Protection of Darkness

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    • Protection of Darkness

      Hello, I propose to be debug the skill protection of the darkness (to apply the% displayed on the skill) or to correct the description to show that the skill reduces the damage by 33% that the spell is to 1 point or P.
      This will make it possible to have a real interest / advantage in mounting the spell in P for the first case and in any case reinforced the coherence of this spell.
    • As far i know it gives fix 33% from m1 level. The spell's skill level has only great effect on the spell's duration and on that how much percent of the damage being transfered into SP instead of HP. The higher the skill's level the less percent of the damage consumes your SP.

      The BM was always a tanky class, but it has no hit power.

      Fun: but if you have extreme much INT and the skill level is P. You have/had the damage reduction over 100%. That means any damage you being portected by the dark protection does not consume your SP but it loads up :)
    • BlueRay wrote:

      BestPvP60moinsFrMec wrote:

      No change not this skillit is not abused :thumbup:
      Clearly not a BM sura speaking...
      33% damage ridiculously powerful, that with only 1 point is mockingly broken, and yet magic characters still get anti magic stones no wonder pvp is basically only lycan/magic characters lately.
      I play with warriors ,mental and body but my wife is a BM. You can try it yourself how usefull is one Dark Protection with 1 point... You get 2 hits and the full SP is gone.

      The skill becomes usefull at G1 ,under than G just eats the SP and if the SP is gone all selfbuff swich off and the BM sura is become one sitting duck.

      How usefull can be in cave2 or anywhere when you try to lvlup your char... :)

      The skill is usefull and g8 ,just need to modify the skill description.

      The BM is OP? Yes it is but not because the Dark Protection ,its because the antimagic system. Before the antimagic system they can be beaten easy if you put full magic resist and LES+9 and some HH ofc.

      Without the dark protecton damage reduce how can they lvling? Remove it!

      After remove the weponry suras fear effect too ,37% phisical damage reduction and aviod arrow? The agressive mobs at your lvl or under dont attack? 12% Life steal on ench. blade witch work with every single hit? 150 Def+ 41% reflect on ench armour? One homing skill witch can switch off almost all buff/selfbuff skills? Its not OP?

      Just only advantages without disadvantages...

      The whole skill system need some balance.
    • As you wish. :)

      Just try to beat a good healer or a lycan. Much harder than beat a BM :)

      "To stuff equal" With same gear and resistance the lycan beat all. A good dagger ninja can beat the BM and the Healers too.

      As i sad i play with warriors and now unfortunatley this is the weakest class in the game now both pvp and pvm side.

      For me will be enugh if they remove the attack and moving speed caps and the negative effects from the berserk skill and the strong body. Or give some negative effects to the other classes too.

      Cheers! :)
    • Signo wrote:

      As i sad i play with warriors and now unfortunatley this is the weakest class in the game now both pvp and pvm side.
      This is SO untrue, but everyone already knows that. Just imagine a warrior without Aura of the sword and Berserk - that's basically what a Ninja is, in PvE.

      As for Dark Protection, yeah, the description is not entirely correct, but the skill seems to be working pretty well to me. Improving the skill actually affects the SP restoration - and it's really important, considering that SP are vital to Black Magic Suras.
    • With every new content in the game the damage goes up. The bigger damage means much more resist needed. If you got 10k damage from one skill ,one body warrior will get 13,3k ,same in pvm. With full resist both arrow and lighting i cannot use berserk in grotto2. One wep sura tank and kill multiple rooms at same time. The lycans has bigger skill/hit damage than the warriors without bonus recveived damage. Wep suras blade can give more damage with full INT than the aura and recovers HP.

      So basicly the last class in pwm and in pvp too at highlvl.

      We warriors have the power of attack ,moving speed ,attack speed.
      From 3/2 has a limit. Attack speed cap around 165 ,moving speed cap is 200.
      And we get plus 33% damage when we use our most important skill...

      The other classes has any negative effect?
      I dont think so. So ye ,at high lvl the warriors are the weakest class in the game now.
    • Hello? You forgot about Ninjas and Shamans, who also suffer from unexpected atk-speed cap while hitting from a horse.

      I agree with you with Lycans being way too overpowered and not suffering from any significant side-effects.

      As for Weapon Suras, they're not as effective in PvP as Warriors are.

      And as for this:

      Signo wrote:

      With full resist both arrow and lighting i cannot use berserk in grotto2.
      Some arrow evading percentage might help, you know.

      I see tons of body Warriors not suffering that much the side-effects of Berserk. Everyone keeps it at G1: that way you get about 40% on atk speed and suffer from 20% on melee damage.

      But still, you can always rely on Green Potions, just like everyone else does ALL the times.
    • Whoa ,what a nice idea. Keep the berserk at g1 ,this is the solution. Thanks. :)

      My berserk is allready P and i got almost full arrow ,lighting resist ,and some avoid arrow.
      A years ago when the P skills come to our server i was in the firsts whos maked the berserk to P. :) I dont want to reset to 0 and start again. Anyways ,this cant be a solution to keep one skill at lower lvl.
      One skill needs to be must usefull and powerfull at P but the berserk in this case is the best at g1. Its true but wrong.

      The skill gives to me 2 usefull buffs wich is caped. I have got around 150 attack speed without berserk so i get only 15 from the 62.
      My moving speed is around 190 without berserk so just get 10 from the 25.
      But the side effect is live ,still 33%.
      So if i put the berserk on in g2 ,33% of my resist is gone for 15 attack speed and 10 moving speed. Nice and realy usefull skill...
      I just have the aura what can i use well in g2 but the other classes can use all of their skills without penality. :)

      Of course everyone knows some1 who can stand in g2 with berserk... Yea ,with g1 max.
      I know one dragon shaman too who can tank g2 and i know a BM sura too but this is rare situation.

      This is not normal i guess ,why needs this annoying side effect for this skill? Why needs to be limit the power what can give this skill?

      Here is 2 (realy) solution for this problem;
      -1 Make the skill avaible to rise the speed limits as the healers swiftness skill and keep the negative side effect.
      -2 Keep the attack and moving speed limit but delete the negative side effect.

      The body warrior basicly pvm class ,the other pvm classes dont have this negative effects.

      I mean;

      Wep suras has attack ,self heal ,reflect ,def ,damage reduction ,avoid arrow.

      Lycans has attack speed ,evading ,piercing ,critical ,attack ,bleeding.

      Dragons has crit ,damage reduction ,reflect ,burning.

      All without negative side effect!
      Just only the warriors has penality to use their skill or not? :)

      In the pvp side ok ,the wep suras not so effective as the bodys but at highlvl they can be so strong too. As a close combat male class ,i dont like to fight against a 105+ wep sura... :P

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Signo ().

    • It changes nothing to the fact that your first statements and arguments are false: there is much worse than warrior in pve to know shaman care and ninja archer so stop to fill you there is worse because the archer is neither good in pve nor Good in pvp. Moreover, I would like to remind you that here we are talking about the protection of darkness and no warriors.
    • The healer shaman and the archer is pvp class. I talked about pvm classes. Body ,Wep suras ,maybe dragon shamans and lycans.

      The new piercing system is painfull for every class but the mentals has the highest def ingame so it means for them much more recveived damage from piercings.

      If you skill 10k on a mental ,you will skill 13,3 or more on a body with P berserk. This is fact.

      In g2 if one healer put 45 lighting and arrow resists its still remain 45%. Dont lose 33% because try to use one selfbuff wich can help to kill faster... In grotto almost everybody kill on the floor without mounts or horses so the healers not worst as you described. Area damages ,chain damage ,self heal in every 2 secs... Removes poison. Etc... They dont have a big damage but can tank more mobs than a body with P berserk on.

      The archers... True ,very hard class in pvm ,hard to lvl with them. But in pvp they have got a huge damage ,poison ,stun ,speed. So ye ,every pvm char has a lot arrow resist but on high lvl the players usualy use quilin or fire shoes and mostly they build the char with sword ,2 handed def ,magic resist. Not arrow.
      I agree they need something to do with archers to can lvlup easyer. Or can be better in pvm.

      This server made for balance and yes this topic made for the BMs dark protection and i sad what i think about this. And i shared my experience about my class too in same post. You started to insult me "just a big joke.." I would like to remind for this! ;) :P

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Signo ().

    • BlueShade wrote:

      Just imagine a warrior without Aura of the sword and Berserk - that's basically what a Ninja is, in PvE.

      Now everyone imagine that the weapon that allow the character to use skills, is unplayable in pve!
      You have to use another one! (or marbles and no skills at all)

      So ... no berserk, no aura, skills activated with a dagger... but to level up, you must use a sword!!
      And .. you must pay 500k a week to allow your skills weapon to give full damage!!

      Do you imagine that.... fellow warriors?? (or everyone else)
      :evil: Welcome to the archers world :evil:

      (Considering that in my server there is no pvp... i dont have much to say about protection of darkness)