magical attack.

      The only thing I do not like about their power is that Shamans (as well as Suras and Dagger Ninjas) do not really have to work that much to get a high AMR percentage, while whover tries to defend himself enhancing his Magical Resistance, needs continuously to find Costumes and Helmets which are ItemShop exclusive - and which aren't even available everyday.

      I understand that money is an important aspect for the game to mantain itself, but this is really frustrating, since in order to compete in PvP, you are forced to buy costumes all the times, while magic users just need to find those two stones and (maybe this is the only "meritocratic" feature) levelling up a Nemere till lv.81
    • To extend my suggestion from the beginning, here some more ideas how to redesign the skill, as it just doesn't cut it in its current state and a plain damage buff would be not that good as well:
      • Give Attack Up a higher bonus, like +250ATK/+150MATK and make it buff the whole group at once (for players in range of sight). But enable this buff only for a small amount of time, like 10-15 seconds, and keep a long cooldown (90s or so, with cooldown speed this means about 45-60s).
      • Make Attach Up a debuff skill that can be cast on a mob / can be placed like an AOE skill on the ground. It could then reduce defense of the mobs in range of the target area or apply random debuffs for a given amount of time (like poison, bleeding, stun, etc)
      A plain damage buff will not be the best idea, so much from my side. :)
    • Aworan wrote:

      To extend my suggestion from the beginning, here some more ideas how to redesign the skill, as it just doesn't cut it in its current state and a plain damage buff would be not that good as well:
      • Give Attack Up a higher bonus, like +250ATK/+150MATK and make it buff the whole group at once (for players in range of sight). But enable this buff only for a small amount of time, like 10-15 seconds, and keep a long cooldown (90s or so, with cooldown speed this means about 45-60s).
      • Make Attach Up a debuff skill that can be cast on a mob / can be placed like an AOE skill on the ground. It could then reduce defense of the mobs in range of the target area or apply random debuffs for a given amount of time (like poison, bleeding, stun, etc)
      A plain damage buff will not be the best idea, so much from my side. :)
      I prefer to increase the bonus to 100-120 ATK and adding 100-120 MATK, and having a lower cooldown and higher duration (60-90s). I don't like the idea to make Attack Up a debuff.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Now, it's true that adding many little power-ups may give off a good result, but still it's quite frustrating mastering a skill THAT useless. I know many shamans who prefer to reserve more attention to PvP and end up giving their skill points to the 7th ability. That's a real waste.
      Yes, we talk about the most useless skill in Metin2, not about "how can we power up Healer to kick all mobs of". Attack Up changes are required because other classes don't have to power up theirselves for example to destroy metin stones. As I quoted you below:

      BlueShade wrote:

      So, why don't you think of adjusting its value, giving it the efficience of about 120/150 attack points, but introducing average damage, instead? Average damages effectiveness depends mainly on the power of the character who's RECEIVING the buff: this way, the idea of a "strenghtening" is emphasized.
      It's an idea. I like it. The change to average damage bonus is better than attack points bonus increasing. Anyway 12/15% to average when the skill goes to Master, then on Perfect - 25%? :) - In my opinion even (I guess you talk about to the Attack Up on Perfect) 15% to average it's not enough for comfortable PvE.
    • @Aworan: why wouldn't it be good? Please explain your reasons - experience taught us that following too complicated paths won't give any positive outcome, am I wrong?

      So, I understand you're trying to go for something new, but game dynamics are still the same as always and we should keep them in mind - or at least, that's how I see it.

      Moreover, you probably thought of this idea in order to discourage people using a Healer as a secondary character to buff themselves: well, while this could work, it would make things extremely annoying for players who own a Healer as a main PG.

      The auto-group buff thing is quite interesting, similarly to Lycan's Indigo Soul. But I'd still go for a moderate buff of medium duration.

      And I'll repeat myself: I'd stick to a power-up that would be useful in PvM, such as % average damage or % strong against mobs.

      Game designers just tried to reconsider the 50% on antimagic... and now you come up with a huge - although temporary - pvp buff? It seems a contradiction to me.

      @Phobia: well, I think 25% is too much. I mean, not even an excellent DSS Ruby, or a 25% Shoulder Sash, which are both REALLY hard to craft, give that much.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BlueShade ().

    • Well i do like Aworan's ideas and the fact that he gives us his opinion about the new content.

      • Give Attack Up a higher bonus, like +250ATK/+150MATK and make it buff the whole group at once (for players in range of sight). But enable this buff only for a small amount of time, like 10-15 seconds, and keep a long cooldown (90s or so, with cooldown speed this means about 45-60s).
      I do like this idea very much because +250 attack (something like 150 attack value and 8% avg, like tha matt ruby) would be really good for shamans to have a little help and deal more dmg, without the need of lollys etc. Well about the 150 magic attack i think that giving other players the 150 magic attack would give a really big buff to other players that already do a lot of damage so i think that 250 attack could be a party buff but 150 magic attack should remain a self buff helping a little more than a little shamans to deal a little more damage than they already do. If we think that AMR does not change the damage a healer does to monsters/bosses but only to other players, then it will help a lot in PvE while it will help stabilize a Shaman healers skill damage since the AMR will be reduced.
      • Make Attach Up a debuff skill that can be cast on a mob / can be placed like an AOE skill on the ground. It could then reduce defense of the mobs in range of the target area or apply random debuffs for a given amount of time (like poison, bleeding, stun, etc)
      This idea, i think does not represent a healer's style of play. I think that a <<Healer>> should not have a skill that causes the effects tha he/she heals.

      Also one more thing is that i think that a Healer's lvl (not just his/her int) should increase (a little though) his/her overall outcome of Attack Up effects. This means that the 250 Attack and 150 Magic Attack if a healer has Attack Up P on 70 should not give the same as a Shaman at 120 lvl. Like every lvl should give 2 Attack and one Magic Attack. That means tha a 70 lvl healer with Attack Up at P should have 150 attack and 100 Magic Attack, while a 120 lvl healer should have 250 Attack and 150 Magic Attack. Or something like that
    • Yeah, but enabling this buff for 10-15seconds only, won't make it versatile at all. I mean, it's a buff, it should be easily available, otherwise we're just talking of random changes, not improvements.

      Unless there's a CLEAR and good reason for NOT following this line, I insist on the plain atk value (or even better, on average damage). I also do not like the magical atk counterpart, as this would somewhat nullify AMR balancing.

      I mean, we've recognized the problem: Attack Up is nowadays useless because, considering the strenght and resistances of new monsters, you won't go anywhere just by relying on a mere +50 atk.

      Making it last 10-15sec may just be intended as a sort of "final sprint", but that its usefulness would be quite limited.