Critical hit changes??

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    • Critical hit changes??

      unforgiven wrote:

      The next update is coming in, around, 2 weeks. Let me spoil you a bit with its the content:
      - Changes in some Skills
      - Changes in Critical Hit chance
      - Changes in Critical Hit Damage in PvP

      - Changes in Bonus Damage from Piercing Hit above 100% piercing chance
      - A small nerf to the Lycan
      Where are the problmes with critical hits? What are you going to do? More nerfs to Dragon Shaman not please, they need the critical hits.
      Last Thursday in Spain we had an unexpected change (it was solved in some hours) in some skills, maybe these changes are related to the changes in some skills? I hope not, if they are true I'll leave the game ( Dragon's Strength Perfect gave 25% crit and had 186 seconds of cooldown...)…ras/97847670817121739.jpg
    • Hello YoTeDoPo,

      It is similar but not only for the Dragon Shaman. This changes affect all classes.

      This is a beta server, the reason why we launch it is to let players test the changes and give us feedback. So I ask you, test it on the Beta server as a whole (the full changes that will happen), think about it and then provide feedback. We will, as always, gather and relay it to WebZen.

      Thank you in advance,
    • What feedback you guys waiting for? Positive? You want nerf the game and wait positive feedback?

      - Changes in some Skills
      The only skills where is needed changes is the useless skills like Feather Wal and Attack Up... If you change any other skill to negative, noone will like it...

      - Changes in Critical Hit chance
      Nerf at critics? That will afect pvm... What afecting pvm is always a bad idea, who want do less critics pvp or pvm? Critics don't need any change.

      - Changes in Critical Hit Damage in PvP
      This one i don't know... Inf we do less damage with a crit is bad... And if we do more damage is bad too... So again, crit damage don't need any change.

      - Changes in Bonus Damage from Piercing Hit above 100% piercing chance
      This one nothing to say... I don't think above 100% it need more damge... Same damage is good.

      - A small nerf to the Lycan
      This one is like you guys doing a favor to the noobs who don't want to buy defence agains claws... Why nerf the lycan? Just give them free defences and they will shut up the mouth.
      So if people who don't have defences agains magic ask for nerf xamas and magic suras? Will you do it?
      In this point just the people who have a lycan will give you negative feedback... All other will like... Is like you nerf any other class... Just who play with that class will dislike that.

      It's the first feedback i do here... Is the first changes who really will make me at the sword and wall...
      The best thing is you guys don't change what do not need any change.
    • It has been shown following experience, comments from many players, and several serious video tests that Lycans surpass all other physical classes in pvp and is almost as good as am in pve.
      In addition it said a small nerve is not going to be a sick nerve, we archers we took a big nerve not justified while we were already bad in pvp and unplayable in pve (except stuff perfect obviously but good. ..) so brief rage not because you play Lycan we accepted it and you have had ample time for your glory.

      Concerning the critical hits, I agree I do not see why they want to change that but hey we'll see ...
    • Ya we will try it...
      But we don't need try nothing in the point about critical hit, because if you lower it 1% is bad, 20% bad and so on... The other points i believe we need try to give feedback... But say me... Will be the change of critical chance changing for better? I think not... So how you say to we wait and test? This point we don't need test to give you pre feedback.
    • Hello. Sorry for my inglish. One of the advantages of dragon shamans in pvp and pve is our % critical. If you reduce the % critical chance, it seems to very wrong, since your reducing away our main advantage.
      My main pj is shaman dragon. If they drop the % will no longer serve for pvp or pve.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Marce23 ().

    • Hello All!


      You think realy just the feather walk and the attack up is useless?
      • After grotto the weapon suras fear not?
      • The berserk with 2 ability wich can be reached without the skill and one bonus negative effect is not? If the feather walk wrong because the moving speed cap ,the berserk is better? The attack speed has a cap too...
      • The other classes who got attack pover from they skills can switch on/off or immediately can turn it on after death so the aura of sword is good now?
      1. Lycans has 5 positive effect from 2 buff skills.
      2. Wep Suras has 7 positive effect from 3 skills.
      3. Body Warriors has 3 positive (at high lvl just 1) from 2 skill and one big disadvantage! (33% more dmg in pvp and pvm too)
      4. Mentals has 2 positive and 1 negative effect from 1 skill.

      So i think not just with 2 skills have some problems. :) And yea ,the lycan must be nerfed.
      With this new piercing system doesnt matter how many resist you got against lycans, with full pierc-int-HH you dont have a chance...
      Another thing ,lets put a tons of claw resists on metins and bosses and mobs too.. Because the lycan is the most powerfull race in this game now both pvp and pvm.

      1. Can hit harder than a Body warrior and wep suras?
      2. 2 sec cooldown on Crimson wolf soul?
      3. Easy can pierc on every single hit?
      4. Got alot of base evading like from the DEX in the stat page?
      5. Got attack speed and bonus critical hit chance on the skills?
      6. The whole without negative side effect?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Signo ().

    • Signo wrote:

      Hello All!


      You think realy just the feather walk and the attack up is useless?
      • After grotto the weapon suras fear not?
      • The berserk with 2 ability wich can be reached without the skill and one bonus negative effect is not? If the feather walk wrong because the moving speed cap ,the berserk is better? The attack speed has a cap too...
      • The other classes who got attack pover from they skills can switch on/off or immediately can turn it on after death so the aura of sword is good now?
      1. Lycans has 5 positive effect from 2 buff skills.
      2. Wep Suras has 7 positive effect from 3 skills.
      3. Body Warriors has 3 positive (at high lvl just 1) from 2 skill and one big disadvantage! (33% more dmg in pvp and pvm too)
      4. Mentals has 2 positive and 1 negative effect from 1 skill.

      So i think not just with 2 skills have some problems. :) And yea ,the lycan must be nerfed.
      With this new piercing system doesnt matter how many resist you got against lycans, with full pierc-int-HH you dont have a chance...
      Another thing ,lets put a tons of claw resists on metins and bosses and mobs too.. Because the lycan is the most powerfull race in this game now both pvp and pvm.

      1. Can hit harder than a Body warrior and wep suras?
      2. 2 sec cooldown on Crimson wolf soul?
      3. Easy can pierc on every single hit?
      4. Got alot of base evading like from the DEX in the stat page?
      5. Got attack speed and bonus critical hit chance on the skills?
      6. The whole without negative side effect?

      That needed to be nerfed in the first weeks of lycan... Not after years... People invested so many time and money in that race and now it will be nerfed.. No sense
      For who don't wasted time in one is easy to speak... But try put you not in the wolf skin but in the rabbit skin.
    • Signo wrote:

      Hello All!


      You think realy just the feather walk and the attack up is useless?
      • After grotto the weapon suras fear not?
      • The berserk with 2 ability wich can be reached without the skill and one bonus negative effect is not? If the feather walk wrong because the moving speed cap ,the berserk is better? The attack speed has a cap too...
      • The other classes who got attack pover from they skills can switch on/off or immediately can turn it on after death so the aura of sword is good now?
      1. Lycans has 5 positive effect from 2 buff skills.
      2. Wep Suras has 7 positive effect from 3 skills.
      3. Body Warriors has 3 positive (at high lvl just 1) from 2 skill and one big disadvantage! (33% more dmg in pvp and pvm too)
      4. Mentals has 2 positive and 1 negative effect from 1 skill.

      You forgot that Crimson gives -47 def on P :).
    • And there it is...
      Killed PvP by add more benefits to magic races like Xamãs.
      Killed PvE removing the crit... 90% = 15% Claps Claps... Remove that update and put it back like it always was.
      Killed lycan 4ever... Redunction in damage and piercing... Again claps

      Conclusion: Bad update

      Preparing me to do uninstall if this really come to the official servers...
      I don't want a new update in crit chance, i want it like it always was.

      Feedback people.. let's they see we don't want updates like this one.
    • True. I forgot the -47 def. Is realy equal with the berserk +33% damage what the warriors got when they use the skill...

      Ok ,change it! Change the two skills negative side effect! Will be fun i think. Lets give to the berserk -50 def at P and the wolfs crimson +33% increased received damage.

      I have 1k+ def on my body warrior with +6 epic armour. Easy can compansate the -47 def with one good pet. But how can you compansate the berserks negative sude effect? If i use the skill ,30% of my resist is gone ,is not just 47 def...
      If one warrior use the P berserk it means -33% sword ,two handed ,dagger ,magic resist ,claw def ,lighting resist ,fire resist so the skills will do +33% too ,not just the hits.

      If the lycan use the crimson whats happening? He get +50 damage from hits? Or +100 damage from skills?

      The def minus on the lycan skill is not a disadvantage or negative side effect ,its a joke...
    • Of course there is no comparison between the -47 def and the 30% more damage, but i wanted to add it to your point ^^. I have already said that the dmg of the crimson wolf should be reduced by about 100 attack value and the pierce chance should disappear or at least halved. That way the lycan will become like a normal player. The crit chances of his other skills don't even bother me.
    • After reading the new changes: GG Gameforge or Webzen or whoever does stuff like this :D You did a great job

      So critical hits in PvE are pretty much gone now... Killing bosses alone now will be just a good memory in the past for most players

      Lycan getting a damage and pierce nerf is ok and not that bad and wouldn't "kill the lycan 4ever" but reducing duration and increasing cooldown so that it can't go on continuously? Now that's what will kill it.

      Seems like it's finally time to quit this game for a while. At least until they realise this is a really bad idea and if they don't realise that - goodbye was fun to play together but I wouldn't come back. The creators of this game have probably got tired of it and want to destroy it from inside :(

      Also to those who thought of those changes - what are you smoking and where can I get it? 8o
    • I really don't like at all the idea of a significat reduction of critical hits in pve.
      The game is quite balanced already for which concerns mobs and bosses... In this way you only complicate things to players making all more difficult.
      (unless you decide to rebalance all mobs, all metin rocks and specially all bosses).

      In my opinion, this changing (90% criticals = 15%) should concern only pvp.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by wisdom10 ().