Dont ruin lykan

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    • Dont ruin lykan

      Lykan is not that op as people say, just test yourselves, people who says that are usally who do not have defenses againt lykan, test the damage on a full resistence char, but now you are trying to remove the lykan damage... what for? To please the crying babys that dont have sets?!i choose a lykan i invested my money on it upping my skills and make equipments and now you are trying to ruining the char in pvp and pve/pvm,
      lykan already have hard skills to hit unlike the ultimate prodigy warriors and suras..
      Good luck having less players after this update
      if this update make the attack damage below 500 of wolf soul bye bye, do that to warrior to and suras too and make it fair
    • To actually get a good Balancing. If you think something like that can be achieved without removing any Damage from the Game, you're wrong. Wake up.
      Almost everybody of us wants a Balancing but you're not willing to sacrifice some of your Damage in exchange for a good Balancing, that's just not gonna work your Way.

      If it's to hard for you to hit your Skills, go ahead train more, thats completly up to you, that's not Argument.
      Sorry, but Warrior and Suras are not even capeable of reaching the same AV as a Lycan does. By far not.
      Furthermore the Lycan maybe the Race which is able to Push his Damage the most, compared to the other Classes.
    • They should just reduce the way crimsons attack value scales with INT. That's what makes lycans so powerful.

      Comparison between aos e.blade and crimson:
      lv100 wp sura: enchanted blade with 90int gives 587.5
      lv88 body warrior: aos with 90str gives 567
      lv95 lycan: crimson with 90int gives 585
      If the body warr was a bit higher lvl then the values would be even closer to each other... If they only changed the way INT adds attack to crimson to something lower instead of decreasing the damage in general then its fine. Also should change that crimson scales with players lvl because a lv70 lycan has same attack value as a lv95 but a lv75 sura doesn't have the same as lv100.
      This way lycans would be nerfed (noobs without claw defs are happy in pvp) but at the same time won't become weak and useless in pvm - everyone happy.
      Also lowering the pierce is just fair

      The thing I really hate is the cooldwon/duration thing. Should leave that part as it was.
    • I'm sorry but I don't agree with you - and I'm talking as a player who's almost entirely not into PvP. Lykans were definitely too OP, especially when it comes to crush Metins or killing bosses.

      Testreg observations seem quite reasonable to me.

      Skill bonuses in general should really depend more on the character's level, by the way. Metin2 code is really too simple under this point of view.
    • I'm NOT saying that this is a 'top' argument but; Skills that are hard to hit are an argument. Because sometimes using a skill against a certain opponent can risk you to be put in a risky situation, so this leaves opportunities to kill or attack opponents sometimes. A lycan can't really use autos in pvp that well which means that if you get caught by a warrior (or ninja/sura) pressing his spacebar, you'll be stuck at that place untill you die or kill, and the only thing you can do is spam skills OR get on a mount and run. This can make a lycan very vulnerable.
      So saying that your skills are hard to hit does not mean that you don't know how to hit your skills, sometimes it's just a bad idea. Doing no skills and no autos in pvp will ofcourse result in no damage.

      I've also spent in a lycan, maybe not through money but a lot of time. The only 'OP' thing for me on this character is its damage on horse (pvm) just like body warriors and weapon suras which is just much higher than other characters, and is also the reason why I left my mental warrior and started playing as lycan. If they actually decide to nerf crimson wolf soul, I do not see any argument why enchanted blade or aura of the sword will not be nerfed.

      I thought this was supposed to be a pvp balance or am I wrong (Sorry for any misunderstanding)? I do not see how lycan is a 'so much stronger' character on pvp than certain others, at its current state on the online servers. If the damage of certain skills are too high (In your opinion, I don't see it), then why not tackle these instead of crimon wolf soul.

      Although, I can admit that lycans are in a good position now, they have very good damage on pvm and decent damage in pvp. Body warriors and weapon suras which are considered as good for pvm, are actually considered rather weak in pvp. Since these 3 characters both have an attack value buff, they will ALWAYS be considered as better in pvm than any other character. But if they hit crimson wolf soul and will result it in lycans having more or less equal damage on horse and on skills as Body warrior and Weapon suras, then I wonder what the advantages on pvp or pvm of this character will be?

      -So the real question I'm asking here is; What direction will they make with Lycan? A rather strong pvm character, with higher attack value or more of a pvp character with good skills? Lycan are in a good position now (pvp/pvm), and makes them often called 'OP' which I don't think is.

      I am really open minded, and feel free to change my thoughts on lycan.
    • jeroenado wrote:

      A lycan can't really use autos in pvp that well which means that if you get caught by a warrior (or ninja/sura) pressing his spacebar, you'll be stuck at that place untill you die or kill, and the only thing you can do is spam skills OR get on a mount and run. This can make a lycan very vulnerable.
      Other classes such as Archers will still be suffering this problem even with the new update, but they're still there, without having any self-buff skill making them stronger both in PvP and PvE, without having fast-moving skills like Wolf's Claw or Pounce, which (similary to Dagger's Fast Attack) can be quite useful to escape from stingy situations.

      This is a PvP balance, it's true, but that doesn't justify the excessive power of Lycans in ALL areas, especially when it comes to making damage against metin rocks and bosses.

      Since designers are finally working on changing various aspects of the game, I guess we should use this opportunity to make the whole game better and enjoyable for everyone.

      jeroenado wrote:

      If they actually decide to nerf crimson wolf soul, I do not see any argument why enchanted blade or aura of the sword will not be nerfed.
      Be aware that no one could get > 60% chance of piercing hits just by activating a self-buff; lycans also got an extra damage, since they could easily exceed the 100% piercing hit limit.

      They were over-powered, plain and simple.

      You do (or at least, you should) not choose a character because it is better than the others, but just because you like it. However, every character should be plesant to play with - and be somewhat specialized in PvP/PvM/GvG (or rather, being a hybrid in those areas - which does NOT mean to excel at everything).

      They did not say they'll REMOVE atk value from Lycans, anyway - they'll just make the skill features less exaggerated than they are now.

      Anyway I'm sure they'll be reading our feedbacks: if you all will believe - after having tested it - that this changes are too severe, I'm sure they wil listen to your advices.
    • I'm NOT saying that this is a 'top' argument but; Skills that are hard to hit are an argument. Because sometimes using a skill against a certain opponent can risk you to be put in a risky situation, so this leaves opportunities to kill or attack opponents sometimes. A lycan can't really use autos in pvp that well which means that if you get caught by a warrior (or ninja/sura) pressing his spacebar, you'll be stuck at that place untill you die or kill, and the only thing you can do is spam skills OR get on a mount and run. This can make a lycan very vulnerable.
      So saying that your skills are hard to hit does not mean that you don't know how to hit your skills, sometimes it's just a bad idea. Doing no skills and no autos in pvp will ofcourse result in no damage.

      I've also spent in a lycan, maybe not through money but a lot of time. The only 'OP' thing for me on this character is its damage on horse (pvm) just like body warriors and weapon suras which is just much higher than other characters, and is also the reason why I left my mental warrior and started playing as lycan. If they actually decide to nerf crimson wolf soul, I do not see any argument why enchanted blade or aura of the sword will not be nerfed.

      I thought this was supposed to be a pvp balance or am I wrong (Sorry for any misunderstanding)? I do not see how lycan is a 'so much stronger' character on pvp than certain others, at its current state on the online servers. If the damage of certain skills are too high (In your opinion, I don't see it), then why not tackle these instead of crimon wolf soul.

      Although, I can admit that lycans are in a good position now, they have very good damage on pvm and decent damage in pvp. Body warriors and weapon suras which are considered as good for pvm, are actually considered rather weak in pvp. Since these 3 characters both have an attack value buff, they will ALWAYS be considered as better in pvm than any other character. But if they hit crimson wolf soul and will result it in lycans having more or less equal damage on horse and on skills as Body warrior and Weapon suras, then I wonder what the advantages on pvp or pvm of this character will be?

      -So the real question I'm asking here is; What direction will they make with Lycan? A rather strong pvm character, with higher attack value or more of a pvp character with good skills? Lycan are in a good position now (pvp/pvm), and makes them often called 'OP' which I don't think is.

      I am really open minded, and feel free to change my thoughts on lycan.

      It's not even a "small Argument". It makes you a good Player who knows his Character if you make good Decisions on wether or not to use a Skill in certain Situations. If Lycan Skills are hard to hit same goes for Ninja Skills, Mental Warrio Skills etc. basically every Skill that is not "Point & Click". So that really is NO Argument. I agree, the Hit Animation of the Lycan is pretty shit, but that's because he's supposed to deal the most Damage with Skills not with a Combination of Skills + Auto Attacks like the Body Warrior/Weaponary Sura.

      So there's no Point in arguing Skills are to hard to hit. It just comes down to knowing your Class and knowing when it's best to use Skills or Auto Attacks. But it's not Disadvantage as you tried to point out.

      They nerf Crimson Soul because they want to lower the Damge overall. Skills deal Damage yes, but the biggest Damage Push comes while Crimson Soul is activated. As soon as it's not, you'll se about a 50/60% Drop in Damage (maybe even more). Furthermore the Reason why you need to nerf Crimson Soul is the massiv scaling with INT. Take a look at Aura of the Sword or Enchanted Blade. Yes, their basic AV Push might be a bit higher. But the Amount of additional Push you're able to get just by using INT Equipment is pretty crazy. So after the nerf, you'll be able to reach nearly the same Amount of AV Aura and Enchanted Blade give by using INT Equipment.

      I can't answer your Question. But looking at the Lycan's Skillset he wont suffer THAT much. He will still deal a very good Amount of Damage. If you take the Change to Piercing into Consideration you'll have a big Advantage with the Lycan since you're able to reach High Numbers of Piercing Hits pretty easy, compared to other Classes.
    • Apollykan wrote:

      Lykan is not that op as people say, just test yourselves, people who says that are usally who do not have defenses againt lykan, test the damage on a full resistence char, but now you are trying to remove the lykan damage... what for? To please the crying babys that dont have sets?!i choose a lykan i invested my money on it upping my skills and make equipments and now you are trying to ruining the char in pvp and pve/pvm,
      lykan already have hard skills to hit unlike the ultimate prodigy warriors and suras..
      Good luck having less players after this update
      if this update make the attack damage below 500 of wolf soul bye bye, do that to warrior to and suras too and make it fair

      Please, stop that. You are denying the undeniable!

      Lykans has too much powerfull buffs. That's all. He's OP and it needs to be resized. You have had too much easy life and fun for too long, now it's time for justice.
      We will miss you!
    • TianyLu wrote:

      I agree, the Hit Animation of the Lycan is pretty shit, but that's because he's supposed to deal the most Damage with Skills not with a Combination of Skills + Auto Attacks like the Body Warrior/Weaponary Sura.
      Dagger ninjas use autos as well, any other character is point click skills. Lycans are the only ones who cannot reliably land a skill through using autos.

      If a Lycan is supposed to do damage with his skills, then why should this be nerfed and equalised to values of a weapon sura or body warrior, this will actually result in this character's strength being no advantage at all. As you just said any other 'non-point click skill' character can use combos with auto+skills, to not only hit their skills, but also deal extra damage through their autoattacks!

      You say as well, that a Lycan will be able to reach 'nearly the same amount' of av of aos & enc blade after this nerf, but yet you HAVE TO do this push by using INT equipment for having no advantage at all?

      Lycans also get a nice boost of pierce from crimson wolf soul, but what does this offer them on pvp? They barely can use autos, and having a pierce on your skills will usually (if it even happens) remain unnoticed.
    • You are right @Apollykan lycans damage to low and chracter too slow while attack.So lycan take too damages from the bosses.Lycan be still state dont need any change if lycan nerf so many lycan for gameover :)

      Lycan came to the game 10 years later I think the current state is normal

      If certain features were not better, the players would not have to go to that character anyway.

      As a matter of fact, the character is a little hit on the defensive characters, and most of the add-ons will cause the lycan player to let go

      When changes are made, it is a good idea to think that most people who have worked for lycan are worth the trash.

      In my opinion, the current situation is normal, there is no need for change, if other characters need to change.
    • jeroenado wrote:

      As you just said any other 'non-point click skill' character can use combos with auto+skills, to not only hit their skills, but also deal extra damage through their autoattacks!
      The story about missable skills may be true, but it does not justify in any reasonable way the exaggerated bonuses given by Crimson Soul Wolf.

      Yet, we're talking of PvE also - and about the damage on mounts. That's too high!

      And don't forget mental warriors skills are are all missable as well, except for Sword Strike - but they do not have a self-buff as powerful as the Lycan's one.

      By the way, Lycans EVEN have a buff of +25% atk speed thanks to Indigo Wolf, without having any negative effect (like Body Warriors do). With the next update, they'll remove the defense malus previously given by Crimson Soul. Where in the world will Lycan be weak?
    • BlueShade wrote:

      The story about missable skills may be true, but it does not justify in any reasonable way the exaggerated bonuses given by Crimson Soul Wolf.

      Yet, we're talking of PvE also - and about the damage on mounts. That's too high!

      And don't forget mental warriors skills are are all missable as well, except for Sword Strike - but they do not have a self-buff as powerful as the Lycan's one.

      By the way, Lycans EVEN have a buff of +25% atk speed thanks to Indigo Wolf, without having any negative effect (like Body Warriors do). With the next update, they'll remove the defense malus previously given by Crimson Soul. Where in the world will Lycan be weak?
      Yes, I think this weak lycan is going to be weak. The current situation is already giving little damage to the defensive characters. If there is a corrective correction and if it decreases, the laborers who labor for lycan will be wasted.
    • These changes for lycans are needed, a char with top performance in pvm and pvp is just bad, it has no drawback right now and thanks to lycan OP damage there has been overtime a big reduction of war and pvps. Hope that gf stay on this route for lycan and don't reverse changes just to appease a minority.
    • Rek wrote:

      These changes for lycans are needed, a char with top performance in pvm and pvp is just bad, it has no drawback right now and thanks to lycan OP damage there has been overtime a big reduction of war and pvps. Hope that gf stay on this route for lycan and don't reverse changes just to appease a minority.
      Now each character with the right combination is strong at PvM. What matters is PvP and if lycan is weakened it means that all the lycan items and their items are garbage.

      There is no situation where the lycans need to be regulated. There is no need for a revision. The management of the game is necessary if it is necessary. However, there is a solution that no one is a victim. They may not be in the solution (because they are not defenders), so they may suffer victims who have labored to the lycans.
    • I dont mind they reduce a bit of damage of crimson and put it the same as a sura, or even reduce the piercing, but, dont put crimson with like 500 - damage with 90 int, put it just like the sura, but even then i dont think its fair, because lykan use useless hits on the floor, skills that miss a lot even if u have good gaming skills with them, its already balanced? We lykans invested our money on a char to later they ruining it? Are they playing with our money? Good luck on having the majority of lykans leaving the game...
      And for all crying babys put a lykan doing skills to a char full resistence and see the OP damage that not exist
    • No one's crying and actually no one's whining about attack skills, mostly of us are complaining about Lycan's excessive power at PvE - many players nowadays are not really into PvP that much, as I am myself.

      There have been lv.90 Lycans capable of taking down a Beran Setaou. With a matt DSS Ruby and no Dragon God Atk, nor bone items, nor lv.92-94 bio quests.

      Don't you all think that's too exaggerated?
    • Well, I agree with you on that matter, their melee attacks are slow.

      However, almost all the relevant PvE activities (especially high level ones, including crushing metin rocks or certain bosses) are done on horse/mounts. By using a boar, Lycans melee attacks are considerably strong.

      In dungeons preventing players from mounting a horse, there's the polymorph marble option - just like every other character does.

      Making their combo faster while lowering atk value may be an interesting way to really balance gameplay.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Well, I agree with you on that matter, their melee attacks are slow.

      However, almost all the relevant PvE activities (especially high level ones, including crushing metin rocks or certain bosses) are done on horse/mounts. By using a boar, Lycans melee attacks are considerably strong.

      In dungeons preventing players from mounting a horse, there's the polymorph marble option - just like every other character does.

      Making their combo faster while lowering atk value may be an interesting way to really balance gameplay.
      My friend important is PvP lycan melee attacks too slow If the lycans become weak, it becomes garbage. It is slow and cumbersome.
      Be as strong as you want to hit. The leg can not get up. Is it wrong?