Characters personalization in PvP

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    • Characters personalization in PvP

      Hi everyone.

      While reading the changes about pvp balancing and by discussing with other players on the forum I noticed that here GF/Webzen is taking the right path.
      I'll try to explain myself in better terms.
      With these changes archery ninjas/dragon shamans/healer shamans will have to choose which status to max since now either INT and STR and DEX will have their relevance in terms of damage deal in PvP. So as to have two options: max INT,STR and DEX to run full damage and sacrifice HP or vice versa.
      I would extent this choice to suras, warriors ,lykans and dagger ninjas as well in order to make a little difference from one character to another and give an option for characters PvP builds.

      Eventhough I was thinking of something more important but I don't know if it could be something realizable. If not, and If the community likes it, maybe you could take it into account for future updates. (open spoiler)

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      PREMISE: Why remain in this LITTLE personalisation? Unaccessible to the most low rank players (not everyone can afford a pet, a costume and bonus hair)

      Metin2 is a 10+ years old game and by now most of the players (if not everyone) know how to play. Everyone knows which bonuses are the best for each class, which skills are the best for each doctrine and this makes the game so flat, everyone is the same.
      That situation leaves little space to player's creativity/ability. Because of that I would like to propose something that will make each character in the game different from another, at least in PvP. (Which is the matter why the beta started)

      A NEW DOCTRINE: Spirit of the duelist (or however you want to name it)

      - Doctrine with 3 PASSIVE skills based on three bonuses, each one with its malus recreating the triangle system and you will be able to choose just one of these three. As you can see below.


      Tank skill: This passive skill will allow you to increase your damage resistance against skill but will decrease you Spell speed. This could be a good skills for palyers that wants to make their character a tank that can take lots of damage during a duel maybe combined with and equipment full defences.
      This skill will bring you a little advantage versus Attacker players since you will be able to take their skills while dealing more damage.

      Attacker skill: This passive skill will allow you to increase your damage skills but will decrease your defence against skills. This could be a good option for players that want to focus their character on damage maybe combined with an equipment full half-humans. This skill will bring you a little advantage versur Sweeper players since you will be able to deal a high damage while taking a low damage due to their low damage skills.

      Sweeper skill: This passive skill will allow you to increase your but will decrease your skill damage. This could be a good option for players that want to have more chances to make a critical/piercing hit since they equipment is full critics/piercings hits. This skill will bring you a little advantage versus Tank players since due to their low skill damage you will have more time to skill and hoping in a critic/piercing hit.

      - This skill should be obtainable from lvl 50 or higher (so we could create a little disadvantage to all that lvl 38 full damage players [let's face that seeing a lvl 120 killed by a lvl 38 is sad] )

      - the special ability should have no level such as M,G or P but should increase with the lvl of your character in a tiny % (same reason as above and it would add a new goal for levelling upp)

      - This skill should activate automatically when you accept a request of duel (so to not influence PvM)

      - Some animation similar to guild skills when the duel starts

      - You should be able to change the ability every X days or spend cash to do it immediatly (because you will need to choose and change it based on your equipment)

      MOTIVATION: this skills could increase the character personalisation with lots of combinations based on which equip you have.

      It's just a thing a was thinking about last night, please give feedback and let me know what you all think! :thumbsup:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Priore ().

    • The general idea is quite interesting, it's something new that could potentially bring some in-depth decisions on what you want from your character pvp-wise.

      Priore wrote:

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      PREMISE: Why remain in this LITTLE personalisation? Unaccessible to the most low rank players (not everyone can afford a pet, a costume and bonus hair) The thing is: Pets, costumes, and all these new things are just a bunch of bonuses with no malus, and the bonuses are the same for everyone.

      Metin2 is a 10+ years old game and by now most of the players (if not everyone) know how to play. Everyone knows which bonuses are the best for each class, which skills are the best for each doctrine and this makes the game so flat, everyone is the same.
      That situation leaves little space to player's creativity/ability. Because of that I would like to propose something that will make each character in the game different from another, at least in PvP. (Which is the matter why the beta started)

      A NEW DOCTRINE: Spirit of the duelist (or however you want to name it)

      - Doctrine with 3 PASSIVE skills based on three bonuses, each one with its malus recreating the triangle system and you will be able to choose just one of these three. As you can see below.


      Tank skill: This passive skill will allow you to increase your damage resistance against skill but will decrease you Spell speed. This could be a good skills for palyers that wants to make their character a tank that can take lots of damage during a duel maybe combined with and equipment full defences. Ok, I like it, but I think this will be the least picked bonus out of the 3 you mentioned. Metin is all about oneshotting RIGHT NOW, but this could change with the balance update...who knows...
      This skill will bring you a little advantage versus Attacker players since you will be able to take their skills while dealing more damage.

      Attacker skill: This passive skill will allow you to increase your damage skills but will decrease your defence against skills. This could be a good option for players that want to focus their character on damage maybe combined with an equipment full half-humans. This skill will bring you a little advantage versur Sweeper players since you will be able to deal a high damage while taking a low damage due to their low damage skills. I can see this one picked by ranged characters in GvG. I hit harder, I run away from enemies, If I get caught...I die faster. Simple but effective.

      Sweeper skill: This passive skill will allow you to increase your but will decrease your skill damage. This could be a good option for players that want to have more chances to make a critical/piercing hit since they equipment is full critics/piercings hits. This skill will bring you a little advantage versus Tank players since due to their low skill damage you will have more time to skill and hoping in a critic/piercing hit. Would Archery Ninjas or Black Suras like this? I'm not really sure, mayb the ones who already deal enough damage would like a faster skill rotation...

      - This skill should be obtainable from lvl 50 or higher (so we could create a little disadvantage to all that lvl 38 full damage players [let's face that seeing a lvl 120 killed by a lvl 38 is sad] ) Ok, I'm fine with this.

      - the special ability should have no level such as M,G or P but should increase with the lvl of your character in a tiny % (same reason as above and it would add a new goal for levelling upp) I really like this, right now the game has very little incentive for people to level up ( except of course new maps ), so props to this.

      - This skill should activate automatically when you accept a request of duel (so to not influence PvM)

      - Some animation similar to guild skills when the duel starts Something like the stole animation as soon as a duel start would be cool, maybe with a different "icon" based on which talent you picked.

      - You should be able to change the ability every X days or spend cash to do it immediatly (because you will need to choose and change it based on your equipment) Let's make it unchangeable in-game but changeable with item-shop ( tradable, maybe? ) so Webzen can have some micro-transactions out of it.

      MOTIVATION: this skills could increase the character personalisation with lots of combinations based on which equip you have.

      It's just a thing a was thinking about last night, please give feedback and let me know what you all think! :thumbsup:

      My thoughts in quote. Good idea overall, let's see if something can be done.
    • Sounds interesting.

      Tank: if metin now is all about oneshooting then this would be the way to defend yourself from that.

      Attacker: kill before u get killed :D Probably would be the most popular one so the -% skill res should be higher than the +% skill damage it gives so that people really have to consider if to take this or no (berserk skill was the 1st thing that came to my mind)

      Sweeper: I think this would be the least picked one not the tank (as we can see in other posts - nobody wants to loose damage). Maybe by ranged players could pick this so they can just spam the skills non stop :D

      Tanks maybe could also get +% HP but then other two should have some extra effect as well even tho I can't think of anything good right now. Maybe attack speed or moving speed for sweeper but no idea what to add to attacker.
    • Hello there, we were discussing about a deeper character customization in the other thread, if I am not wrong :) and you came up with this nice idea, thumbs up for you!

      This is way more interesting than the 7th/8th skill system, which is a really poor attempt of customization, since defending against one skill only is almost useless.

      However, I've got a feeling that your idea should be taken into account as soon as we're somewhat happy with the PvP balancing, in order to make a FAIR game more interesting - and prevent the risk of making a messed up game... even more messed up.
    • ery good initiative, such a system would be appreciable for all, especially with the system of rotation that would allow even gameforge to find there shares, however I would like to come back to one point:

      Priore wrote:

      - This skill should activate automatically when you accept a request of duel (so to not influence PvM)
      Agree on the principle of not influencing the pvm, but what about the mass pvp, raids, wars or even spots of pvm? It would be necessary to find a system so that it can work in all the situations involving the pvp because some players have stuff only of wars and it would therefore be useless to them.
    • Strijelac wrote:

      but what about the mass pvp, raids, wars or even spots of pvm?
      This entire idea is not involving PvM at all.
      What if, before a GvG starts, a pop-up asks you to choose one of the 3 "roles" @Priore is talking about? And maybe, only 33% of a team could choose a specific role.

      Think about it, 6 playes in each team: 2 can choose Tank, 2 can choose Sweeper and 2 can choose Attacker, so teams can have something to think about instead of just "join the fight and smash the keyboard".