Sorts archers bug

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    • Sorts archers bug

      I return after the tests done on the beta, the archers spells are bugs: they do damage only once and the added side effects are not effective. The only good spell that works correctly is featherwalk which does well the bombs that hit 1000-1500 with my archer 90. The wait times have been reduced as announced as well as the poison depending on the dexterity (with dexterity 115 I have 92%). So here it is just to warn GameForge and Webzen that it will be necessary to put the beta in maintenance to correct all that ^^.
    • Greetings,

      until now, I noticed the following things - I'm using a Archery Ninja lv.93 here:

      - first of all, many skill descriptions need to be updated;

      - Feather Walk requires a bow and even arrows to be casted, even if it's not exactly a skill which is executed with a bow. Is this a bug or is it intended this way?

      - Feather Walk M5 duration is about 8seconds. The bombs are nice to use and they don't do much damage - however, I'm not entirely sure the skill is fine. The bombs radius is really limited (enemies really have to get near it in order to suffer damages).
      Still, being able to cast it every 8secs without any cooldown is really odd and somewhat exaggerated: I think we should find some better compromise.

      - Spark stealth buff's not working, even if you hit some mobs/some PG.

      - Arrow Shower slowing effects only lasts 1 mere second - both graphically and on the character sheet.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by BlueShade ().

    • Priore wrote:

      As an Archer I think that feather walk maybe it's a bit too strong. Bombs spam really fast and the cool down is none. What do you think?
      The damage is really low, if the opponent has a few resistances against skills and resistance Ninja it will do no more damage, as said it @BlueShade would in my opinion increase the range of action of bombs, may be a little bit damage and change the waiting time because there you can spam the spell continuously.
    • to sum it up

      - Sparks Stealth not working
      - Knockback effect on Repetitive Shot not working
      - Slow-Effect for Arrow Shower lasts not even a second ( is it intended this way?)
      - Fire-Effect from Fire Arrow not working

      Also I didnt notice any changes in the radius
      Someone also told me Intelligence doesnt give you any bonus on the skills yet.

      Strijelac wrote:

      Priore wrote:

      As an Archer I think that feather walk maybe it's a bit too strong. Bombs spam really fast and the cool down is none. What do you think?
      The damage is really low, if the opponent has a few resistances against skills and resistance Ninja it will do no more damage, as said it @BlueShade would in my opinion increase the range of action of bombs, may be a little bit damage and change the waiting time because there you can spam the spell continuously.
      Totally agree. Its fast but weak. Set the Bombs to 1,5 or 2 seconds , increase the cooldown and increase the radius and damage a little bit.
    • xShiinoa wrote:

      to sum it up

      - Sparks Stealth not working
      - Knockback effect on Repetitive Shot not working
      - Slow-Effect for Arrow Shower lasts not even a second ( is it intended this way?)
      - Fire-Effect from Fire Arrow not working

      Also I didnt notice any changes in the radius
      Someone also told me Intelligence doesnt give you any bonus on the skills yet.

      Strijelac wrote:

      Priore wrote:

      As an Archer I think that feather walk maybe it's a bit too strong. Bombs spam really fast and the cool down is none. What do you think?
      The damage is really low, if the opponent has a few resistances against skills and resistance Ninja it will do no more damage, as said it @BlueShade would in my opinion increase the range of action of bombs, may be a little bit damage and change the waiting time because there you can spam the spell continuously.
      Totally agree. Its fast but weak. Set the Bombs to 1,5 or 2 seconds , increase the cooldown and increase the radius and damage a little bit.
      I was in doubt because I got 14k of damage in 14 seconds but with no defenses and he was full half-humans.
      We have also to consider that versus Bm suras and shamans this skill is useless. It has its positive and negative aspects, so maybe it's ok the way it is.

      Strijelac wrote:

      On the other hand the intelligence increases the power of the spells in a not inconsiderable way and with 106 of ingligence my Ninja has a presumed invisibility time of 6 seconds on sparkling shot.
      Wow 6 seconds is really a lot. Considering that in pvp we will be able to inflict both burn and poison we could just stall with stealth while the enemy dies of passive damage.
    • - Bringing intelligence from 16 to 90 actually increased Invisibility from 1 to 5secs. However, INT does not seem to influence THAT much theoretical skill damages of the other abilities.

      - Maybe I should shut up °-°" but well. Spark double hit bug is still there. I was wondering if it's really intended to work that way.
    • Noticed same bug that were described above. Also I've tested with FULL STR INT and DEX and minimum VIT...skill damage was not increased so much to consider this change. Feather walk lasts so little time that I don't even bother.

      Poisoning chance, even with full INT is not 100%. What have you done? We had two skills with 100% poisoning chance now we have NONE? Given the fact that Poison Arrow has this main role, it's poisoning chance should stay at 100% for P. Maybe the chance for Spark should vary with INT but not for a skill that has the main scope to poison targets. Yes, I bet it's easier to implement it like this cause you change it globally but it is not right. And the percentage is small anyways...what do we need to have 100% chance as before? Items with 12 INT? On ninja? c'mon be serious.
    • Rapier wrote:

      Noticed same bug that were described above. Also I've tested with FULL STR INT and DEX and minimum VIT...skill damage was not increased so much to consider this change. Feather walk lasts so little time that I don't even bother.

      Poisoning chance, even with full INT is not 100%. What have you done? We had two skills with 100% poisoning chance now we have NONE? Given the fact that Poison Arrow has this main role, it's poisoning chance should stay at 100% for P. Maybe the chance for Spark should vary with INT but not for a skill that has the main scope to poison targets. Yes, I bet it's easier to implement it like this cause you change it globally but it is not right. And the percentage is small anyways...what do we need to have 100% chance as before? Items with 12 INT? On ninja? c'mon be serious.
      You have to consider that they add burning chance as well.
    • I've changed my stat to have full INT full DEX full STR...and even so the poisoning chance was 81%...and with alchemy activated where I have excellent Sapphire (+12DEX), Brilliant Diamond (+9INT). Without the alchemy the poisoning chance was 71%....

      And burning chance...that's something else and for a totally different skill. And dunno what chance is for "fire damage" cause I could not make it work...probably is bugged like the other skills
    • Rapier wrote:

      I've changed my stat to have full INT full DEX full STR...and even so the poisoning chance was 81%...and with alchemy activated where I have excellent Sapphire (+12DEX), Brilliant Diamond (+9INT). Without the alchemy the poisoning chance was 71%....

      And burning chance...that's something else and for a totally different skill. And dunno what chance is for "fire damage" cause I could not make it work...probably is bugged like the other skills
      Well, I think that being able to poison and burn your opponent in a duel it's not that bad. Yeah, fire arrow it's bugged.
    • Rapier wrote:

      Without the alchemy the poisoning chance was 71%....
      Well, that's true.

      The problem is that, according to game dynamics, it's much easier poisoning a target by using the helmet/weapon I.S. bonus rather than relying on a skill.

      By the way, a melee attack is way faster than a skill. So, even if Archers (and Daggers as well) are "specialists" of poisoning, they actually won't poison all the times.

      Do not forget that we also lost a skill damage-only ability, that's something that no burning effect may replace.

      I'm somewhat wishing they'd introduce "permanent poisoning" (and bleeding for Lycans).
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Rapier wrote:

      Without the alchemy the poisoning chance was 71%....
      Well, that's true.
      The problem is that, according to game dynamics, it's much easier poisoning a target by using the helmet/weapon I.S. bonus rather than relying on a skill.

      By the way, a melee attack is way faster than a skill. So, even if Archers (and Daggers as well) are "specialists" of poisoning, they actually won't poison all the times.

      Do not forget that we also lost a skill damage-only ability, that's something that no burning effect may replace.

      I'm somewhat wishing they'd introduce "permanent poisoning" (and bleeding for Lycans).
      What do you mean?

      Anyway we had:
      - all countdowns reduced
      - poison and lasting fire
      - knockback and splash damage areas increased
      - feather walk buffed = another damage skill
      - stealth as new buff

      I think that a less chance of poisoning it's owed.
    • The point is that Poison Arrow now is almost's role was to poison target/bosses (and was working EVERY time for chars/mobs with lvl equal to or lower than yours) and to blackout them (even if the chance was small). The main damage of the skill itself was even lower than that of Arrow Shower and it's main usage was to poison something...a 71-81% chance in this game means...we know so well...almost nothing. During my tests I was barely able to poison my lvl 111 Shaman (I have 120)...could be bugged maybe.

      Right now there's not much to test since all new additions are missing from the skills...