Archery improvements!

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    • Archery improvements!

      - Spark should be made executable even without a weapon, just like it was before - and it should actually DO some damage, in order to be also useful in PvE.

      It also should keep its"skill damage" type, or alternatively, a "magical" one (just like Daggers with Poisonous Cloud), since Arrow Resistance is really easy to find in game and it is also needed for PvE, so almost all of the players already have it.

      - Feather Walk should be improved, both of its durability and effects are UTTERLY useless. I think it should stay as an active skill, constantly draining MPs (like Enchanted Blade) and give some benefits related to the idea of being agile and fast.
      I think that something related to avoiding BOTH physical AND ranged hits (about -15% at P), or alternatively, acting as a dmg reduction factor on Evasiveness.

      EDIT: or even some +Dexterity bonus (but Dexterity alone would not really be useful).

      - Arrow Shower is very similar to Lightning Claw: it makes multiple damage and its atk value is pretty poor. However, it gets 18sec of cooldown, isn't that a bit too much?

      - Repetitive Shot is really ODD. The 9-arrow-in-a-row thing was intended to be fun and cool, but it really doesn't work well with Metin2 dynamics of combat. Repetitive Shot is actually a pain for an Archer, because it takes TOO LONG to be cast.
      In GvGs, the archers are always the first ones to be targeted, since they've somewhat helpless to melee attacks (and autoattack): what's the point into keeping away from the battle, if Repetitive Shot exposes SO MUCH the archer to being targeted? It's like saying, "hey, I'm here, kill me!"

      Either you give it some secondary effect (like more % of critical hits) OR you leave it the way it is - but make its animation faster.
      Also, PLEASE fix the skill graphics for the male ninjas.

      - And since we're talking of ninjas, don't forget to fix transformation. I believe there's something not working properly, like actual damage NOT taking into account the atk value bonuses given by armors/potions/dragon soul alchemy/pets. This is really frustrating.


      I guess that every class has got its ups and downs, so I do not expect the designers to make Archers the best class out of alls. But it'd be nice to take into account AT LEAST some of these criticisms.

      I hope you'll ready them and actually DO something about these issues.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BlueShade ().

    • Feather Walk is limited for all players to "Moving Speed - 200" that means all players move with equal speed so it's unusefull skill for archer and i have skill feather walk +75 moving speed.
      Compare with Healer skill Lightning Claw make really huge dmg on big area, Arrow Shower is not same may be similar 'cose "is multiple attack but not same as damage. Completly agree for Spark skill must have possibility to make even without wepon and do some dmg. Range fighters need to move fast and do skills and for archer is not so if one other class could be faster then it.
      I'm agree that we can meet some anomaly 'cose of server response PING ecc that play important role in PVP play and not only... Skill casting or animation i dont'know is really big pain and it take to much to make skill... also skill damage resisstance not work at all i have on 18% + skill dmg resistance and receive much more dmg compare with full def againt wepon. Think that arrow speed no need that animation is atractive but u are visible is not fun when u have 5 players attack you in same time, and their speed is high or equal to your. And think that could be add some bonus also to archer skills, some classes have critical or take wepon bonus or have piercing ecc. At the end all depend of items u uses to have more defence or to do more dmg. Dex. not work properly for me making some prove with STR. i'm making more dmg and for archer must be like for all other clasess INT. work for shamans, suras, STR work for warriors DEX must work for ninjas full int. bonus up shaman buffs with 10/15% for ninja must be same.
      1. Improve Feather walk skill to give advantage on archers like is skill description
      2. Add some secondary effect to archer skills
      3. Spark to can be execute even without wepon
      4. No animation on arrow speed moving
      5. Improve casting speed on Repetitive Shot, Poion Arrow
      6. Fix DEX bonus to work for ninja archer
      No immortal players in Metin2 and i don't pretend nothing depend of your particular set of items, pet, alchemy .... but need to see and have possibility to make prove of your build.
      When u know u need dex. make add bonus and change bonus spending lot of real money trying your luck and u don't take nothing at the end is really frustrating.
      Character status is not completly finished i mean every change of item is good to be seen on status window, take example of other MMORPG where u change item and can see all changes some item making.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      It also should keep its"skill damage" type, or alternatively, a "magical" one (just like Daggers with Poisonous Cloud), since Arrow Resistance is really easy to find in game and it is also needed for PvE, so almost all of the players already have it.
      Absolutely! I think spark is one of the most important skills of an archer.
      What's the point in "nerfing" spark anyway? Is it too o.p.? - Never experienced that myself.
    • The Feather Walk is almost useless for an archer. I preffered to use the points for the 7th/8th skill instead. Unless you're adding something else to it, don't think someone will even consider it.

      Spark was one skill that was long time needed by an archer. Was the ONLY skill that allows an archer to evade from being caught/blocked by a group of players/mobs gathered around him (since evading while riding is not possible with a bow as a weapon). Give the ability to throw back the attackers, allowed an archer tu escape. One of the advantages of this skill was that there was no defence against it (except for the ninja resistance that dimish damage on any ninja skill). Now you're taking this away and making this skill less useful. Of course most (non archers) will argue that this is correct and that it is not fair to have a skill without a defence against it. You're on the other hand forgetting (or pretend to forget) that the Spark was ballanced by other limitations:
      1. cooldown is 60 seconds
      2. there is no critical/piercing chance for it
      3. you can only use it with a bow (so you cannot cast it with a dagger in PvE fights then mount a horse and evade). And in PvE, especially when leveling, a high level archer uses daggers of some sort not the bow.
      4. this is NOT a ranged skill but an AoE (Area of Effect) skill. A ranged skill IS ranged...that is cast from a distance. Spark has effect only to nearby enemies (players and/or mobs), the same efect as the explosion of the Fire Arrow or the poison cloud of the Poison Arrow. If you made it "ranged" now it's range can be increased by the "distance" skill on a pet? I guess not....don't you think this is a little bit unfair? You add one of the most common found defences to it, but on the other hand you keep all the other limits and not adding any other benefit that a "ranged" skill has.

      Now if you intent to add skill resistance to it, why do you add arrow resistance and not (for example) lightning resistance? That will be more appropiate with the skill name and effect. If you will limit it this way, why don't you even the situation by giving a critical/piercing chance? (you could also introduce a "blindness" chance for ex that will dazzle/blind/stun the opponent as a "real" ninja spark will do)

      Against "dispel" skill of weapon suras there is also no defence...why not? That skill is more close to a "magical" skill than Spark is close to the arrows.

      I'll effectively test and come back with feedback as I really believe that you will consider player's feedback. Archer is a class "born" for general fights...all it's capabilities, fighting techniques and skills are made for that. Don't ruin it...please
    • Here is my propose:


      As many People said, it should be usable without any weapon and with daggers. Secondly, if it gets a resistance, it should be Magic Resistance.

      Feather Walk

      Feather Walk should get some more buffs as Chances to avoid hits and arrows, AND it should get a new Bonus, which will decrease the execution time for skills. At P it should be 50%. So the Problem with the Execution Speed of Repetitive Shot is solved.

      Repetetitve Shot

      The Skill, who shoots up to 9 arrows, should also split the current Damage into 9, so each arrow can be piercing and critical. Also it should get slowing Chance and bleeding attack Chance, which will be set to 10%, so at P you have a 9x10% Chance to give your oppenent bleeding Status and slow him down.

      Fire Arrow

      I propose to give the fire arrow the effect of burning.

      With this changed, Archers would be much more interesting, and we have a Charakter who you can deal you every Special effect with skills: Stun, Poisen, Burning, Bleeding, Slow and falling over.

    • Everything has been said, what must be remembered is that it is high time to make changes on the spells of the acher, it is the class least used at high level because of its Difficulty in pve, high% of possible arrows, lack of side effects of spells, useless stride of feather, the rarity of arcs 80 and + etc ... I understand therefore the will to modify the Sparkling blow but as mentioned above, magic resistance would be better than being able to use it with a sword or dagger, or else keep the arrow resistance but give other advantages to this spell, the same for Stride of feather.
    • I don't agree that spark should be magical damage. Considering it's cooldown and the need for AMR in the game right now, archers would need an Arch for every race to make spark usefull.
      Can't really understand how, in everything that could and should be balanced, they decide to make changes to spark.
      Change Feather Walk if you want to change anything in archers...
    • (From Google traduction, if something is not understand, ask me and i will try to rewritten better :) )

      After having tested for 3h all the news, I come to give my opinion also :)

      This opinion takes up the point of view of Strijelac and ArcMeurtrier as well as ideas seen on the french forum and the beta in English

      First, it's cool the small table with all the bonuses we have :) very good even point :)

      So I have full my legacy exce + 6, taken all possible bonuses and imaginable to do the tests (although I tested the damage before to have the right relationship) ....

      I did not see any archer connected between 17h and 20h30 on the server, (proof that there is none yet, what's the aim of the nerve?)

      First point, the archer doesn't know Ph .... It's nice to have drill on my familiar, GF you repay me please?

      My spells actually do less damage ...

      Spark: same opinion as Strije and ArcMeurtrier, no difference seen, surely bug, it would be nice to change that, that we can give a notice after?

      Feather Walk: it is true that with the speed restricted to 200, this spell is a little useless ... I join the opinion seen on the official forum of the beta, to add escape on this spell , Damage reduction, or damage boost with when activated?
      We must do some things about this spell

      Fire Arrow :why not add the bonus of lasting fire on it? This is a bit the title of the spell but not serious (opinion coming from the beta English forum)

      Poison Arrow: no complaints

      Repetitive Shot: change the animation out of pity ... it's so long that we have time to get killed and that the player makes all the rise of the temple before the fate is finished .... You Could reduce the number of arrows that come out, and proceed as triple laceration, shred, separate the damage, so we can Ph (ah ben no, we can not Ph ...) or do CC ...

      Arrow Shower: no complaints on it, it fulfilled its role correctly

      Balancing against the other classes: Nothing to add Strije and Arc (French server) have said everything. It is still very far for the archer to compete in PvP with the other classes, whether in multi PvP or 1/1 (in 1/1 it will never happen)

      Assasin> Lycan> CàC> Am> Mental> magic class (ch dragon, care, Mn)> Stray dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Archer.

      To summarize, the archer is dead .... For the 6 archers of Melosia (french server), it is a bit stupid to nerve to this point the least played class and already the most disadvantaged of the game ....
    • I'm proud to be an archer...Archer is not dead, is one of the most complex classes and is specially made for general combat, but is hard to play one. Everyone is making warrior charaters or the trend is to have Lycans as most don't have defence against them so they inflict bigger damage. I play what I like most not which class brings more damage. Ranged combat needs you to be skilled and know how to play not just go in the crowd and hit them hard with everything you have or to be good at using bugs (like the mount bug so much abused by mentals and lycans for ex).

      It's difficult to be an archer that's why they are so few. People tend to take the easy path...archers are the ones that took the hard one
    • Rapier wrote:

      I'm proud to be an archer...Archer is not dead, is one of the most complex classes and is specially made for general combat, but is hard to play one. Everyone is making warrior charaters or the trend is to have Lycans as most don't have defence against them so they inflict bigger damage. I play what I like most not which class brings more damage. Ranged combat needs you to be skilled and know how to play not just go in the crowd and hit them hard with everything you have or to be good at using bugs (like the mount bug so much abused by mentals and lycans for ex).

      It's difficult to be an archer that's why they are so few. People tend to take the easy path...archers are the ones that took the hard one
      In my opinion Archer are petty boring and easy-medium to play.
      Just running around with mount, then unmount do 1 skill and mount again and run.

      The skills will always hit/land the target (if you are not to far away).
      Archers are like Healing Schaman, just running + skills wich hit to 100%.

      The only reason why he is played so less, is because you can't (like you said) run into a group. You always need to stay far away. As soon as some one can hit you down on the ground and make you fly is it over.
      But as long as you run away casting 1 skill and run again you will be fine.

      The desynchronization/lags are also nice for Archer, because the enemy will see you cast a skill late then you did.
      With other classes you need to land your skills, you need to stay near to hit and the hits and skills will go into "nothing" a lot of times because of desynchronize/lag.

      The only big downside is when a Archer is getting hit and fly around, then he can't do nearly nothing and will die. Maybe a new skill like a roll or a flip would be nice.

      But well, that's just my opinion.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Yemon ().

    • Yemon wrote:

      As soon as some one can hit you down on the ground and make you fly is it over.
      That's actually why it is so difficult. You should consider that every other class could go for the "emergency" horse mount if needed, that's an option.

      For archers is actually the ONLY way to avoid auto-attack assaults and melee attacks.

      Not to mention PvE. :D

      Anyway, I seriously hope they'll propose something to Webzen.
    • It seems by a GM IG, that everything has been said to GF/Webzen, but they can't do anything in this "beta", they will try to work on it later.... Maybe in 2020 beginning( like this beta, 2017 beginning, wait we aren't in July yet? :o ) , if the game hasn't finished yet... :(

      We really need something to escape the full auto of the others players, when you get catch the only thing you can try to escape is using Spark, but with a 60 sec CD, you can try to escape one time in a War/ melee attacks

      Add a bonus to Feather Walk, and maybe reduce the CD of Spark, (we already have reduce damages, so... )

      AND PLEASE DO SOMETHING FOR REPETITIVE SHOT, the animation is too long... Or do like Three Way Cut? It would be nice :)

      Bye guys, have fun

      Evangeline from french server Melosia
    • After some time testing with different char status, looks like the INT doesn't increase the skill much...either is not working properly or it does by a very small amount. For an archer, the exact value of a skill is hard to calculate due to the big difference between the lowest and the highest attack values so it is very hard to say if a damage was a high value or a low could make some asumptions if making many tries and calculate an average.

      Right now the common status for an Archer is 90 DEX, 90 VIT, 90 STR and 16 INT (or how much remains). If the benefit of INT for increasing skill damage was something we could feel...we would have taken points from STR and add to INT. But that would mean we will loose damage on hit and this is also important. Overall I couldn't find investing in INT better than having STR maxed out and have better hits

      Maybe you could reevaluate the INT contribution to skill damage and increase it otherwise it makes no sense to put points there. Please note that also STR increases the skill damage so even if you say INT counts, STR counts make it worth of a switch, it should count more or increase the damage more
    • On the forum of my country, I showed that the int brought a not insignificant boost of skills (200 to 800 according to the competences with 90 intelligence without any equipment) more, it must not be forgotten that the intelligence increases the duration of the stealth effect of spark (1s all 20 points which is 5 seconds with 90 intelligence and 6 seconds with 100 intelligence) which is not negligible.

      What we have to calculate is to know if full integrity is equivalent to being full force (already basic not because the intelligence does not go up the base attack value which will reduce the power of our arrows) in my opinion full dexterity / strength remains the best but if we want to proffit some more damage and bonus of invisibility of spark it will sacrifice our points in vitality.
    • I've tested with full DEX, INT, STR and remaining points in VIT...This doesn't worth it, attack values increased a little but PV dropped alot. With Brilliant Jade double PV I got around 25k PV at max which is not so good. You should have around 30k at least to resist. That if taken atack/atack at 92/94 biologist quests...if you have PV/PV at 92/94 as some have, you might want to shift to INT from VIT.

      I agree that we have been given an oportunity to develop our chars some other way but the difference is not notable to make this change. One extra second for invisibility with spark and 300 damage added for a skill does not worth it and we'll loose the hit damage too. The devs should increase the damage with INT a littlke bit more to make it count and for us to consider. It should increase with at least 1k the damage per skill. We get 1k extra damage by equip any item with 12 DEX so I'd rather try this to gain some damage than to loose alot of PV and get a third of this value as damage