Shaman balancing

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    • My Schaman can only buff group members now? So i have to get my schaman into a group with random people i don't really know and could ruin my rank, just to buff them when fun fighting pvp in the city? Well, thats just a :cursing: idea sorry. :S

      And what about buffing characters who are more than 30 lvls lower than my schaman? Please revert this change.
    • Attis85 wrote:

      Naser wrote:

      i don't really know and could ruin my rank, just to buff them when fun fighting pvp in the city?
      Why must the buff to other characters in pvp? The pvp is about the power of an individual. The warrior, the ninja, the sura and the lycan do not must depend from Shaman-buff in pvp!
      Yes, but every class have it is own function in a pvp battle. Shamans are kinda the support class in this game so this changes hangs us in vague. Since the effect of the anti-magic stones have been reduced, and the weapon specialation have been added to the game dragon shamans have become worthless, thanks to webzen. Not only the pvp battles have been affected with this changes in shaman buffs but also the farming will become harder. A 120 lvl shaman couldn't buff a farming char ( like 55-75 levels) Webzen don't realize yet but they are about to lose a big amount of players :)

      PS: I am dragon shaman players since I started. When I said "support class" I don't mean that we are just dolls to help others. Shamans can't be seen as second class but this changes don't help the case.
    • Attis85 wrote:

      Naser wrote:

      i don't really know and could ruin my rank, just to buff them when fun fighting pvp in the city?
      Why must the buff to other characters in pvp? The pvp is about the power of an individual. The warrior, the ninja, the sura and the lycan do not must depend from Shaman-buff in pvp!
      That's the most aberant perspective on the PvP side of all I've seen. PvP is not about 1 vs 1 combat, go and duel as you like alone if you think so. Metin2 is a group play game and in a fight counts your mates and party members not only you. And each has his own abilities or role that contributes or influences the general result of that fight.
    • helena wrote:

      Shamans can't be seen as second class but this changes don't help the case
      These see i also. The webzen have purpose that the Dragon Shaman must be independent character. It is about whichever shaman.
      I do not know that what would be good for the shamans. They need good buffs and strong attacker-skill. It is true by both shamans.

      Rapier wrote:

      Attis85 wrote:

      Naser wrote:

      i don't really know and could ruin my rank, just to buff them when fun fighting pvp in the city?
      Hi!Why must the buff to other characters in pvp? The pvp is about the power of an individual. The warrior, the ninja, the sura and the lycan do not must depend from Shaman-buff in pvp!
      That's the most aberant perspective on the PvP side of all I've seen. PvP is not about 1 vs 1 combat, go and duel as you like alone if you think so. Metin2 is a group play game and in a fight counts your mates and party members not only you. And each has his own abilities or role that contributes or influences the general result of that fight.
      Ah... I understand thus. It is dangerous the pvp in group. I do not know that what can i do in a such case, If i would fear from the ranking Points losing then verisimilar would i steep out after the buff from group.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Attis85 ().

    • @unforgiven your intention here is ppl delete buffer shamans? You do 1 good thing and 2 bad things... Now int is bug, 15,5% crit with 90 int or with 500 int... cooldown is fine but this 15,5% will be a base? We can get 25-30% with int? I'm not seeing this with a good eyes.
      Anyway, still have a bug where we can't use blessing and Aid in ppl without being in my party.
      I wasted lots of time lvl up my shaman to lvl 100 and money reading book and soul stones to get a little 15%? 15% is nothing
    • Th3Original wrote:

      @unforgiven your intention here is ppl delete buffer shamans? You do 1 good thing and 2 bad things... Now int is bug, 15,5% crit with 90 int or with 500 int... cooldown is fine but this 15,5% will be a base? We can get 25-30% with int? I'm not seeing this with a good eyes.
      Anyway, still have a bug where we can't use blessing and Aid in ppl without being in my party.
      I wasted lots of time lvl up my shaman to lvl 100 and money reading book and soul stones to get a little 15%? 15% is nothing
      Not being able to buff people if they're not in the same party is not a BUG, is intended. This is how it was implemented, a Shamane cannot buff anyone if it is not in same party/group and if it is not close to the Shamane. And when I say "close" I mean REALLY close. You remember the range from which you could buff someone? Ok, THAT close. So if someone wants a buff in any situation he/she MUST be in a party with a Shaman AND be in that range WHEN the Shaman is casting his skills. So unless you start reading minds (and know exactly WHEN that particular Shaman will buff himself), getting a Blessing or Dragons Aid is a matter of chance...a very low chance if I might make a guess
    • unforgiven wrote:

      @Dragon Shamans:

      Have you noticed your own buffs now?
      Yes, the cooldown is same with live.

      But I am still not happy with it X/

      -Even the critical strikes that we get from the moonlight treasure chests have a higher value then the dragon aid in prefect.( %20 from critical stirke - %15 from prefect dragon aid)

      -Still can't buff someone who is out of group ||

      -Having just +%3 when we cast on ourself is ridiculous

      -And why reflect don't work like dragon's aid and blessing when we cast in group?

      If something need to be changed in shaman's buffs I think It should be reflect since it is useless in my opinion. ( Maybe blocking chance in prefect? even %5 will be enough) :)
    • - Dragon Aid gives 15.5% at Perfect Master - but has higher buff for self-casts. This was the drawback on reducing the cooldown back to what it was.
      - Buffing people outside of the group is intended. There are restrictions on how many people can be buffed hence those which would be from the Shaman Group have to be the ones getting.
      - You don't get +3% when buffing yourself, you get more.
      - Reflect isn't supposed to be cast in group. It was decided by the developer that it should stay as it is

      Shamans were never intended to be used as a side character for Warriors, Ninjas, Suras, Lykans, Healing Shamans, you name it. 15,5% Critical Hit chance is better than 0%. It is still a buff, and a very powerful buff in PvE.

      I will still request an increase of the range for the buffs. It got refused but I will continue fighting for it.
    • Considering the low damage increase of a critical strike (hit, skill, you name it..) compared to a "normal" one, these low chances of getting a critical won't matter so much anyways.

      As I don't have a Shaman anymore to test on Beta, could someone tell something about the OTHER skills? You said about Dragon's Aid. What about Blessing? What's the chance, what's the cooldown and so on?
    • unforgiven wrote:

      - Dragon Aid gives 15.5% at Perfect Master - but has higher buff for self-casts. This was the drawback on reducing the cooldown back to what it was.
      - Buffing people outside of the group is intended. There are restrictions on how many people can be buffed hence those which would be from the Shaman Group have to be the ones getting.
      - You don't get +3% when buffing yourself, you get more.
      - Reflect isn't supposed to be cast in group. It was decided by the developer that it should stay as it is
      Well If you ask me everything in shaman buff's should stay as it is :P Maybe I am wrong ,but in live my blessing value is %53.6, in beta it is %50.6 ( with the same items of course) So blessing is -%3 for others and same is it is for us ( dragon shamans)
      Not been able to buff outside the group will be a big handicap for everyone, PvP or PvM, this changes in buffs needs to be stop.

      Thanks @unforgiven for your concern. Hope webzen will understand the consequences of this updates...

      @Rapier I think I have just answered your question :D
    • Rapier wrote:

      Considering the low damage increase of a critical strike (hit, skill, you name it..) compared to a "normal" one, these low chances of getting a critical won't matter so much anyways.

      As I don't have a Shaman anymore to test on Beta, could someone tell something about the OTHER skills? You said about Dragon's Aid. What about Blessing? What's the chance, what's the cooldown and so on?
      Critical hit damage has only been decreased in PvP by between 40~60% (20000 Base Damage was 40000, now it would be around 22000 = 55% of the old damage, although it is a 10% increase). In PvE the damage is still the same.

      I can understand that for you nothing should be changed with the buffs but for all the changes to happen, the buffs also had to be addressed. Think about this as a whole single package, if you change A, you will also need to change Z.
    • We are worse than before, you are breaking all my expectatives of bad changes. INT doesn't affect Dragon's Aid %. 15% at P is unplayable and useless when heaven's tear bracelet gives the same ammount. 30% on self?? If you are trying to do things better, you are destroying the game more and more every thing you touch, and Dragon Shamans are becoming worse.
      I like 10 seconds cooldown, but the drawback is too abbussive. You have made Dragon Shamans an useless class, nobody needs 15% critical hits and 50% blessing (useless in bosses and magical attacks), and combined with the weapon specific changes,... , all I want here is to give my best ideas as most of you are doing, but the changes don't reflect what the community want, definetly I'm going to say goodbye to this game.
    • I think the coldown is fine now, but the % of critic should be increaset a bit, just at 20 o 25% when castin on group members , because what is 15% when you can get that mucho from dew's ?

      Another point, is the non existing way to cast buffs into other characters that arent in party, i thing this should be able to do, as the nerfing in pvp this will not afect pvp but pv3 and nerfing the averages is enought, delete the choice to buff teammembers or non teammembers is a bad idea.

      and hope can be taken seriously the suggestion of earings with int + hp as you can get str dex but not int with hp, and nowadays you are making us deal a little less dmg by using str status, and that means removing points from vitality and consequently loosing hp that with alchemy + pets + other bonus makes a lot of difference.

      And finally,i swear antimagic stones will be deleted and we can achieave a real balance.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • I think i am just gonna get used to the fact, that this update will mess up the game even more than the one with the magic stones. :S
      We aren't even talking about pvp balancing anymore, should that not be enough of a sign that all those changes are to much? Revert the Buffs, everyone was happy with it before. The changes just don't reflect what the community wants.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Naser ().

    • The best solution in my opinion is stop all that process of balancing, everything is worse than before. Dragon Shamans are the worst characters in the entire game, PvP and PvE, and now we aren't useful for supporting with 15% of critical hits, Reflect is better than this peice of :cursing: .
      I'm really tired of this process of balancing and all the things you do with our feedback, and how useless are WebZen programmers and their ideas. Definetly I think they want to close that game and this is the reason for these changes.
    • We say A and they hear B...
      No one likes this update. You speak about pvp balancing but you are ruining PvP and PvE...
      So you say, you can't change A withou changing Z... And about you don't touch in A? So you don't need change Z. 15% is nothing, ppl have buffers.. Not one or two, but basicly all players in game... That is need, you just need understand it. Is hard? -.-