Dont ruin lykan

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    • Lycan is not OP. In the maximum lvl and with the best gear the lycan is same, like the other classes. For example there is the pvp video Lycan vs Ninja. Ninja don't have "1k+ attack value crimson soul" but the hit is almost the same, and the PVP is not a One side massacre.
      I have a lv79 lycan... It's a low budget character... And as I sad with 60 claw def (+0 stuff with 1bonus: 15claw, except the armor, that 1k HP 15claw), with (self made) lycan shield +8, a matt skill and skill def diamond and a matt lycan def sapphire. lv77lycan with P skill, 10 hh and with a attack value matt rubin hit me with 2.5-3k damage to my 15k HP (and as I sad, I don't have HP in the claw def gear).

      Conclusion: In the high lvl with expensive gear, and in the mid lvl with cheap/self-made gear the lycan is not a threat.
      And in low lvl? When I was 48 with P crimson (800+ attack value) and no alchy I had 1.5-4k skills... to 0 def... this is OP? oh come on...

      And what happened, when I got a dispel? I didn't attacked my enemy and I let him to kill me, because I do 400-500 damage without crimson.
      With those damage... I never fight with BM, because of them def skill... without claw def.. I had a funny damage.

      And all of these damage with 15half human (not 0hh).

      This is not an OP class, just too "expensive" the gear to buy it, right? ;)
      Sorry for my bad english.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by nova1997 ().

    • The awoid arrow ok ,at this moment we dont have any map with archers exept the gnolls.

      The suras has almost 50% or more reflect from ench. armour... If one sura hit example 2k on a mob and the mob hit 1k on the sura and reflected 500 damge back... It means the sura have 2.5k damage. Not so useless thing. :)

      Bleeding in pvm is useless? Why? Usefull like poison or better because the bleeding can kill the mob. My favorite weapon was one SSB with 8 bleeding with my mental. Combined with 8 poison on helm it was very usefull in boss hounting and in everyday pvm.

      The argument is good ,just you dont accept it.
      Ask one player who has a char without damage boost skill how usefull is the bleeding. :)

      Anyways the reason is; the bodys dont have any deffensive ability just attack. (+ negative side effect)
      The bodys attack lower than the lycans and suras attack who got alot of more than just attack from the skills (without negative side effect)
    • Signo wrote:

      The argument is good ,just you dont accept it.
      Your arguments are contradictory that's why I don't accept it.

      Signo wrote:

      The suras has almost 50% or more reflect from ench. armour... If one sura hit example 2k on a mob and the mob hit 1k on the sura and reflected 500 damge back... It means the sura have 2.5k damage. Not so useless thing.
      Wait so, all of a sudden pvm is about mob killing now? I thought you and that 'meh' guy were those guys with their 'pvm is only about boss and metin killing' argument + mobs do not hit so fast as players (as you are stating)

      Signo wrote:

      Bleeding in pvm is useless? Why? Usefull like poison or better because the bleeding can kill the mob. My favorite weapon was one SSB with 8 bleeding with my mental. Combined with 8 poison on helm it was very usefull in boss hounting and in everyday pvm.
      It's not useless, but you can have it on equipment so I do not see how this gives lycans more value.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jeroenado ().

    • Apollykan wrote:

      True.. And sura has only two atack skills dispell damage is really weak warrior body has 4, lycan has 4 to, but lykan hits are really strange and slow and the skills fail a lot, so its already balanced
      Dispel does more damage than the other 2 skill if you have the 2 anti-magic stones and because it de-buffs any buffs in the game I'd say it's the best offensive skill in the game.
    • This topic is about the feedback from lycan nerf, is obvious that the nerf the day it was presented was not accepted, even people who dont play with lykan, the negative feedback is done, and was sended o webzen by unforgiven, there is no point and continuing discussing, in this topic, we already presented plenty arguments why the lykan should stay that way it is, or the nerf is toooo big
    • If they don't know the meaning of 'a little' they shouldn't be touching this character, (i understand that body warriors/weapon suras want to be treated a bit more equally)

      There are few people who switched from body warrior to lycan cause they wanted more dmg on horseback, changing that body warriors will deal more now is not fair!

      btw I think the piercing should be reduced a lot at first instance

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jeroenado ().

    • The crimson values should be correct now with the displayed values on the beta..

      ->This piercing nerf is good and is much more balanced than it was before

      ->The cooldown itself is good on its own (it's not good considering you have 55secs of duration)

      ->The duration is a joke, and idk why should this even be discussed.. 55seconds is nothing, also you need to take into account that lycans need to use buff up with INT to achieve the same as body warriors/weapon suras (with this current attack value change you can't even achieve the same Oo).

      ->The attack value is a joke, again idk why should this even be discussed. I've said this before, there are lycans (like me) who play this character because it has highest damage on horse. Changing this fact is just NOT fair. Yes you can nerf this, but still you can't take away where this character is standing for: highest attack value, because of this fact there are people playing this character (and it's already so unpopular). And if you are not capable of doing this in a much less excessive way, then do not touch it at all.

      If you are still serious with this change, you could as well delete this character.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by jeroenado ().

    • You are right jeroenado, the lycan is a Berserk class, it has to be the highest damage class, but weak to the damage as the base concept like crimson give big attack value, but it take away defense.

      Maybe you should let the crimson attack value in that "big" value, but give some negative effect example the lycan earn more damage from other class?

      You take away but didn't.

      But if you adjust the crimson to the lowest attack value skill, then what will be this class? From a Wolf-Humanoid berserk to a Puppy with red and blue garnish? oh come on...
      Sorry for my bad english.
    • Lycan is not OP. In the maximum lvl and with the best gear the lycan is same, like the other classes. For example there is the pvp video Lycan vs Ninja. Ninja don't have "1k+ attack value crimson soul" but the hit is almost the same, and the PVP is not a One side massacre.
      I have a lv79 lycan... It's a low budget character... And as I sad with 60 claw def (+0 stuff with 1bonus: 15claw, except the armor, that 1k HP 15claw), with (self made) lycan shield +8, a matt skill and skill def diamond and a matt lycan def sapphire. lv77lycan with P skill, 10 hh and with a attack value matt rubin hit me with 2.5-3k damage to my 15k HP (and as I sad, I don't have HP in the claw def gear).

      Conclusion: In the high lvl with expensive gear, and in the mid lvl with cheap/self-made gear the lycan is not a threat.
      And in low lvl? When I was 48 with P crimson (800+ attack value) and no alchy I had 1.5-4k skills... to 0 def... this is OP? oh come on...

      And what happened, when I got a dispel? I didn't attacked my enemy and I let him to kill me, because I do 400-500 damage without crimson.
      With those damage... I never fight with BM, because of them def skill... without claw def.. I had a funny damage.

      And all of these damage with 15half human (not 0hh).

      This is not an OP class, just too "expensive" the gear to buy it, right? ;)
      Sorry for my bad english.
    • iLow wrote:

      I do not know why i should play a lycan and buff crimson every time with full int eq, while i could play a body warrior that makes more dmg and hasn't to buff AoS with full Str-EQ.

      That's my opinion. Where's the advantage of the Lycan through using Int-EQ? It costs much time, but it is necessary to balance this class? This is not fair at all.

      Attack value of Crimson (90 int) should be 585 AV

      Attack value of Crimson (169int) should be around 700-800 AV

      The nerf of piercing in crimson is okay.

      The Duration of 55 seconds is unacceptable.

      Why did you throw away the idea of giving the lycan a little bit more AV but let him have negative side-effects on crimson. The Lycan is a berserker, who deliberately accepts taking more Dmg because he is at close combat for dealing also more Dmg.

      Of course, the 37-Deff-Reduction is not the perfect "Negative Effect". You could give the Lycan the old AV (585 to 1040 AV) and give him stronger negative Effects (For example 10-20% more Dmg from every Mob (even Boss-Skills) while crimson is activated or sth like that)
    • LoL

      "Stronger negative effects (for example 10-20% more damage from every mob even boss skills.)

      Well the berserk got +11% at M1 ,+22% at G1 and +33% at P.
      You want higher attack value than the aos and less /same negative effect what the berserks got at m1 or G?
      If you want higher AV then rise the negative effect too...
      (The berserks negative effect is affect all kind of damage. Skill damages ,close or raged damages and self damages too like poison and bleeding and flame. Both pvp and pvm side.)
      If you want same or better ,you have to pay same or more... Thats how will be fair. :)