Feedback on all classes

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    • Feedback on all classes

      Here is my feedback regarding the various classes:

      Weaponry sura

      All weaponry suras use the Rune sword without exception. Using the Dragon Tooth Blade is not possible for weaponry suras as the damage difference between them is very high, around 2k. Weaponry suras are highly using the hits as they only have 2 attak skills and for this they would need a weapon with a higher attach speed which you can obtain just from the Rune sword. Considering that the only weapon that can be further refined is the Dragon Tooth Blade, I suggest that in order to avoid any unfairness the same weapon that is obtained from the Dragon Tooth Blade can also be obtained from the Rune sword as well. I am saying this as it would be very difficult for us weaponry suras to craft a Dragon Tooth Blade when we all already have the Rune sword. All other characters would have their own weapon except for weaponry sura.

      As a result of the tests done on the beta server, the weaponry sura has a very low skill and hit damage and it's inferior to the other classes.

      Another feedback I have is regarding the characters with levels from 18 to 75 that have the Dispell skill P and are used just for this. I feel it is not fair that lvl 120 characters are having their buffs removed by an 18 character, the dispel should work as the poison or bleeding attack with a difference of maximum 7 levels. Please check this video to see the dispel odyssey:

      Blade ninja

      Blade ninjas have two issues.

      First the anti-magic stone's effect that should be removed. Secondly, the new weapon has 30% attach speed and even now at the current 15% attack speed the ninjas have a devastating attack, if they will have an additional 15% it will be impossible to get near this character.

      Black magic sura

      In comparison with the rest of the classes it has a very strong damage considering the same resistances, I think the damage should be reduced.


      In comparison with the live serve it's damage is much weaker. It's not that easy for everybody to have bone items, Ring of Lethal Power, etc, items that can be found generally at the Wheel of Destiny or tombola.

      Mental warrior

      Has a high attack value, it easily inflicts a 30k damage even if you have resistances against it. It's an unfair fight with any other class, not to mention it also gives damages of 100k

      Has an issue which they highly use in PVP mode: when there are more players it catches them together and with the Wolf's Breath inflicts the same damage 3 or 4 times on the same player. Even if you have resistances against it it's impossible to get out in one piece. Another issue is with the Horseback Slash which inflicts over 22k damage and many players are using just that.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by saabyna ().

    • saabyna wrote:

      Here is my feedback regarding the various classes:

      Weaponry sura

      All weaponry suras use the Rune sword without exception. Using the Dragon Tooth Blade is not possible for weaponry suras as the damage difference between them is very high, around 2k. Weaponry suras are highly using the hits as they only have 2 attak skills and for this they would need a weapon with a higher attach speed which you can obtain just from the Rune sword. Considering that the only weapon that can be further refined is the Dragon Tooth Blade, I suggest that in order to avoid any unfairness the same weapon that is obtained from the Dragon Tooth Blade can also be obtained from the Rune sword as well. I am saying this as it would be very difficult for us weaponry suras to craft a Dragon Tooth Blade when we all already have the Rune sword. All other characters would have their own weapon except for weaponry sura.

      As a result of the tests done on the beta server, the weaponry sura has a very low skill and hit damage and it's inferior to the other classes.

      Another feedback I have is regarding the characters with levels from 18 to 75 that have the Dispell skill P and are used just for this. I feel it is not fair that lvl 120 characters are having their buffs removed by an 18 character, the dispel should work as the poison or bleeding attack with a difference of maximum 7 levels. Please check this video to see the dispel odyssey:

      With the rune sword I give you right. But the Dispell as well as poison or bloody effect is nonsens. Dispell is the only attack in metin2 that has such a skill. The Waffensura is also dependent on the dispatch which also makes its class completely. Furthermore it is not on the skill but on the community which exploits so unarmed. One should use if an upper limit up to 30 level over its own character dispell and everything under its own level can easily dispel as always.
    • Strijelac wrote:

      And the archers do not need to be touched?
      Maybe we're not a class worth to be mentioned :)

      Some sugestions for it were already made tho:

      - switch spark resistance from arrows to magic (dunno how good is anyways)
      - add some extra bonuses to the (for now) useless Feather Walk - this being a drawaback for some that choose not to make the skill (as being useless) and use the points for 7th/8th skill
      - made the animaton for some skills faster (ex Repetitive Shot) and not to be a sitting duck
      - change the Repetitive Shot to have 9 x damage (one for each arrow like the Rolling Dagger for ex) and each of those 9 arrow to have each own chance for piercing/crit ...of course lowering the base damage of the skill as to have similar total values
    • unforgiven wrote:

      It was read and it was given to WebZen but you need to consider that this is outside of the scope of the Beta.
      Sorry but isn't the scope of the beta "class ballancing"? (or whatever you call it) These are feedbacks for the archer class, yes it was not about piercing and new items but everyone (including Webzen) must understand that without ANY add-on, right now on the live servers, there are issues and BUGs that un-ballance the game very much. Adding new items or changing the way piercing or defence is calculated will not eliminate or level the differencies.

      I am looking forward to any new thing added to the game, as the game has to evolve....but we see that time passes and our voices are not heard and old bugs that generate issues or give advantage to certain classes are not solved or even taken seriously. What we see is (eventually), answers that these will be considered in the (near?) future but time pases and things remain the same.

      Sorry if I sound like a broken machine but seriously, adding new stuff on top of something that's already broken...won't fix it. Eventually it'll make it more un-ballanced. I have all the respect and apreciation for all the hard work you do (I reffer here to staff/GF/you name it) but please see this from the perspective of the players too.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().