Shaman balancing

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    • Shaman balancing

      I don't understand why have you done some changes:
      -Why Dragon Shaman skills are streghted with bell and cure with fan? Is a big injuste because fans have higher damage. I have a dragon shaman and all weapons I use are fans, noth classes would have a skill damage increase with fans and more attack value with bells.
      -I don't understand what are you doing with the stats. You say that our attack value will be increased with Intelligence and dexterety instead of Strenght, but the skills now work with stregnth, thing that I see very stupid. Skills should be increased by INT (++) and DEX (+). ALL OF THEM.
      -The cooldonw increase of Flying Talisman and Lightning is a BIG MISTAKE. I prefer less range having lower cooldowns. I can understand the increase on cooldwon of Dragon Shooting if you add chance to knockout, not knockback (I don't understand what it is, if is knockout is ok, if it is the same effect as Dragon Swirl, please remove it and reduce the cooldwon, is a useless effect), but please change the ward and boost to Dragon's Roar.
      -I think all the feedback we gave to you about "Attack" have been throw to the bin.

      Unfortunatly, you add this update to the Spanish Community by error last Thursday, and i know what is coming. All the Shamans buffs get worse with these changes (45% Blessing with 132 INT, 25% of Dragon's Aid), Attack Up was worse than now, lower values of attack value and a very high cooldwon, Switness gave more Movement Speed and Cure restores more HP.
    • They are forcing dragon shaman to use bells instead of fans.
      I mean, it s not that bad considering the boost in attack with dex and int (and all skills should be boost JUST by these two stats as you said above) since no one has bells defence. Would be natural thinking about shamans doing their best in pvp with with normal attacks than skills. (WTF?!)
      Anyway I think it's better try it our before being so assessing, even though the assumption are not that good.
    • Priore wrote:

      They are forcing dragon shaman to use bells instead of fans.
      I mean, it s not that bad considering the boost in attack with dex and int (and all skills should be boost JUST by these two stats as you said above) since no one has bells defence. Would be natural thinking about shamans doing their best in pvp with with normal attacks than skills. (WTF?!)
      Anyway I think it's better try it our before being so assessing, even though the assumption are not that good.
      The problem is that Dragon Shamans receive a boost using bells and Cure using Fans (is a big injustice because after a lot of years, fans has been better and all the people have fans because they have more MATK damage).
      And with the stats, the problem was that we don't have attack value for PvE playing, they solve it but change our abilities and now some of them depend on STR, others INT, and others DEX, and the VIT is important for having HP.
    • Yeah, I agree with you about the STR stats that should be completely unuseful for shamans skill since we already need INT and DEX.

      About fans and bells we have to see how high is that boost. In the case it's that high, it will force all dragon shamans to change/sell their pvp fans, and it's not nice.

      Anyway we have to look at both sides of the medal and we can do it just trying it out. If that changes aren't good, we can alter them with feedbacks, it's not too late.
      Don't forget that these are just draft.

      Ps: think of all that archers that have 0 INT in equip and now it is their essential stat.
    • Priore wrote:

      Yeah, I agree with you about the STR stats that should be completely unuseful for shamans skill since we already need INT and DEX.

      About fans and bells we have to see how high is that boost. In the case it's that high, it will force all dragon shamans to change/sell their pvp fans, and it's not nice.

      Anyway we have to look at both sides of the medal and we can do it just trying it out. If that changes aren't good, we can alter them with feedbacks, it's not too late.
      Don't forget that these are just draft.

      Ps: think of all that archers that have 0 INT in equip and now it is their essential stat.
      I totally agree with you about the bell/fan bonus.

      The PVP lv 69- chamans were used to use lv 30 bells because of the 3rd stone slot, and now those bells could become useless for the cure chamans. That's not a good point if the boost is high.

      And the HL chamans were used to use a lot of fans in PVP, same problem but for the dragon chamans this time.

      Bells are great for normal attacks, fans are great for skills, so they already have their perks/cons, no need to add a new restriction.

      (sorry for bad english)
    • Most shaman attacks are automatically increased by INT but if you have STR, some will increase even further although it scales at a smaller rate than INT. It is just an option, shamans will need to think where to go, full VIT or Full STR. Builds can be more diverse like this.

      Regarding the weapons. No one needs to sell Fans, they still have higher Magic Attack, you just get a bonus damage out of using specific weapons - specialization. But look the other way around, for PvE, with Bells, you will deal more damage.

      Once again, let's put the changes in the Beta server, test it and feedback them.

      What happened in Spain was not this directly, there are by far more changes that you did not see. It is with all these changes that we want you to test and try out.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Most shaman attacks are automatically increased by INT but if you have STR, some will increase even further although it scales at a smaller rate than INT. It is just an option, shamans will need to think where to go, full VIT or Full STR. Builds can be more diverse like this.

      Regarding the weapons. No one needs to sell Fans, they still have higher Magic Attack, you just get a bonus damage out of using specific weapons - specialization. But look the other way around, for PvE, with Bells, you will deal more damage.

      Once again, let's put the changes in the Beta server, test it and feedback them.

      What happened in Spain was not this directly, there are by far more changes that you did not see. It is with all these changes that we want you to test and try out.
      If i want to use abilities in PvE I use fan, because as you said, it has higher MATK.
      Also i don't understand why you choose Bell-->Dragon Shaman and Fan-->Cure Shaman. I think Dragon Shamans need more damage on PvP and Cure Shamans have enough damage but are worse when playing PvE...
    • A dragon shaman can compete in PVP with another PJ if our best ability is nerf brutally?
      100% Critical = 20%

      With the changes you are making I do not see how good to be a chaman dragon. Our best cuality is now ussless.

      I propose that our critic remain the same as before. (Only for the shaman) When using it on another character that is half.
    • Marce23 wrote:

      A dragon shaman can compete in PVP with another PJ if our best ability is nerf brutally?
      100% Critical = 20%

      With the changes you are making I do not see how good to be a chaman dragon. Our best cuality is now ussless.

      I propose that our critic remain the same as before. (Only for the shaman) When using it on another character that is half.
      If they think crits are too OP, i also think that giving more crits to Dragon Shamans is a Good idea. Maybe Dragon's Force, in the case of giving 50% of critics, when you use it on other characters the effect is reduced by 30%. For example, if it gives 50% of critics, it only buffs other characters with 30-35%.
    • Quite happy that Cure got buffed in HP restoration, and Swiftness as well, but i totally disagree with the neef given to our colleagues Dragons. Dragon's Aid is a must-have in a group of players, speaking of PvM, ypu can't just reach a sufficient DPS if you don't crit on some bosses/mobs. We Healing Shamans can count on a good skill cooldown for our PvP damage, if you take away crits from Dragons, how can they deal damage to other players?

      We may test this update out, but i seriously think it won't work. Also, disapponted for Attack Up's "attack down, i hope it will be re-examined in the near future.
    • Guys reducing Dragon's aid critical hit, which I would like to remind you to be the main skill of the Dragon shaman, is like reducing the amout of attack given by Aura of Sword or reducing the amount of HP restoration of the cure shamans.

      Dragon aids used on self really must have a decent boost to not make sound this change like a really really really bad idea.

      Anyway, let's test it first...
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Most shaman attacks are automatically increased by INT but if you have STR, some will increase even further although it scales at a smaller rate than INT. It is just an option, shamans will need to think where to go, full VIT or Full STR. Builds can be more diverse like this.

      Regarding the weapons. No one needs to sell Fans, they still have higher Magic Attack, you just get a bonus damage out of using specific weapons - specialization. But look the other way around, for PvE, with Bells, you will deal more damage.

      Once again, let's put the changes in the Beta server, test it and feedback them.

      What happened in Spain was not this directly, there are by far more changes that you did not see. It is with all these changes that we want you to test and try out.
      What about the 3 stone slot of the lv 30 bell and the only 2 stone slots of the lv 30 fan? We pvp chamans are using the bell because of this, and with the antimagic stone it is even more important to use bells at lv 69-... So this change is illogic with the metagame right now, and for higher levels we need lv 75 fan and lv 70 bell. And of course nobody uses lv 80+ bells with pvp stones on them, so it will force cashshop to change this (once again).
    • @'Trueshamanking': do not forget that Summon Lightnings (and mental's warrior Stomp) are atypical skills - as the stun they cause can be really long-lasting thanks to the ability "Leadership", up to a minute!

      Actually this kind of stun is WAY more useful than the standard one.

      But, If they were to be sure-stunning skills (such as Dash), they would lose their special feature.

      I actually would not change the percentage. Around a 20-25% seems right to me, but oh well.

      Clearly, having the chance to permanently stun everything and everyone would not really be balanced.
    • Stunning thing was the most important thing for PvE. Why did you do that? It was our special bonus, and it was working very rare already, and now you say it is reduced more than before?
      And why did you privatize the usage of fan and bell? I'm a healer shaman and im using bell and i wanna use bell, why it gives more additional bonusses to dragon shamans and fans for healers? That decision is really ridiculous.
      I like the new buffing thing, now we will be real shamans like other online games.
      But why no one talks about the bug in shaman skills? We know that our anti magic percents are reduced, but anti magic stones were added to game as a solution to this bug. I have a recommendation. Just delete all the anti magic stones and cure the bug in shaman damages? And we will be free to use the 3. character stone and the other players who always complain about anti magic stones will be happy too.