Stealth buff

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    • Stealth buff

      I love this skill the way it is but since you are going to make skills changes just add a usefull effect to the skill.

      • The Ninja hides after using this skill (same as Stealth)"
      this don't make sense unless stealth or other skill have a added buff

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Badjo ().

    • I also love this idea, since Spark is actually a smoke bomb ( and definitely not an arrow to be flung with a bow... :D )

      I guess it's intended as a defensive Stealth rather than an offensive one and I actually believe it's okay this way, so I personally do not expect any "stealth buff" on skills.

      There's one problem, however - which we will be able to discuss only after having tested the skill in the next beta.

      Since it'll be a defensive stealth, it's vital it really interrupts the enemy attacks, like Ninja Dagger's Stealth is supposed to do (but it actually won't work as it should).

      I'll make myself clear: if you were to use a White Flag in the middle of a group fight, you still would suffer damages, auto-attack and all the consequences we're already aware of - and die.

      In case enemy attacks could not be modified, then the duration should at least allow the player to really have a chance to escape and not just disappear for a moment - that is to say, at least around 5-10seconds, if not more.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by BlueShade ().

      Dosarphic and Strijelac like this.

    • In this sense, for example (in the case of a sparkling blow to a perfect master level), they could give an invisibility of 4-5 seconds and an invincibility of 2 seconds (since this bonus already exists on the pets) To be able to escape from the melee without taking any damage and thus to be able to continue the fight.
    • Well, that's a good idea indeed.

      It actually does not solve the auto-attack problem and the "vacuum" effect it would create on a camounflaged character, but it brilliantly gets around it.

      Does invincibility prevent bouncing and "block" from being attacked? If the answer is yes, then it's truly a good idea.

      It may sound somewhat overpowered, but if they'd apply the same concept to Dagger Ninja's Stealth (just 2 seconds of invincibility and then a normal Stealth) probably no one would complain.

      Strijelac likes this.

    • BlueShade wrote:

      It actually does not solve the auto-attack problem and the "vacuum" effect it would create on a camounflaged character, but it brilliantly gets around it.

      Does invincibility prevent bouncing and "block" from being attacked? If the answer is yes, then it's truly a good idea.
      I don't know, but I think that given that sparkling blow drops the target(s) this should be enough.
    • Just invisibility would be useless since spark should be used to escape. What dagger jumps into the fight and uses it while getting wrecked? I think it shoul really have 1-2s block because everyone who uses hits can just hold space and Keep ninja nearby

      Strijelac and Priore like this.

    • I think its will be like the white flag now.
      If you use it in pvm the mobs around you stop the attack so in pvp not so usefull but more than a nothing.

      With this new skill features the archers can leveling/farming easyer ,maybe good as i see.
      (The feather walk effect is amazing both on horse/mount with sword/bow and on foot with bow/dagger. Area damage in every 1 second? This would be better than the suras flame spirite.)

      And one more thing. We talk about now one skill wich nobody tested/tryed. We dont know how it works realy so before ask more buff to the skill ,first just try it. :)
    • Oh my, oh my. It looks like someone's fearing auto-assaults may not work anymore! :P

      Signo wrote:

      With this new skill features the archers can leveling/farming easyer ,maybe good as i see.
      I really fail to see how a skill meant to be performed with a BOW could be useful for leveling up and farming.

      Not to mention that Stealth (and we're talking for Dagger Ninjas ALSO, here!) does not actually work as a white flag, since mobs who were attacking you earlier, can still "see" and attack you - even if in the description it says it should interrupt the attack. Same speech for PvP - characters auto-attacking you, will still actually attack you, and the skill would just "expose" the Ninja to more damage, since in the moment you activate it, the character has to stand still.

      By the way, we're just sharing ideas among ourselves, not complaining nor crying beforehand. :)

      I even proposed to remove the poison chance on the skill, for that matter.
    • My idea is pretty much simple.

      If Sparkle had been meant to be performed with daggers/swords as well, I'd have loved keeping the chance of poisoning, as it could be useful in many PvE circumstances.

      However, I've a feeling they won't change that parameter. So, if they really will decide to keep it as a bow-only skill, it would have much more sense to make it suitable for PvP, following their basic idea. Which is - as Olthir said - a way to escape from stingy situations, (for instance, when an archer is completely surrounded by players and has to make his way to escape - remember that an archer CANNOT use horse backslash with a bow).

      In such a case, poisoning would be utterly useless, since anyone targetting the archer would still be able to attack him - and won't surely die/have to retreat because of poison.
      Not to mention that auto-attacks will still get the invisible character.

      That's why I think they should improve the stealth bonus.

      However, since we're talking of a pretty important bonus here (invincibility), I guess that its duration should REALLY be limited to the time of getting away from the commotion.

      Alternatively, poisoining may be substituted by slowing (and removed by Arrow Shower), as slowing enemies is actually much more effective to escape.

      Strijelac likes this.

    • To be honest, Spark looks like the bombs real ninjas use to vanish or the flash grenades used by tactical forces. So it could be stealth added to it and blackout (stun) instead of slowliness or poisoning chance (we have poison arrow for that anyways). Added to that, I'll include a chance to piercing or crit strike to be performed while in stealth mode that will be close to a real thing (if you're "blinded" by a flash bomb you're more prone to get bigger damage since you cannot properly evade or counter-attack). Now these were just sugestions but they're close to what would happen in the real world if we substitute the Spark with a flash/bang grenade

      BlueShade likes this.

    • Many thanks for all of your ideas.

      Yeah, I've always intended it as a grenade (that's why I was totally against making it a bow-only skill since the beginning, but oh well).

      A smokescreen is supposed to limit enemies movements, but Rapier is right as well, since it may also cause enemies to be somewhat more vulnerable to attacks (due to a "surprise" effect).

      If there were a critical/piercing hit resistance system, the skill might have influenced those parameters.

      Still, I kinda liked the defensive stealth thing. :P

      Anyway it's nice to have a long-cooldown skill actually giving many special class-specific effects. Maybe every class should get one.

      Strijelac and Rapier like this.