My General Feedback

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    • My General Feedback

      I will put here what i'd like to see changed in the game:

      First: Shamans Dragon Force
      -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid
      As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time.
      -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought)
      You need put in mind not all the players have buffer or main Shaman hight level with full int str and dex or skills at Perfect Master... What % of critics a Shaman Lv 50 with no full int str or dex and skill M1 M5 will have? They need this, we need this... Who will dispend time reading a lot of books to have a bit more % of critics? You guys need to give us a best % in skills.

      Second: Lycans
      -Remove Piercing from Crimson Wolf
      As someone said, lycans have a lot of benefits in their skills... So this is one you can remove and not ruin that class.
      -Remove Critics % from their skills
      Another lycan benefit, you can remove it and still not ruin the class
      -Give lycan at least 800 damage full int, i think full is 152 or 154 Int
      Who start playing need have benefits when choosing lycan... Now the Lycans damage is bad to hight and low levels... As many people said, lycan is bad in gound, so this char needs damage to do something.

      Third: Mental Warriors

      -This char need improvement in the skill Strong Body, this give a lot of defense but it is useless both sides, pvp and pvm at hight level... I have not many ideas about what you can do here, removing Piercing from all mobs would be a good solution for PVM, but we still need do something to pvp. Another solution who will benefit all players is give x% defense based on number of stats defense points...

      -Stat point above level 90
      At lv 91 all players stop receiving stats points, with all the new changes it will be needed in game... I sugest you guys to continue the stats giving above lv 90.
      -New Biologist missions
      I seen there a sugestion about this, you can give lv 100 105 115 and 120 missions, this missions can give resist to piercing, resist to critics etc etc... This will benefit both side, pvm and pvp and will balance game.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Th3Original: Some interpretion corrections. ().

    • Good points.
      I agree with you almost in every point but Dragon's aid.

      You put it like the shaman class was created just to be the doll of a warrior/sura/lykan. I know that it's basically a support class but don't you think that is contradictory that people who play shaman class as main character do everything but buff other people? And that's beacuse everyone has their own doll.

      I proposed to remain 25% critical change on dragon's aid when used on other characters, but 50% when used on self.
      It would be perfect just for the reason you stated. Bringing dragon's aid to P level for just 25% buff would be a waste, but not for a main shaman character who will gain 50% itself. That will result in less dolls more supports.
    • Priore wrote:

      Good points.
      I agree with you almost in every point but Dragon's aid.

      You put it like the shaman class was created just to be the doll of a warrior/sura/lykan. I know that it's basically a support class but don't you think that is contradictory that people who play shaman class as main character do everything but buff other people? And that's beacuse everyone has their own doll.

      I proposed to remain 25% critical change on dragon's aid when used on other characters, but 50% when used on self.
      It would be perfect just for the reason you stated. Bringing dragon's aid to P level for just 25% buff would be a waste, but not for a main shaman character who will gain 50% itself. That will result in less dolls more supports.
    • Why you call it a doll? I think it can be good as main or buffer... it's just a choice, like playing solo or group... The choosing of Shamans as a "doll" it's just because they give group buffs... If Warriors share the AoS with other char, so people will use it as a "doll".
      They want nerf critics in Dragon Aid, can't it be good 40%? Self 45% or 50%... I'm saying here just they need increase Critics chance for both sides, "doll" and main.
    • Th3Original wrote:

      First: Shamans Dragon Force
      -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid
      As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time.
      -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought)
      You need put in mind not all the players have buffer hight level with full int str and dex or skills at Perfect Master... What % of critics a buffer Lv 50 with no full int str or dex and skill M1 M5 will have? They need this, we need this... Who will dispend time reading a lot of books to have a bit more % of critics? You guys need to give us a best % in skills.

      Second: Lycans
      -Remove Piercing from Crimson Wolf
      As someone said, lycans have a lot of benefits in their skills... So this is one you can remove and not ruin that class.
      -Remove Critics % from their skills
      Another lycan benefit, you can remove it and still not ruin the class
      -Give lycan at least 800 damage full int, i think full is 152 or 154 Int
      Who start playing need have benefits when choosing lycan... Now the Lycans damage is bad to hight and low levels... As many people said, lycan is bad in gound, so this char needs damage to do something.

      Third: Mental Warriors
      -This char need improvement in the skill Strong Body, this give a lot of defense but it is useless both sides, pvp and pvm at hight level... I have not many ideas about what you can do here, removing Piercing from all mobs would be a good solution for PVM, but we still need do something to pvp. Another solution who will benefit all players is give x% defense based on number of stats defense points...

      -Stat point above level 90
      At lv 91 all players stop receiving stats points, with all the new changes it will be needed in game... I sugest you guys to continue the stats giving above lv 90.
      -New Biologist missions
      I seen there a sugestion about this, you can give lv 100 105 115 and 120 missions, this missions can give resist to piercing, resist to critics etc etc... This will benefit both side, pvm and pvp and will balance game.
      I think this is necessary.
      -The lycan should have Crimson Wolf Soul's ability as base around 600 to 650 as it does not scale per level. But when climbing using intelligence should reach 800 or at least 850 having the maximum intelligence to be able to compare with the warriors or suras. and thus not lose all power.
      -About the biologist has long been asked for new missions and would be a way to avoid that at very high levels the damages are so high if you add missions which give bonuses referred to pvp or resistance against critics or penetration. This would be an alternative to reduce these damages and incidentally add new activities in the game.
      -On the subject of stats, it should have been added a long time since lv91 no more stats can be assigned and there are no more hunting missions (91 to 120).
      -I would suggest that mental warriors with their strong body obtain some type of reduction of damage in general besides the defense, like a 5% or 10% of reduction of damage. It already exists in the black magic suras with its protection that reduces 1/3 damage to them so I do not know how much difference it would have. Besides that both abilities can be removed with dispel so in pvp it could be neutralized in some way.
      I think people need to have new challenges in the game. And for this very reason it seems to me that a pvm update is needed soon after all this pvp balance. Because the trade is getting stagnant and good any update that brings new things pvm is always welcome As long as that does not create a greater imbalance and works correctly
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Blesenth ().

    • I agree to almost everything.

      Dragon shamans:
      Your plan of getting rid of "doll shamans" might be a good idea in crowded servers where there are many shaman mains. In my server (quite dead server) its hard to even make a group of warriors/suras/lycans for the tougher bosses (meley run for example - never been done cuz not enough strong players) but finding a shaman main is impossible. There used to be 2 dragon shaman mains lv90+ but both have quit the game by now.

      Crimson damage should be something around 600 base and ~800 with max int and it should also depend on players lvl
      Crimson duration should be made longer. 55sec is just ridiculous.
      Crit and pierce can be removed completely if that is what needs to be done to keep the crimson attack value

      Haven't played much but strong body sounds quite useless at high lvls so it definitely should get some boost.

      More stat points, new bios, new hunting quests would be nice
    • Th3Original wrote:

      I will put here what i'd like to see changed in the game:

      First: Shamans Dragon Force
      -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid
      As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time.
      -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought)
      You need put in mind not all the players have buffer or main Shaman hight level with full int str and dex or skills at Perfect Master... What % of critics a Shaman Lv 50 with no full int str or dex and skill M1 M5 will have? They need this, we need this... Who will dispend time reading a lot of books to have a bit more % of critics? You guys need to give us a best % in skills.

      Won't having higher cooldown for buffs force players to be a bit more careful on dying? Wouldn't it bring a higher demand on having 2 or 3 Shaman per party to handle the lack of buffs?
      The shamans have had their melee damage improved by not having to "waste" points in STR to improve it. Currently INT gives by far more ATTACK than before. Obviously this damage isn't the same as other melee-specialists but it should already help quite a lot.

      Th3Original wrote:

      Second: Lycans
      -Remove Piercing from Crimson Wolf
      As someone said, lycans have a lot of benefits in their skills... So this is one you can remove and not ruin that class.
      -Remove Critics % from their skills
      Another lycan benefit, you can remove it and still not ruin the class
      -Give lycan at least 800 damage full int, i think full is 152 or 154 Int
      Who start playing need have benefits when choosing lycan... Now the Lycans damage is bad to hight and low levels... As many people said, lycan is bad in gound, so this char needs damage to do something.

      Every skill has around 5% critical hit chance, so this won't be removed.
      The bonus damage is a bit trickier, we need a bit more data to be able to assess this.

      Th3Original wrote:

      Third: Mental Warriors
      -This char need improvement in the skill Strong Body, this give a lot of defense but it is useless both sides, pvp and pvm at hight level... I have not many ideas about what you can do here, removing Piercing from all mobs would be a good solution for PVM, but we still need do something to pvp. Another solution who will benefit all players is give x% defense based on number of stats defense points...
      Besides the Defense Bonuses, the fact that they cannot be knockbacked is really strong. The Defense will always decrease damage, just not when the hits are pierced - which in PvE the singular chance is not that high.

      Th3Original wrote:

      -Stat point above level 90
      At lv 91 all players stop receiving stats points, with all the new changes it will be needed in game... I sugest you guys to continue the stats giving above lv 90.
      The balance is based on these amount of stat points, if players get more it would unbalance it even further. Currently you need to choose specialization which can bring certain flavors to characters.

      Apollykan wrote:

      Its funny how they want our feedback, and we give them feedback and do not get an answer, its like we being ignored, we all want to know if the lykan nerf is going to stay like this in the official servers

      Hi Apollykan, I thank you for your continued support but just one small info, we all have family and friends which we would like to interact and have fun with. We will hear everyone, but do understand that it doesn't mean that the requested changes will happen.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Won't having higher cooldown for buffs force players to be a bit more careful on dying? Wouldn't it bring a higher demand on having 2 or 3 Shaman per party to handle the lack of buffs?
      I don't think so, there are situations where you just can't survive, jotun thrym for example, or group pvp.
      And with these "bad" reduction on skills and cooldowns, a new player isn't incentivate to select a shaman like main character.
      That's my opinion, off course.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Th3Original wrote:

      I will put here what i'd like to see changed in the game:

      First: Shamans Dragon Force
      -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid
      As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time.
      -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought)
      You need put in mind not all the players have buffer or main Shaman hight level with full int str and dex or skills at Perfect Master... What % of critics a Shaman Lv 50 with no full int str or dex and skill M1 M5 will have? They need this, we need this... Who will dispend time reading a lot of books to have a bit more % of critics? You guys need to give us a best % in skills.
      Won't having higher cooldown for buffs force players to be a bit more careful on dying? Wouldn't it bring a higher demand on having 2 or 3 Shaman per party to handle the lack of buffs?
      The shamans have had their melee damage improved by not having to "waste" points in STR to improve it. Currently INT gives by far more ATTACK than before. Obviously this damage isn't the same as other melee-specialists but it should already help quite a lot.

      Th3Original wrote:

      Second: Lycans
      -Remove Piercing from Crimson Wolf
      As someone said, lycans have a lot of benefits in their skills... So this is one you can remove and not ruin that class.
      -Remove Critics % from their skills
      Another lycan benefit, you can remove it and still not ruin the class
      -Give lycan at least 800 damage full int, i think full is 152 or 154 Int
      Who start playing need have benefits when choosing lycan... Now the Lycans damage is bad to hight and low levels... As many people said, lycan is bad in gound, so this char needs damage to do something.

      Every skill has around 5% critical hit chance, so this won't be removed.
      The bonus damage is a bit trickier, we need a bit more data to be able to assess this.

      Th3Original wrote:

      Third: Mental Warriors
      -This char need improvement in the skill Strong Body, this give a lot of defense but it is useless both sides, pvp and pvm at hight level... I have not many ideas about what you can do here, removing Piercing from all mobs would be a good solution for PVM, but we still need do something to pvp. Another solution who will benefit all players is give x% defense based on number of stats defense points...
      Besides the Defense Bonuses, the fact that they cannot be knockbacked is really strong. The Defense will always decrease damage, just not when the hits are pierced - which in PvE the singular chance is not that high.

      Th3Original wrote:

      -Stat point above level 90
      At lv 91 all players stop receiving stats points, with all the new changes it will be needed in game... I sugest you guys to continue the stats giving above lv 90.
      The balance is based on these amount of stat points, if players get more it would unbalance it even further. Currently you need to choose specialization which can bring certain flavors to characters.

      Apollykan wrote:

      Its funny how they want our feedback, and we give them feedback and do not get an answer, its like we being ignored, we all want to know if the lykan nerf is going to stay like this in the official servers
      Hi Apollykan, I thank you for your continued support but just one small info, we all have family and friends which we would like to interact and have fun with. We will hear everyone, but do understand that it doesn't mean that the requested changes will happen.
      unforgiven i understand your side, but understand ours this is a free2play but every top guy or at least the good characters have a lot a money involved, and ruining a thing that we pay to enjoy and play, we are not asking to keep lykan the same, just saying that lykan like that is useless and many aspects of the game compared to almost every character now, we used to have great skill bonuses pierce and crits and a huge int bump, and that is our advantage, but the flaws of the lykan balance that shitty ground hits and skills that miss.. Combined with the reduction of the int bump and reduce the pierce was more than enough, not we have weak slow ground hits, weak damage, little skill duration that limits breaking a metin, killing a boss and even pvp, what are we now? bad at pvp and pvm?
    • wisdom10 wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Won't having higher cooldown for buffs force players to be a bit more careful on dying? Wouldn't it bring a higher demand on having 2 or 3 Shaman per party to handle the lack of buffs?
      I don't think so, there are situations where you just can't survive, jotun thrym for example, or group pvp.And with these "bad" reduction on skills and cooldowns, a new player isn't incentivate to select a shaman like main character.
      That's my opinion, off course.
      unforgiven, any player die by him/her choice? I think not... We receive a big amount of damage and we die... Actually at dragon this new system can work perfectly, but at razador, nemere, bagja, meley, jotum this system won't work... Some times i reach razador with 30 min left and i can't kill him just because he don't stop instatly kill me. The same with all other boss's. Is a bug? So focus in correct that before you put this new system, this way we can test and say you what we think... Actually this sytem can't work.

      About Lycans:
      What you need more? You actually have a lot of negative feedback... The people who give you a positive feed is not feed, is just a way to them have don't worry about one class... If they can kill all class's and matain their main strong, so they will give you that type of feed.
      I believe you can find a good way to lycans, just now this class is bad at all.
    • Hey all!

      I saw in many topics ,the lycan owners ask the damage improvement for crimson wolf soul to 800 with full int.
      Ok ,they lost so much (maybe too much) but how is this work now?

      I dont see the logic in this things.
      2 classes who have just only benefits (alot of benefit) from their skills must be stronger than a class who have a big disadvantage?

      In this case then rise up the aura of swords damage around 1k+ because the weaponry suras dont have any negative side effect on the skills and got many usefull effects.
      (HP leach ,Reflect ,Damage reduction ,+DEF ,+800 attack ,"fear effect")

      The lycans has a skill witch can use it for a whole group and the attack speed cap is can be reach with that skill too + give a base evading chance. One skill witch give they some attack value and piercing chance.
      Alot of attack skills has a bonus critical hit chance + bleeding and stun chance.

      Whats have a body warrior? One skill what can give around 600 attack value maybe 650 with full STR... (1 STR gives 1.25 attack to the aura. How much attack got the lycans or weaponry suras from 1 INT to their attack skill?)
      Warriors can reach the attack and moving speed cap (like everyone else..) with the berserk. And the price for this is +33% received damage!!! Without bonus def ,reflect ,HP leach ,evading chance and so on...

      So ok ,give them the bonus damage what they want. Around 800 with full INT ,ok. Dont give them (to the weaponry suras and lycans) any negative sife effect like we (warriors) have.
      But dont you think the class who has much more less advantage than the others and one big disadvantage (much more than the others) got the lowest attack boost in this game? If they keep(suras) and get more(lycans) attack ,then please rise the warriors attack too! Because this would be the fair thing. If dont release the attack and moving speed caps what can we profit from the berserk at higher levels? (85-90+) A few moving speed (my moving without berserk is 190) and a few attack speed from the 62 what the skill can give... (my attack speed is around 154 without berserk and the attack speed cap is 165.) What a big deal for +33% received damage... :) So please do something with the berserk skill too ,to still usefull. E.g. Delete the negative effect from it or give us more damage to the aura to compensate the other classes benefits... Or something.

    • unforgiven wrote:

      Th3Original wrote:

      I will put here what i'd like to see changed in the game:

      First: Shamans Dragon Force
      -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid
      As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time.
      -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought)
      You need put in mind not all the players have buffer or main Shaman hight level with full int str and dex or skills at Perfect Master... What % of critics a Shaman Lv 50 with no full int str or dex and skill M1 M5 will have? They need this, we need this... Who will dispend time reading a lot of books to have a bit more % of critics? You guys need to give us a best % in skills.
      Won't having higher cooldown for buffs force players to be a bit more careful on dying? Wouldn't it bring a higher demand on having 2 or 3 Shaman per party to handle the lack of buffs?
      The shamans have had their melee damage improved by not having to "waste" points in STR to improve it. Currently INT gives by far more ATTACK than before. Obviously this damage isn't the same as other melee-specialists but it should already help quite a lot.

      2 or 3 shamas? You know Where we play.. pt server Hades in the all server if you got 3 or 4 active shamas you must be happy..
      After all this years you guys decide to make a big change.. on the interview that you guys post, that gentlemen says that he doesn t want the equipment to lose value.. just changing all that, what is going to happen?
      Once you guys put the lycan guys like me that had full sets wars.. just .. got leash.. but it s ok it s the game.. we need to improve
      Let s go and make new equipments.. after a while.. you guys want to play.. and let s go and change some more..

      Th3Original wrote:

      Second: Lycans
      -Remove Piercing from Crimson Wolf
      As someone said, lycans have a lot of benefits in their skills... So this is one you can remove and not ruin that class.
      -Remove Critics % from their skills
      Another lycan benefit, you can remove it and still not ruin the class
      -Give lycan at least 800 damage full int, i think full is 152 or 154 Int
      Who start playing need have benefits when choosing lycan... Now the Lycans damage is bad to hight and low levels... As many people said, lycan is bad in gound, so this char needs damage to do something.

      Every skill has around 5% critical hit chance, so this won't be removed.
      The bonus damage is a bit trickier, we need a bit more data to be able to assess this.

      Th3Original wrote:

      Third: Mental Warriors
      -This char need improvement in the skill Strong Body, this give a lot of defense but it is useless both sides, pvp and pvm at hight level... I have not many ideas about what you can do here, removing Piercing from all mobs would be a good solution for PVM, but we still need do something to pvp. Another solution who will benefit all players is give x% defense based on number of stats defense points...
      Besides the Defense Bonuses, the fact that they cannot be knockbacked is really strong. The Defense will always decrease damage, just not when the hits are pierced - which in PvE the singular chance is not that high.


      i ll make a video for you.. on 1 vs 1 against an body warrior or a dagger.. they kill me on hit.. and i got 45 block .. but when i make 1 vs 1 with no SB i win :)
      On pvm we got 1159 defense with a lot of resistance against archers.. buttttt i can t make half of what a weapon sura makes.. we supposed to be tank and support aanything
      You just need to change a small thing.. give us some abs on the sb.. something like the weapon sura.. the only way we can be on same level of pvm, when i say we.. i m talking about dagger, magic sura, mental...(i got all of them, that s why i know) pvm it s very complicated for all of us after 80.... after that you need big amount of IS to make something.. and looks like is it s complicated.. just to show you.. i had 37 dm on my 75 sword.. and i change the bonus 72 times.. max i got.. 36 dm.. that i give up already.. and on my server.. there is NO players.. very small amount.. for almost 5 months, i m looking for someone to sell me a 45dm+ and nothing.. what can we make about this?

      Th3Original wrote:

      -Stat point above level 90
      At lv 91 all players stop receiving stats points, with all the new changes it will be needed in game... I sugest you guys to continue the stats giving above lv 90.
      The balance is based on these amount of stat points, if players get more it would unbalance it even further. Currently you need to choose specialization which can bring certain flavors to characters........

      so.. we must buy some more Is to change all that stats.. or the team will support players with that?

      Apollykan wrote:

      Its funny how they want our feedback, and we give them feedback and do not get an answer, its like we being ignored, we all want to know if the lykan nerf is going to stay like this in the official servers
      Hi Apollykan, I thank you for your continued support but just one small info, we all have family and friends which we would like to interact and have fun with. We will hear everyone, but do understand that it doesn't mean that the requested changes will happen.


      Yep you are right..and this is just a game

      I agree with some changes.. and with other i don t.. about the mental if you leave it the way it is.. we already know that we will always be the last ones on the line..

      And other thing.. from all the team that i see on this forum
      You guys are asking for feedback
      But for me it looks like you guys got in mind what you whant to do.. and you got plans.. just need to change small staff on your ideias.. so we just small toys that are making a party.. on the server that i play 95% is against of most of the changes..
      But i wish you guys good luck...
      Better times will come.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Aiolia ().

    • @Aiolia,

      You will never be able to make a change which everyone will agree. You just need to check that many post after post, you have players conflicting with each other since they have very different game experiences.

      Balancing needs its beginning and this is where we are starting.

      We heard your requests:
      - Critical Hit chance reduction has been removed
      - Some basic changes on how characters work also
      - Skill changes to make them more viable

      Balancing does not happen instantly, it happens with time. When we finalize the changes in Beta Server, these will go live but later on there will be more iterations on balancing, these will be by far more common. But, as with everything, there is a timeframe and deadline on changes for version, hence we can only do so much PER iteration.

      Regarding the SB Video from Beta server, please send it to me.
    • @unforgiven

      one thing that worries me the most.. is that after 9 years of playing, before our servers was always full on ch1 and ch2.. by this days on Hiperion or Hades, Reds and Yellows are deads... and Blues is on the same way.. our servers are dead.. what s the plan for that? What can WE make to bring back that amount of players? Some say that is ok the way it is because it s better for pvm, but for the most, it s not..
      Is there plans to make our server better? And bring back players?
      Because i just see more and more players giving up of this.. the game it s not attractive anymore, because it s empty, and you guys want to make our life more difficult on a server that we can only play in solo, because THERE IS NO PLAYERS..

      I know changes need to be done, we need to improve.. but if it keeps this way.. you will see that we just going down..
      Remember before.. Selene, Helios, Eos.. all of them big number of players.. then it comes Theia, and Uranos.. and players from the first 3 servers start going for this new servers.. and what happen, all the 3 first got empty.. then you guys join, and join.. then we see what is happening this days..

      Changes are good when they make CUSTOMERS happy and benefits the company, must make both sides happy, but because you are selling your product to them, you must always make them to come back to you.. on this case.. they are just migrating to other games, other servers of metins where are getting busy and busy..

      That is what is happening on Portugal, i can tell you 10 servers of metin that Portuguese people are playing.. and in all of them there is much more players than tbe official server of metin.

      I stick to the same.. it s 9 years playing with my old character.. my mental warrior.. that can take 2k hit from a dagger or body warrior.. or be killed with a skill of a lycan.. let me be honest i don t mind with that.. i just wanted to have fun like we had once..

      Thank you.

      Cumps, Alik.