Feedback on upcoming Update - Preview

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    • if u want to decrease the crimson wolf soul so increase the lycaners weapon attack .. as example lycan weapon Lv75 the most used weapon in PvM it's attack is very low only 200 value and even weapon Lv70 is 249 and it's very slow .. compare both of them with poison sword which have more attack and speed
      another example lycan weapon Lv 105 is very weak if u compare it with another weapons Lv 105

      so instead of destroying the most important skill in lycan .. u can decrease the piercing hit's in crimson wolf soul and make the duration time between aura sword and magic blade

      another point .. it's unfair to make crimson soul attack value as aura sword because lycans don't have skill like trance which give 62% attack speed and indigo soul give only 25%
      what is 25% ?? it's very low u can use green dose better than it

      The post was edited 1 time, last by xIIMIIx ().

    • xIIMIIx wrote:

      if u want to decrease the crimson wolf soul so increase the lycaners weapon attack .. as example lycan weapon Lv75 the most weapon used in PvM it's attack is very low and only 200 value and even weapon Lv70 is 249 and it's very slow .. compare both of the with poison sword which have more attack and speed
      another example lycan weapon Lv 105 is very weak if u compare it with another weapons

      so instead of destroying the most important skill in lycan .. u can decrease the piercing hit's in crimson wolf soul and make the duration time between aura sword and magic blade

      another point .. it's unfair to make crimson soul attack value as aura sword because lycans don't have skill like trance which give 62% attack speed and indigo soul give only 25%
      what is 25% ?? it's very low u can use green dose better than it
      True, i think the attack value should remain the same, cut the piercing a bit if its to much, and yes, the indigo wolf soul do not give that much speed and, and the missing of arrows, its pretty useless at high level
    • xIIMIIx wrote:

      what is 25% ?? it's very low u can use green dose better than i
      Wait a moment, this is utter nonsense.

      Green Potions give +30 atk speed, they last 10minutes only and moreover are really expensive on most Metin2 communities - they're even available in ItemShop. Having a high atk speed basically means being able to destroy metin rocks much more rapidly: if this feature is combined with a high atk value, you get a really strong PvE class.

      You're telling us that +25% is a laughable percentage. Well, it's not. Consider that a medium-high player reaches, by using his own equipment only, an atk speed approximately near to 150.

      Considering that the true atk speed cap is between 165 and 180, according to the REAL game dynamics, Lycans get the maximum effectiveness from Indigo Soul WITHOUT RECEIVING ANY NEGATIVE EFFECT like body warriors actually do.

      And if you are thinking of Crimson Wolf's defense debuff, we're talking of a mere -37 plain points on defense, while body warriors get a consistent malus of 31% vulnerability to damages.

      Considering that high level players defenses is around 800 points, this means that a warrior using Berserk "P" suffers a malus of more than -200 points on plain attacks.

      All in all, Lycans share the same attacking potential when it comes to crushing metins/bosses of warrior - however, they do not share the same negative effects!

      And that's without even considering the piercing hit extra buff given by Crimson Soul.

      Are you still convinced they do not need to be nerfed?
    • "The chance of landing a critical strike with normal hits has been reduced. This means that, right now, if you have a 90% chance of landing a critical hit, you will only have a 15.83% effective chance in the end"

      You are all so worried about reducing lycan damage that you will not notice what will impair you more, not only to Lycan, but to all classes. Critics go from 90% to 15%? Is a person investing in items with critics, in dragon's aid (reduced to 25% in beta) to now get ridiculous value?

      Critics are essential and indispensable in PvE and want to reduce us in such a way? What is the advantage of this? It will only impair players who want to make PvE, especially those who don't have good items.

      If you want to reduce critics in PvP to increase player competitiveness, fine, but in PvE monsters are always the same, and without PvE there is no PvP, so I see no logic in such a thing.
    • BlueShade.It is very easy to reach the green potion.I do not think that 25% is a significant advantage.Your PvP balancing is not already PvM. Read the value of the Lycan's attack power in weapons.Let's look at the knife 450+ fighter 450+ but Lycan 350 is not just about the ability to write on the top. It is unfair to take the power of lycan, which is

      I do not think that reducing the Lycans' power is another cause of victimization.

      He told us that there would be no victim of this update but it is not what it appears.

      Balancing should come to weak characters if they come.
      Magical weapon. These must be studied.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      xIIMIIx wrote:

      what is 25% ?? it's very low u can use green dose better than i
      Wait a moment, this is utter nonsense.
      Green Potions give +30 atk speed, they last 10minutes only and moreover are really expensive on most Metin2 communities - they're even available in ItemShop. Having a high atk speed basically means being able to destroy metin rocks much more rapidly: if this feature is combined with a high atk value, you get a really strong PvE class.

      You're telling us that +25% is a laughable percentage. Well, it's not. Consider that a medium-high player reaches, by using his own equipment only, an atk speed approximately near to 150.

      Considering that the true atk speed cap is between 165 and 180, according to the REAL game dynamics, Lycans get the maximum effectiveness from Indigo Soul WITHOUT RECEIVING ANY NEGATIVE EFFECT like body warriors actually do.

      And if you are thinking of Crimson Wolf's defense debuff, we're talking of a mere -37 plain points on defense, while body warriors get a consistent malus of 31% vulnerability to damages.

      Considering that high level players defenses is around 800 points, this means that a warrior using Berserk "P" suffers a malus of more than -200 points on plain attacks.

      All in all, Lycans share the same attacking potential when it comes to crushing metins/bosses of warrior - however, they do not share the same negative effects!

      And that's without even considering the piercing hit extra buff given by Crimson Soul.

      Are you still convinced they do not need to be nerfed?
      even with indigo wolf soul 20% plus attack speed and gree potion lycan on the floor hits are still bad, and with bad range, sura as warrios are good but on the floor, pvp is on the floor rigth? so... Its already balanced in my opnion lykan got their advantages so as warrior and sura, cause their hits on the floor in pvp are very dangerous unlike the lycan hits, that are slow and have no range, and the lycans skill even when you hit the opponent hit box, doesnt do any damage due to his lack of range in skills, so with that many flaws in lycan.. There is no need for any lykan nerf, you are just hating something new that u dont even know and tryed
    • That's not a valid criticism and we're not hating anything, we're just being objective unlike you and your buddies who are crying beforehand - no offence intended, my friend, but that's the truth.

      PvE is mainly done on mounts, especially on the +20% damage boar - we already discussed about this matter.

      Collecting exp points is mainly done on mounts as well: lower levels kill Spiders in the respective dungeon on a mount; higher levels crush arboreal Metin rocks - guess what? - on a mount.

      All metin rocks in general (which provide many rewards) are crushed on mounts.

      The Yellow Tiger Ghost, the Spider Baroness, the Ice Witch, Beran-Setaou, all of them are killed on a mount.

      The few bosses which forbid mounts, often require characters to transform - and that applies to Ninjas as well (and sometimes, even Warriors need to transform, to speed up Meley's column destruction, for instance).

      Soon, there will be many changes regarding chance of criticals hit (and probably piercing hit as well) so plain sword hits may become much less effective than they actually are in PvP.

      We'll try everything in the next beta - but still, that doesn't change that as they are now, Wolves re too OP.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      That's not a valid criticism and we're not hating anything, we're just being objective unlike you and your buddies who are crying beforehand - no offence intended, my friend, but that's the truth.

      PvE is mainly done on mounts, especially on the +20% damage boar - we already discussed about this matter.

      Collecting exp points is mainly done on mounts as well: lower levels kill Spiders in the respective dungeon on a mount; higher levels crush arboreal Metin rocks - guess what? - on a mount.

      All metin rocks in general (which provide many rewards) are crushed on mounts.

      The Yellow Tiger Ghost, the Spider Baroness, the Ice Witch, Beran-Setaou, all of them are killed on a mount.

      The few bosses which forbid mounts, often require characters to transform - and that applies to Ninjas as well (and sometimes, even Warriors need to transform, to speed up Meley's column destruction, for instance).

      Soon, there will be many changes regarding chance of criticals hit (and probably piercing hit as well) so plain sword hits may become much less effective than they actually are in PvP.

      We'll try everything in the next beta - but still, that doesn't change that as they are now, Wolves re too OP.
      what about pvp? This is a game of war, and pvp is done on te floor... slow and eneffective hits, skill that miss without explanation, and we are too op? What about sura weapon in pvp and pvm excellent self buffs dispell.. warrior aura+ berserk they destroy everything on and off the horse, mental warrior stupid high damage in pvp a skill that makes him dont fall, mages are op in pvp they just throw powerfull and fast skills and run, just like magic sura, ninja have really fast hits and powerfull skills and poison ninja archer are going to be power uped.
      Why lykan have to be nerfed? Cant we have our strong points too?
      Its already balanced deal with it, be objective.
    • Nostradamus KR wrote:

      They will(already did) kill Lycans, it will be weaker than every other class. Only Crimson Wof piercing should be nerfed, nothing else.

      Goodbye PvE.
      sorry man, did u see the nerf on shamans ?

      The nerf on wolfs is not the worst, i am more worried of how to pve with a dragon shaman with no critics and low damage + if u want to get mor mav to try to pve with fan the skills will hit less than if u use a bell (even fans have mor mav) and dont forget the 2 buffs, because now doing dungeons and pve will be harder with the coldown. If someone dies he well have to stay without buffs for a really long time.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • Nostradamus KR wrote:

      They will(already did) kill Lycans, it will be weaker than every other class. Only Crimson Wof piercing should be nerfed, nothing else.

      Goodbye PvE.
      (( it will be weaker than every other class )) if this happens i think most of lycans will quit couz we didnt investment our money in it and in the last the destroy it !!!

      BlueShade wrote:

      xIIMIIx wrote:

      what is 25% ?? it's very low u can use green dose better than i
      Wait a moment, this is utter nonsense.
      Green Potions give +30 atk speed, they last 10minutes only and moreover are really expensive on most Metin2 communities - they're even available in ItemShop. Having a high atk speed basically means being able to destroy metin rocks much more rapidly: if this feature is combined with a high atk value, you get a really strong PvE class.

      You're telling us that +25% is a laughable percentage. Well, it's not. Consider that a medium-high player reaches, by using his own equipment only, an atk speed approximately near to 150.

      Considering that the true atk speed cap is between 165 and 180, according to the REAL game dynamics, Lycans get the maximum effectiveness from Indigo Soul WITHOUT RECEIVING ANY NEGATIVE EFFECT like body warriors actually do.

      And if you are thinking of Crimson Wolf's defense debuff, we're talking of a mere -37 plain points on defense, while body warriors get a consistent malus of 31% vulnerability to damages.

      Considering that high level players defenses is around 800 points, this means that a warrior using Berserk "P" suffers a malus of more than -200 points on plain attacks.

      All in all, Lycans share the same attacking potential when it comes to crushing metins/bosses of warrior - however, they do not share the same negative effects!

      And that's without even considering the piercing hit extra buff given by Crimson Soul.

      Are you still convinced they do not need to be nerfed?
      u think the green potion's are really expensive ?? what's ur lvl??
      btw any 1 more than lv 95 can get them very easily from the magician forest !!
      about the indigo soul i see it useless skill 25% is nothing beside berserk
      by the way body warriors when he use berserk he get's 30% negative effect from the normal hit's only not the skills ! and he is very fast so those 30% won't harm him so much !!
      if u still think lycaner's should be nerfed ?? advice 4 u improve ur claw defense :)
    • Reading and reading I get tired of reading so much
      unforgiven the question is simple to delete suras and warriors forever and welcome lykans shamans and ninjas
      You are destroying metin2 people wake up with this 2 updates on the beta sv more than 50% of the players will leave metin2 forever
      metin2 needs balancing for all CLASSES,not for 2 o 3 classes for all
    • Belive me, the +33% recveived damage works on every type of damage. Hits ,skills ,selfdamage both pvp and pvm side. :)

      I will be happy when we change our skills ,25 attack speed is more than enugh for me with the 13% base evading.

      You think it the berserk is so usefull skill? Take it and try it! What do you think ,most of the players why dont make it to P? Because the negative side effect is nonsense.

      When i turn it on in g2 with almost full resist (both lighting and arrow) im down at 2-3 secs.. And what an intresting thing ,without berserk i can still alive. :)
    • once we talking about skills.. mental warrior got a high defence with the SB.. but we can't use it for nothing.. on PvE we are always one of the first ones dying... for example i got 1203 defence with pet.. but for what? We still getting high damage from moobs.. You guys must make the defence work properly..

      I can t complain about pvp.. we must just be equal on pve with others.. if the aura works.. the sb must also work and give us something else..

      I don t mind about changes.. just hope you guys don t change the game to a point that we must spend a lot of € again to change everything we got until now.. hope you really do what was said on that interview..
    • Balancing feedback

      good the idea of a little nerf for the lycan class however wrong the idea of changing its duration, a small reduction of the damage is highly positive, removing double damage and other small things off lycan will help a lot ..
    • Aiolia wrote:

      I don t mind about changes.. just hope you guys don t change the game to a point that we must spend a lot of € again to change everything we got until now.. hope you really do what was said on that interview..
      it seems like this is the main purpose.

      What i dont undestend is why nerf the pve of shamans, it was poor but now .... want balance then make balance with all classes not nerfing2 class ...
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner