Hello there!
Well the Beta Test Server is open once again, so it's time to share some feedback how personally I see the changes.
Let's go!
At the beginning some of the points from list of changes are not working well or not working at all.
For example not working (noticed after log-in and I will update this line if I find something "new"):
stealth after Spark,
buffs/heal on the full party,
burning effect after Flame Arrow
repetetive shot doesn't make knockup
rain of arrows don't have the splash dmg (or I didn't noticed)
dragon's roar from far doesn't make dmg
talisman doesn't make slow
Intelligence calculation for some archer's skills is just low, I mean I has not to be overpowered, but well sacrificing the vitality points should give more than just around 200 dmg on skill in my opinion.
Let's talk abit about skills while we are here - as Metin2 isn't private serwer it should has the best quiality at every point, so the description of skill should be well wrote. Not like old description of feather walk without info about the bombs or info about decrase the def on crimson wolf soul while it makes -0.
Cosmetic change, but should be done for the product.
Let's go to the Lycans.
First of all I don't have and I don't play Lycan at all.
I don't know who lead you to even think about changes like were done on beta server. I guess the Team listen opinions of players who complaining about wolfs high dmg and impossieble execute skills vs them without eq/alch and needed stuff.
Obviously it is strong vocation, but I think you forgot to mention you listen opinions of people who fight vs them with like 15% of weaponery abs and no Lycan abs from pets/alch at all.
Same goes for PvM high Lycan dmg that is just high sitting on mount, because the combo of hits from ground is just ... meh. The high dmg yet comes from lack of claws abs on bosses and that Lycan using INT equipment to turn on the crimson wolf soul that is forgotten by warriors body or sura WP with this difference these 2 vocs can't swap weapons with 12 STR for warriors body or 12 INT in case of sura WP.
Nerfing Lycan this way is slowly killing this vocation from use of players.
Since like I said - crying abut dmg crying people without EQ, without alchemy just to make attention.
Example is PvP - having full abs on daggers the ninja dagger will make highter dmg than Lycan attackin' enemy with eq full claws and with that changes like you did it's even worse.
For now it looks kinda this way:
Aura of the Sword P = atk +608 least 92s
Enchanted Sword P = atk +585 least 175s
Crimson wolf soul P = atk +383 least 55s (even with full int and the best diament in alchemy it's +~575)
Notice that suras or warriors can hunt from ground normally and the lycans atk animations are just... xD
To all this ADD the atk value of the weapons - compare swords/two handed weapons to the claws
What about Dispel skill? Would it have level difference? If no that would be funny since buffs, bonus dmg from auras and stuff has LONGER cooldown and the dispel skill just few seconds.
Don't know if it's intended but you can start Feather Walk with bow and arrows, then take bow off with still making the same dmg with no weapon during the skill.
[FUN FACT] You can boost feather walk with the blocker from leadership
With full eq feather walk cooldown is like 8-9 sec while the skill itself least for 14 and when you re-cast it then there is little "lag" making 2 or even 3 bombs at 1 place.
Cooldown update for Archers - people says it's good, others says it's overpowered, but in my opinion such cooldowns gives smooth combo from skills that is just without any doubts good for us, archers.
With the items that gives you based cooldown reduction like necklace and stuff you are able to shoot Flame Arrow -> Posion Arrow -> Repetetive Shot -> Rain of Arrows and then after 1-2seconds you can cast suchcombo again.
Critical hits with no weapon (hand hits) I think not working. It has funny high piercing like normal hit in warrior mental was ~800 that piercing hits made ~2k, but after hitting target for like 2 min I didn't hit with crit.
- still on Beta the energy crystals ending so fast, they don't least for 2h like should
- shamans using their dragon's roar and summon lightning standing in weird position like the animation is just a little messed up
- archer's flame arrow don't make dmg (some shamans told me their skills sometimes don't do dmg at all also):
- you simply can't crit by using basic attacks and rly hard to crit with skill, the +- double dmg are piercing hits not crit tho
- players are arguing about no sword from Runic Sword. I guess it's intended like it was done in the past - sword for 90 (Triton Sword) and no two-handed weapon (Soul Stealing Blade for 75 Lv) - now we got something like that for 115 lvls.
Yet I would just proposal to recompensate the change boost up atk value of Runic Sword for max 20.
Cosmetic changes that can be yet done:
I know it's beta server about pvp balance, but if we are here we can also do little steps in to players comfort like for example make the trade window bigger, because in my opinion 12 slots is just not that much
Test buffs (you cannot cast them at all, only Reflect skill works well) and dragon's roar (no dmg from far) to show something is not working - check the not natural shaman movement like it's glitched at some point, she looks different possition while casting a skill and then turning back.
The same problem with buffs from healers (shown on video) and the weird glitch possition after cast.
Also the animation of the Summon Lightning Perfect Master lvl (P) is bugged, there is no "shaking window" after cast. I did two recordings from Beta and from the live server to show what shaking window I mean. Also here you can notice exactly what the weird movement of character is after cast a spell comparing to live one.
Youtube Links
If I find something to add I will do in this post.
Well the Beta Test Server is open once again, so it's time to share some feedback how personally I see the changes.
Let's go!
At the beginning some of the points from list of changes are not working well or not working at all.
For example not working (noticed after log-in and I will update this line if I find something "new"):
stealth after Spark,
buffs/heal on the full party,
burning effect after Flame Arrow
repetetive shot doesn't make knockup
rain of arrows don't have the splash dmg (or I didn't noticed)
dragon's roar from far doesn't make dmg
talisman doesn't make slow
Intelligence calculation for some archer's skills is just low, I mean I has not to be overpowered, but well sacrificing the vitality points should give more than just around 200 dmg on skill in my opinion.
Let's talk abit about skills while we are here - as Metin2 isn't private serwer it should has the best quiality at every point, so the description of skill should be well wrote. Not like old description of feather walk without info about the bombs or info about decrase the def on crimson wolf soul while it makes -0.
Cosmetic change, but should be done for the product.
Let's go to the Lycans.
First of all I don't have and I don't play Lycan at all.
I don't know who lead you to even think about changes like were done on beta server. I guess the Team listen opinions of players who complaining about wolfs high dmg and impossieble execute skills vs them without eq/alch and needed stuff.
Obviously it is strong vocation, but I think you forgot to mention you listen opinions of people who fight vs them with like 15% of weaponery abs and no Lycan abs from pets/alch at all.
Same goes for PvM high Lycan dmg that is just high sitting on mount, because the combo of hits from ground is just ... meh. The high dmg yet comes from lack of claws abs on bosses and that Lycan using INT equipment to turn on the crimson wolf soul that is forgotten by warriors body or sura WP with this difference these 2 vocs can't swap weapons with 12 STR for warriors body or 12 INT in case of sura WP.
Nerfing Lycan this way is slowly killing this vocation from use of players.
Since like I said - crying abut dmg crying people without EQ, without alchemy just to make attention.
Example is PvP - having full abs on daggers the ninja dagger will make highter dmg than Lycan attackin' enemy with eq full claws and with that changes like you did it's even worse.
For now it looks kinda this way:
Aura of the Sword P = atk +608 least 92s
Enchanted Sword P = atk +585 least 175s
Crimson wolf soul P = atk +383 least 55s (even with full int and the best diament in alchemy it's +~575)
Notice that suras or warriors can hunt from ground normally and the lycans atk animations are just... xD
To all this ADD the atk value of the weapons - compare swords/two handed weapons to the claws

What about Dispel skill? Would it have level difference? If no that would be funny since buffs, bonus dmg from auras and stuff has LONGER cooldown and the dispel skill just few seconds.
Don't know if it's intended but you can start Feather Walk with bow and arrows, then take bow off with still making the same dmg with no weapon during the skill.
[FUN FACT] You can boost feather walk with the blocker from leadership

With full eq feather walk cooldown is like 8-9 sec while the skill itself least for 14 and when you re-cast it then there is little "lag" making 2 or even 3 bombs at 1 place.
Cooldown update for Archers - people says it's good, others says it's overpowered, but in my opinion such cooldowns gives smooth combo from skills that is just without any doubts good for us, archers.
With the items that gives you based cooldown reduction like necklace and stuff you are able to shoot Flame Arrow -> Posion Arrow -> Repetetive Shot -> Rain of Arrows and then after 1-2seconds you can cast suchcombo again.
Critical hits with no weapon (hand hits) I think not working. It has funny high piercing like normal hit in warrior mental was ~800 that piercing hits made ~2k, but after hitting target for like 2 min I didn't hit with crit.
- still on Beta the energy crystals ending so fast, they don't least for 2h like should
- shamans using their dragon's roar and summon lightning standing in weird position like the animation is just a little messed up
- archer's flame arrow don't make dmg (some shamans told me their skills sometimes don't do dmg at all also):
- you simply can't crit by using basic attacks and rly hard to crit with skill, the +- double dmg are piercing hits not crit tho
- players are arguing about no sword from Runic Sword. I guess it's intended like it was done in the past - sword for 90 (Triton Sword) and no two-handed weapon (Soul Stealing Blade for 75 Lv) - now we got something like that for 115 lvls.
Yet I would just proposal to recompensate the change boost up atk value of Runic Sword for max 20.
Cosmetic changes that can be yet done:
I know it's beta server about pvp balance, but if we are here we can also do little steps in to players comfort like for example make the trade window bigger, because in my opinion 12 slots is just not that much
Test buffs (you cannot cast them at all, only Reflect skill works well) and dragon's roar (no dmg from far) to show something is not working - check the not natural shaman movement like it's glitched at some point, she looks different possition while casting a skill and then turning back.
The same problem with buffs from healers (shown on video) and the weird glitch possition after cast.
Also the animation of the Summon Lightning Perfect Master lvl (P) is bugged, there is no "shaking window" after cast. I did two recordings from Beta and from the live server to show what shaking window I mean. Also here you can notice exactly what the weird movement of character is after cast a spell comparing to live one.
Live Metin2 (PL)
Live Metin2 (PL)
If I find something to add I will do in this post.
Nickname: Dosarphic
Profession: Ninja Archer
Lv: 115
Profession: Ninja Archer
Lv: 115
Metin2 PL
Server: Samos [s.51]
Server: Samos [s.51]
The post was edited 21 times, last by Dosarphic ().