Average damage !

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    • Average damage !

      i already complained about this to the support team that works for the server i'm playing on
      but i'm here to make sure that this is going to get fixed
      what's wrong is i got a poison sword with 43% average damage , and another one with 51% average damage
      i tried it on different monsters and metins , there is no differece between both of them
      and the support team told me that this is going to get fixed , but who knows when !
      so please can someone from the team that works on the beta server tell me if it's going to get fixed with the upcoming patch !
      or we have to wait more , cause this is a big chance to fix it and to make more ppl try it before it's going on the official servers
      thank you .
      i can show you the video when i tried the difference between both poison swords if you want to .

      The post was edited 1 time, last by abu7med ().

    • This seems a personal matter rather than something concerning an improvement of general gameplay, so I guess you should contact the official support.

      Yet, it's the first time I hear of avg damages not working. Are you sure you made a good comparison?

      First of all, you could check in the details tab what happens to average damages: do they actually change, while wearing the two different swords?

      Wild dogs are generally chosen as "lab-rats", but it'd be pointless to perform such a test if one of those swords gives you some percentage bonus against animals. Same goes for stones.

      But I just noticed you said you paid attention to the bonuses. Well, show us your video, then.
    • well i hope it's personal problem then my account will get fixed and wont have to wait for patching
      it's not like "not working" it's just "not working how we want it to be/how we think it will"

      Here is the video i showed to the support team and they said it's going to get fixed

      as it's in Arabic , both swords has piercing , crit and monster stones
      i killed the whole monsters from the metin before recording so the bonuses will be useless in this case only average damage will effect
      and it could be tried to compare the difference even with ebony earnings and the emerald one , you can barley see difference between both of them and at the end
      You'll look and think "why did i pay yang for this thing" ! it doesn't make you feel it's worth even tho alot of players wish to get it !
      no bounces on 51% avg dmg but there is 4% attack against undead , 2% attack against devils
      and 2% attack against mystics
      like in my server 51% costs 13 billions when 43 costs around 2.5 , big difference in costs but nothing with damage <X

      and from the support team answer you and i know there's a problem but i'm just here to make sure it's going to get fixed sooner with the new patch "i hope"

      also in the video i didn't use dragon soul alchemy or any dew

      Thank you and i'm waiting for an answer from the beta team ^^

      The post was edited 4 times, last by abu7med ().

    • You could have at least put some more emphasis on the actual damage range.

      First of all, I wouldn't go for ANY power-up while doing this kind of tests. I can't see if one of your pet skills is Berserker but besides from that, I would have removed the Porky pet. Same for the emerald earrings.

      Although, if I were you, I'd perform this kind of test on wild dogs, because I do not know if 105 metins do have some kind of reduction factor (in combination with plain defense), it seems to me that your average damages are working fine.

      The +43% one, without Aura of the Sword, gives you a range of about 3150-3350 (I'm ignoring the piercing hits, which should give you +400 on plain hits).

      The +51% one, gives you 3300-3500. That's about 200 extra points on your damage.

      What kind of boost did you expect?

      You're probably aware of the fact that Avg Damages percentages are applied in the LAST part of the damage calculations. So, if your base damage with emerald earrings (and with a Sword not providing any extra AvgDamage) is, say, 2300... the extra averages are to be calculated as an increase on that damage value.

      That is to say:

      2300 * 0,43 = 989
      2300 + 989 = 3289 (which is somewhat close to the average of your atk range).

      2300 * 0,51 = 1173
      2300 + 1173 = 3473 (between 3300-3500, once again, it fits).

      Clearly, I do not know if your base damage is really 2300. But you know, maths teaches us that if a*b = c, then c/a = b. So I guess it's correct to hypothesize this is your base damage.

      AvgDamages usefulness is linked to the power of your damages. That's why, for instance, Shamans should give priority to AtkValue on DSS Rubies rather than AvgDamages.

      If you performed your test with ALL the available power-ups, you'd probably notice an extra 100. But again, I would not expect +500 on damage range just because of +8% avgdamages.

      I hope I did not confuse you and to have been helpful, somehow.

      The post was edited 7 times, last by BlueShade ().

    • well u got it right and calculated it in a good / right way
      but meh 200 damage isn't much in my opinion and it's barley noticed
      Anyway thank you for your time
      but i was hoping for a little change at least since they told me in my ticket
      the problem is reported and will be fixed in a future update from a game moderator :[

    • Everything seems fine. Try your test with emerald earring +8 with emeralds which gives +8 avg with your 43% and then try your 51% avg poison without emerald earrings but with ebony so that you will not lose the 12-13 str. You will see the same results. Also without AoS i saw that for the 43% avg you had 7,2k crit and pierce but with the 51% you had 7,4. So everything is fine.