Idea: Rune Sword into 3 new specific swords (one for "each" class)

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    • Idea: Rune Sword into 3 new specific swords (one for "each" class)

      As we all know, the Rune Sword can't be developed/upgraded d into a new weapon.

      Their intention is, to make class-specific weapons right?

      So why not make it possible to upgrade the Run Sword into 3 different class specific Swords:

      -Rune Sword -> Warrior specific 1 Hand Sword
      -Rune Sword -> Sura specific 1 Hand Sword (more likely for weapon suras)
      -Rune Sword -> Ninja specific 1 Hand Sword

      What do you guys think about this idea?

      I hope that the GF implement some 1-Hand Swords for all classes (ninja, suras, warriors).
      Don't exclude them, let everyone has the chance to get a piece of the cake.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      It is not Gameforge who implements these things, Gameforge is just the publisher. The developer is WebZen.
      Yeah x) I know, just wrote it wrong. I want to say that I hope that Webzen will implement this feature.

      But the GF can say "Hey what about this solution?".
      and you could say
      "A lot of players would also like to see a develop for the rune sword, why don't you want to do it?"

      I read, that a lot of players don't understand why they should not be able to upgrade their main weapon.
      Well I was thinking, that Webzen just want "class-specific" weapons, so why not make it also be able for the rune sword?

      The players investigated a lot of time and effort to some good rune swords and now all of sudden their effort is kind of getting punished because they can't upgrade it.
    • It really is not understandable that all weapons have improvements except the runic sword. It is more in the majority of servers is the weapon that more is used so much in warriors as weaponary suras.
      It is more if it is implemented as it is now, they would be avoiding that a warrior for example can have double half humans in the arms since the 2 handed weapon itself can not take anymore to evolve from one that already has.
      Instead all other classes if they can have their own weapon double human halfs without any problem (including the suras from the blade tooth dragon).
      For this very reason I propose that you give some evolution to the runic sword, as I said in another post since the warriors 90% of the time we use 1-hand weapons, rather than two-handed weapons.
      In the case of sura weaponary it is also unfair that they have invested so much in getting a weapon since these weapons are not as easy to climb as other things, and that in the end they have to look for a blade tooth dragon to be able to get the new sword pvp of its race since the majority we know that the suras look for mainly physical damage, and not a weapon like blade tooth dragon that gives mainly magical attack besides its physical damage.
      I think the idea they propose here should be taken into account since many people have put too much into making these weapons so that from one day to another they propose that this weapon does not have evolution but the rest of weapons of other classes have the possibility to evolve into a new weapon. I hope this is taken into account as it affects a lot of people and is one of the main complaints about the new weapons.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • Then you are saying that we will have similar damage as the other classes despite the improvements. To see I do not see balance, first by the damages and human means that the other arms give. And here I leave you with simply seeing the damage base of the runica sword compared to new ones from other classes.
      This is the Runic Sword in +9:
      Level 105
      Attack Value: 403-451
      Magical Attack: 369-411
      Attack Speed: 15%
      Bonus Against Half Humans: 15%
      Bonus Against Monsters: 5%.

      And this is the value of the new weapons

      GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      Arch of the Epic Wind + 9
      Required Level: 115
      Attack: 528-734
      Attack Speed: + 25%
      Bonus Against Humanoids: 20%
      Bonus Against Monsters: + 8%
      Classes: Ninja

      Epic Wind Daggers + 9
      Required Level: 115
      Attack: 472-499
      Attack Speed: + 30%
      Bonus Against Humanoids: 25%
      Bonus Against Monsters: + 8%
      Classes: Ninja

      Epic Fire Sword + 9
      Required Level: 115
      Attack: 458-546
      Attack Speed: + 30%
      Bonus Against Humanoids: 20%
      Bonus Against Monsters: + 8%
      Classes: Warrior

      Claws of the Epic Cloud + 9
      Required Level: 115
      Attack: 413-463
      Attack Speed: + 30%
      Bonus Against Humanoids: 20%
      Bonus Against Monsters: + 8%
      Classes: Lycan

      Epic Thunder Sword + 9
      Required Level: 115
      Attack: 407-462
      Magic Attack: 399-461
      Attack Speed: + 25%
      Bonus Against Humanoids: 20%
      Bonus Against Monsters: + 8%
      Classes: Sura

      Epic Light Bell + 9
      Required Level: 115
      Attack: 432-467
      Magic Attack: 334-366
      Attack Speed: + 26%
      Bonus Against Humanoids: 20%
      Bonus Against Monsters: + 8%
      Classes: Shaman

      Epic Light Fighter + 9
      Required Level: 115
      Attack: 356-421
      Magic Attack: 410-490
      Attack Speed: + 30%
      Bonus Against Humanoids: 20%
      Bonus Against Monsters: + 8%
      Classes: Shaman
      Since I can say that even a bell or dagger of the new has more damage than the runic sword, the only weapon that has similar damage is the new sura sword. It is more I do not see sense even that a dagger hits much more than a sword since they can hit much faster than any other character simply because of their way of attacking with basic blows. Neither will compare the weapon 2 hands and the bow of the ninjas since obviously these weapons have to be stronger than a one handed weapon.
      And the only weapon that does not have a greater value of attack than the runica sword is the new fan which is logical that does not have more damage.
      It also has to add that all these weapons have a higher attack speed than the runic sword (this is a little lower but it influences), they have 20% bonus against half humans (which is where the difference will mainly come from the base damage differences) and Finally and I see it unintelligible if one wants a weapon pvp will have 8% of bonus against monsters.
      These differences in attack value of weapons, bonus against halfs humans and other things that I have said are the ones that will make too much difference against the runic sword where you will obviously be at a disadvantage in damage compared to other weapons of the other classes.
      Except that someday there is a boss where human means I do not see sense even the bonus that they have of force against monsters these weapons, this is by the pve side, in which it matters little if we are doing a pvp balance supposedly in this beta .
      This way it would be thus the range of damages speaking in type of arms, from greater to less based on its physical damage with the following update (From left to right).
      Bows> 2 handed> Daggers> Bells> Claws> Sura Sword> Runic Sword> New Fan.
      This is my opinion and it is for this reason that we demand that the Runic Sword has an improvement since it really should be stronger than a simple dagger or claw. This is why I think that this idea of Yemon must continue because if not so much the suras or warriors who have runic sword will be at a disadvantage.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      You are comparing damage between weapons but damage is calculated differently per class and weapon. Hence it makes no sense to do a direct comparison.
      Can you explain what is that "different calculation"?
      -Fans have less Magical Attack than Sura Swords and Shamans have less skill damage.
      -Bells have less Attack Value and Magical Attack Value than any weapon (except Fans) and they are the worst weapons in the game.
      -Lion Sword has stupid Attack Value and is useless
      -Three classes can use Sword, it means that one of them maybe is having some type of benefit while his damage is calculated?
    • Olthir wrote:

      He means damage is calculated differently if you are a Sura or a Shaman; and also same weapon worn by different classes, could have different effect, caused of the class damage calculation.
      Damage can be calculated differently, but 100 points of differente in magic attack value between Dragon Ghost Bell and Dragon Lying Fan is too high different besides all this "differently calculation". Some weapons have nonsense values like Lion Sword and the magical attack value of Dragon Jaw Bell and Dragon Ghost Bell.
    • My opinion is the same like Yemons and Blesenths. I cant trust in that thing, that a runic sword will be that useful for a weaponary sura, after this 'new balacing and a different calculation' for sura, at least not more than the new sura sword (made from blade tooth dragon). The new sura sword is 100 percent much more useful for weaponary sura too, at least all the weaponary suras use(d) runic sword, with lower stats than the new sura weapon. The first thing is that the new weapons for sura have more attack speed, more magical attack value, a little bit more attack value and more half humans than the runic sword, same as mentioned above... so now what should i do, me as a weaponary sura, which is one of the badest classes in pvp, I am dependent on it to have this attack speed, because my skill damage is not the highest respectively very low compared to the other classes and it would be make sense to have the same attack speed like the others with new weapons.
      Second, the missing half humas... I dont have much to say about that, we as the weaponary suras need more dmg, or at least the same half humans like the other classes (the same about the attack & magical attack value).
      I understand that the warriors would be too strong with a one hand sword with double half humans, but the weaponary sura need this support to be on the same level in pvp like the others.
      Maybe WebZen can find a way to upgrade the runic sword to the new sura weapon, maybe the same like the new weapon made from blade dragon tooth or a specific weaponary sura weapon. And find a new and specific way for a one hand sword for the warriors that only they can use like in Yemons first Thread!!!

      Yemon this is a good idea :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

      The post was edited 4 times, last by RasberryHaZe ().