FeedBack about Beta maps

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    • FeedBack about Beta maps

      Hello dear gameforge in near future can we see the beta maps changed.(Cape Dragon Head,Thunder,Gautama and Nephrite).What changes to do well is not normal if i have a character level 105 the mobs can still poison me verry bad because if the mobs poison me my hp drops a bit fast,another change is very stressing when you find a rubin,emerald,safir ore etc lets see why the mobs from all 4 beta maps are agresive that means they attack you by themselves and you must take all the mobs go with them a little far from the ore but they are coming back to the ore and untill you finaly get the mobs far from the Ore bam the ore disappear not funny at all i wanna farm in beta maps at Ores but is sad with the agressive mobs. It will be a verry good if you change this mobs and not to be agresive mobs and attack you by themselves .In this way maybe many players will come to farm at ores instaed stay in the city .I whait from other players if this will be good or bad..Thank you
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy

      The post was edited 2 times, last by LionKing ().

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