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    • People doing max blade and spear defance even with it mental warior doing great damages but peoples want to beat lycan with 30-40 claw defance this is not fair mental warior world damage record reach 400k almost dagger ninja almost 350k but lycan world damage record not even reach 300k where is balance alread this character has so bad ground space atack this character only doing something with skills in pvp without horse this hero has so bad ground space atack If you mess with crimson soul this hero will be RIP please stop this give it back old crimson soul

      nerf critic and piercing efects from skills
      nerf 2x wolf breath bug
      even get stun from wolf breath

      but don't mess with crimson soul this hero not op just other peoples wont make some defance against full defance this hero doing nothing already with this nerf this hero will be RIP for pvp and pve
    • Archer is not same league archer has so much advantage archer got 7 atack skill and every hero got + and - and lycan warior dagger ninja similuar lycan has only advantage is critic and piercing efect and this can be remove
    • Yea a really interesting non-truth based fact , oh , there are alot of ninja and mental recods cuz ppl main them for along time period , lykan its a pretty new character so not so many lykans 120 with very good alchemy and all ,oh , and u cant compare 1 op skill ( that is spirit strike of the mental ) and 1 ninja skill ( that is Ambush that needs stealth ) with the 3 relevant skills of lycan which are ( Shread ,Breath and Wolf Clow , yea ok the Pounce isnt such great as the other 3 but still , those 3 very like on the same par with Ambush and Spirit Stike ,or even better and quite easy to hit unlike Spirit Stike ). This is the PVP part , and btw yea the auto attacks of Lykan arent that wow but arent slow ( there is alot of green Potions) and with the ammount of Piercing chance of the Crimson 1 auto can deal alot of dmg. As for PVE the Lykan is the best class beside Weaponry Sura , shall we analize? The argument that their auto are slow its 0 , cuz no class attack on the groud , every PVE aspect is fought on mounts , the amount of attack that Crimson give and with the piercing hit , No monsters can stand a chance to a good Lykan with body block and with the Indigo chance of evading arrows he''s even better. Yea lets see ninja , yea we cant argue here no 1 can say that ninja can be good PVE , mental warrior? High lv is one of the worst too , from high lv monster with their amount of piercing hits a mental without any attack boost such as lykan or Body warrior he's down pretty easy . If u can say otherwise that means u didnt have any high lv character , quite lucky , i play on lykan too , and on mental.

      Lets not accuse the other classes bad points on baseless information to protect one specific class.

      Oh and lets see some record , the mose relevant is on the same lv character cuz we dont like to make differences :

      105 Ninja record( atk site, atk bone , alchemy, pets , and site ring and alot of other boosters) around 220 k :
      105 Mental warrior ( lollipop , atk site , pet, and alchemy and alot of other boosters too like dew , fishes etc) around 180k :
      105 Likan ( no site boost , i cant add more specs cuz he doesnt have the open inventory but as the buff bar shows isnt so hyper boosted like mental and ninja ) Wolf breath 110k

      So that was the wolf breath as we all lykan players know 3xShred deals more dmg than breath overall , and he didnt have all the boosts that ninja and mental have. Its not an exact compair but its more accurate than ur baseless "facts" and lets not that its on official not on private servers.

      As I've said b4 im against this heavy nearf but alittle cap on crimson its necessary on full int and on crit and piercing chance too.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by VoidKrator ().

    • VoidKrator wrote:

      btw yea the auto attacks of Lykan arent that wow but arent slow ( there is alot of green Potions)

      Still, they are unreliable to use in pvp. And yes Skills are the only thing they can rely on with certainty in pvp, unlike any other nonmagical characters.

      VoidKrator wrote:

      every PVE aspect is fought on mounts
      Meley? DT? Grotto? any other Low leveling, and any other pve aspect that requires to go off your mount to clear mobs? Yes, say polymorph but it's sometimes bugged for lycans ('miss' hits when crimson deactivates, or other occasions, I don't know for sure when the bug occurs)

      VoidKrator wrote:

      No monsters can stand a chance to a good Lykan with body block
      You think body warriors are any worse?
      Indigo is a crap skill and you can reach attack speed cap without it, and about that arrow block, you might only notice it on high G or P.

      VoidKrator wrote:

      alittle cap on crimson its necessary on full int
      Yes, but I don't agree with a nerf on the scaling nor on the base values.
    • Respect Bro, my heart thou hast said.

      I found this balance from the perspective of Lycan not correct. It’s strong, indeed, it needs to be corrected but not this way. Let’s see an example in case of mental warrior who has really strong skills, for instance spirit strike. You can find here a video of a lvl 95 mental making a critical hit record:

      And here is a video of a Lycan who’s doing the same:

      The difference is clearly visible, their level and equipment is different, but the bigger character make a smaller damage. Why can I see NO correction about warriors? It could be said, that from the point of view of equipment and alchemy the lycan is weaker… BUT it’s not true…simply the value of skills differs.
    • VoidKrator wrote:

      Yea a really interesting non-truth based fact , oh , there are alot of ninja and mental recods cuz ppl main them for along time period , lykan its a pretty new character so not so many lykans 120 with very good alchemy and all ,oh , and u cant compare 1 op skill ( that is spirit strike of the mental ) and 1 ninja skill ( that is Ambush that needs stealth ) with the 3 relevant skills of lycan which are ( Shread ,Breath and Wolf Clow , yea ok the Pounce isnt such great as the other 3 but still , those 3 very like on the same par with Ambush and Spirit Stike ,or even better and quite easy to hit unlike Spirit Stike ). This is the PVP part , and btw yea the auto attacks of Lykan arent that wow but arent slow ( there is alot of green Potions) and with the ammount of Piercing chance of the Crimson 1 auto can deal alot of dmg. As for PVE the Lykan is the best class beside Weaponry Sura , shall we analize? The argument that their auto are slow its 0 , cuz no class attack on the groud , every PVE aspect is fought on mounts , the amount of attack that Crimson give and with the piercing hit , No monsters can stand a chance to a good Lykan with body block and with the Indigo chance of evading arrows he''s even better. Yea lets see ninja , yea we cant argue here no 1 can say that ninja can be good PVE , mental warrior? High lv is one of the worst too , from high lv monster with their amount of piercing hits a mental without any attack boost such as lykan or Body warrior he's down pretty easy . If u can say otherwise that means u didnt have any high lv character , quite lucky , i play on lykan too , and on mental.

      Lets not accuse the other classes bad points on baseless information to protect one specific class.

      Oh and lets see some record , the mose relevant is on the same lv character cuz we dont like to make differences :

      105 Ninja record( atk site, atk bone , alchemy, pets , and site ring and alot of other boosters) around 220 k :
      105 Mental warrior ( lollipop , atk site , pet, and alchemy and alot of other boosters too like dew , fishes etc) around 180k :
      105 Likan ( no site boost , i cant add more specs cuz he doesnt have the open inventory but as the buff bar shows isnt so hyper boosted like mental and ninja ) Wolf breath 110k

      So that was the wolf breath as we all lykan players know 3xShred deals more dmg than breath overall , and he didnt have all the boosts that ninja and mental have. Its not an exact compair but its more accurate than ur baseless "facts" and lets not that its on official not on private servers.

      As I've said b4 im against this heavy nearf but alittle cap on crimson its necessary on full int and on crit and piercing chance too.

      MENTAL WARRIOR 180K RECORD ahahaha you made me laugh look here and sorry to tell you but that is no character ;) Look here the Record damage for a mental warrior named GuruStar from Metin2Ro community one of the best mental ;)
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • unforgiven wrote:

      The Lykan gets more bonuses per stat point than any other class (around 25% more); The way the skills work also have by far more bonuses than any other class.

      The reduction was late, unfortunately, but needed. I understand that everyone wants the best for their own class but this is a necessity for the overall game.
      Is this official? ok... Goodbye, and RIP lykan, you could keep more players and keep profit comint if you just reduce the pierce and crits but no.. Lets ruin the lykan, and strength doesnt give much damage its the same what dex gives to warrior.. And they dont need int to the aura give what crimson is going to give with full int and int equipes, and do not have to lose vit to put it on the int...
      Even people who dont play with lykan say this is unfair, is nice to see how they put a character to compete with sura and warrior o be a characther that can do pvm and pvp, and rigth after people spend hundreds of euros making the characther they nerf it.. Ahahahah
      Lets see if they do the same thing an make another new character for some profit and then they nerf it again after the profit, you are going to loose a lot of lykan players and even friends that play with him with another characters, this is unfair and playing with the peoples moneys.
      And if you think by ruining the lykan players are going to continue playing with other characters you are very wrong, they are going o quit.
      Lykan nerf was planned, to make the pretty boys warrior happy, because lykan doesnt deal that many damage in pvp, people just dont have defence to claws, and in pvm they have the int bump advantage e and the pierce, the rigth thing to do is reducing that. But, i am not the same kid that i was 9 years ago when i started playing this, now i see this is just a business that doesnt care about players, its true that is a good game, but with things like this, i dont want to play it anymore, with a useless character that has to turn the alchemy on and switch every itens to only get 500 attack value and only lasts 55 seconds
    • unforgiven wrote:

      The Lykan gets more bonuses per stat point than any other class (around 25% more); The way the skills work also have by far more bonuses than any other class.

      The reduction was late, unfortunately, but needed. I understand that everyone wants the best for their own class but this is a necessity for the overall game.
      LOL crimson soul %50 damage nerf is needed 360 str perfect crimson soul needed okey I'm done with this game our earns money and time just mean nothing for gameforge looks like and I hope entire lycan players just quit game this is undeserved nerf you are just nerfed this character because some peoples can't make some defance balance on own items

      and my last post good bye metin2 there is nothing left about balance
    • unforgiven wrote:

      The Lykan gets more bonuses per stat point than any other class (around 25% more); The way the skills work also have by far more bonuses than any other class.

      The reduction was late, unfortunately, but needed. I understand that everyone wants the best for their own class but this is a necessity for the overall game.
      When are you going to realise that the dmg of this character is fine? The reduction was not needed (at this time), it was their fault that they made a new class which required a new defense, and made it seem like this character was too strong.

      Even with 'getting more bonnuses per stat point' they're not stronger than other classes, in fact they need it to get the same damage as some others.

      The argument of the lycan resistance/claw def problem is not due to lycans, but to the developpers. Don't nerf lycan now, I'm saying this again; Finnaly there are becoming items against lycans for sale on the market on most servers, the problem is about to be solved and just now you're going to nerf this character.

      Lycan's features are exaggerated (crit/pierce/bleed/low cooldowns), not the damage. If you take away this damage (crimson's attack boost) it's not going to compete anymore in pvp.

      Sorry to say this but if the developpers start to nerf like this, I'm starting to believe they have no idea how their own game works.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      The Lykan gets more bonuses per stat point than any other class (around 25% more); The way the skills work also have by far more bonuses than any other class.

      The reduction was late, unfortunately, but needed. I understand that everyone wants the best for their own class but this is a necessity for the overall game.
      55 duration of scarlet soul

      That was necessary wtf ???

      unfortunately apparently this is how to get rid of Lycan players, as they prefer to hear the complaints of other players

      as they say out there, we are only 15% of the total players of Metin2, so we do not have no importance for them