Feedback for general feedback

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    • Feedback for general feedback


      I wanted to ask if you have gathered feedback from us (the community).
      If no: what aspecs do you need further feedback?

      Also: Can you please summarise which points you have already heard (enough) about so we as community can focus better and help better on what information you need.

      To summarise: If you tell us what you already know from us we can help each uther better.

    • Hey, unfortunately I can not edit my thread, so:


      I wanted to ask if you have gathered enough feedback from us (the community).
      If no: what aspecs do you need further feedback on?

      Also: Can you please summarise which points you have already heard
      (enough) about so we as community can focus better and help better on
      what information you need.

      To summarise: If you tell us what you already know from us we can help each uther better.

    • Good point you mentioned here.

      I also don't see that much feedback in general in this forum.

      Maybe it is like you said, that the people don't know what they should test.

      Or maybe they don't have the time or don't want to spend so much time on testing.

      I also would like to see more feedback to diskuss about but where or "about what" do the GF need the feedback.

      A list would be pretty nice so we can focus on those things. :)
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Currently we are in iteration mode with WebZen. This means that we are discussing on how to solve the most obvious problems that we have seen:

      - Really high damage
      - Piercing Damage Problems
      - Lykan being a bit too powerful
      - Skills that are not that useful
      I think that an appropiated nerf to lykans would be remove the chances of piercing hits an critical hits from their abilities.