Feedback On Lykan Nerf

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    • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

      I have an opinion on this nerf. I believe that a company should make its users happy before implementing certain changes to their product . This nerf is so much negative for players who use Lykan class and make the lykan useless in pvp and in pvm . The nerf inhibit this class to do boss exp and pvp . I test that for a Lykan at lv120 with the excellent alchemy and i don't succeed to do a Razador now because Crimson Wolf Soul duretion is to short anche i can't change my item for use 12 int and increse the skill if i have a Razador on me. My damage is ridiculous.
      This is my suggestion for new alteration in lykan :

      - Crimson Wolf Soul:
      - Fix on 750 attack value (al Perfect Master , now with 12 int Crimson have 956 ) -206 attack value .
      - Remove the possibility if use item 12 INT for increase Crimson wolf.
      - Reduce the percing hit at 35% . ( now the skill have 60% with item 12 INT )
      - Skill duration 175 sec. (Like now )
      - TIme oh countdown let the same like now
      - Removed the defence reduction

      - Wolf's Breath :
      - Decreased chance of stunning

      - Reduce of 5% Critical hit for all Lykan Skill..

      I think that this suggestion is good for all player to balance the pvp and is acceptable for the lykan players.
      I'm sorry for my bad English.
    • I almost agree with you, but I have something to say.

      LordBlack wrote:

      - Crimson Wolf Soul:
      - Fix on 750 attack value (al Perfect Master , now with 12 int Crimson have 956 ) -206 attack value .
      I propose 600~700 with maximum int. 750 is bit too high.
      Aura of sword don't reach 700.

      - Remove the possibility if use item 12 INT for increase Crimson wolf.
      I don't agree with this point. It means that everyone will reset status int for str.
      - Reduce the percing hit at 35% . ( now the skill have 60% with item 12 INT )
      Don't agree. Should have 0%.
      - Skill duration 175 sec. (Like now )
      This is correct.
      - TIme oh countdown let the same like now
      Even this.
      - Reduce of 5% Critical hit for all Lykan Skill..
      Skills should have 0% criticals, in my opinion.

      I think that will be a good balance.
    • if we had a fixed crimson wolf value of 800 with 90 status point and no possibility to increase it with 12 int items it would be very nice.

      put and remove 12 int items every time is extremely boring.

      remember body warriors have an average damage bonus due to aura sword and suras have hp absorption on enchanted blade, so even 850 would be nice for lycans with a reduction of piercing hits to 35-40%.

      remember also on the ground we are so much weaker than warriors and suras, this influences both pvp and pvm.
    • everyone talking about aura sword this is not body warior lycans ground space hits just worst in this game lycan skills doing damage in pvp not space atacks because we can't even hit so If you nerf crimson soul we will lose our skill damage to and with lycan have worst space atack combo on ground stop talking about aura sword because body wariors have very good space atack combo sword suras to If you nerf crimson lycans will lose skill damages to think about it
    • wisdom10 wrote:

      And everyone talking about lycan on the ground, but, really, when you hit on the ground?
      Only in nemere and jotun dungeons.....

      In pvp no one uses space attack cause the target is already escaped by mount, even if you are a body warrior.
      Yea, those arguments come prob from ppl who doesnt even have the lv 21 horse and are stuck map2 beating the Bestial Captain on the ground so...
    • Theplayer wrote:

      remember body warriors have an average damage bonus due to aura sword and suras have hp absorption on enchanted blade, so even 850 would be nice for lycans with a reduction of piercing hits to 35-40%.
      Realy? The aura has average damage? On witch server? I have a lvl 95 body with full P and i just got average damage on my posin sword and my sash... Like everyone else.

      The aura doesnt have any effect ,just give only attack value nothing else. (much lower than the suras blade and the lycans crimson on the live server.) The aura rising 1.25 attack per each STR. How much is the boost what can get the other classes from INT?

      So please dont compare the skills if you dont know anything about the skill what you described! Thanks!

      And one more thing ,please tell only just facts.
      Lycans useless in pvm? Realy? Just a few bosses got claw resist ,most of the mobs dont have any but has alot of sword ,two handed ,dagger ,bell ,fan resist.

      Test your damage on a mob somewhere and then test the damage of one another class with same lvl ,same gear. ;)
      (Funny thing; Impossible to kill the giant turtle in the dessert with sword. I tryed with one lvl 95 body ,Poison+9 40 avg ,alot of crit + pierc,7 avg on sash etc. But i killed with one lvl 45 +0 clean twohanded weapon.... My friend ,one lvl 105 weap sura also cant kill the turtle... :D)
      So the lycans not useless ,just gona be normal class like the others.
    • Signo wrote:

      Realy? The aura has average damage? On witch server? I have a lvl 95 body with full P and i just got average damage on my posin sword and my sash... Like everyone else.

      The aura doesnt have any effect ,just give only attack value nothing else. (much lower than the suras blade and the lycans crimson on the live server.) The aura rising 1.25 attack per each STR. How much is the boost what can get the other classes from INT?

      So please dont compare the skills if you dont know anything about the skill what you described! Thanks!

      And one more thing ,please tell only just facts.
      Lycans useless in pvm? Realy? Just a few bosses got claw resist ,most of the mobs dont have any but has alot of sword ,two handed ,dagger ,bell ,fan resist.

      Test your damage on a mob somewhere and then test the damage of one another class with same lvl ,same gear.
      (Funny thing; Impossible to kill the giant turtle in the dessert with sword. I tryed with one lvl 95 body ,Poison+9 40 avg ,alot of crit + pierc,7 avg on sash etc. But i killed with one lvl 45 +0 clean twohanded weapon.... My friend ,one lvl 105 weap sura also cant kill the turtle... :D)
      So the lycans not useless ,just gona be normal class like the others.
      A body warrior can reach nearly the same damage as a lycan (at least when the lycan uses int buff up) on horse (a fact). Are you suggesting that a lycan should do the same damage as a body warrior on horse (AND the need of INT buffing up), by nerfing crimson wolf soul? Fine, but at least buff their active skills then for pvp.
      Oh sorry I forgot that wasn't an option since most of you guys don't have any good defense against lycans...

      You don't have to compare any skills at all. You have to compare the characters on its whole, that's how you reach balance and NOT by comparing aos/enc blade/crimson for example.
      (Warriors deal more dmg than Weapon suras, yet enchanted blade gives more attack value AND also lifesteal, so in your thinking enchanted blade should be nerfed as well)

      VoidKrator wrote:

      Yea, those arguments come prob from ppl who doesnt even have the lv 21 horse and are stuck map2 beating the Bestial Captain on the ground so...
      You do realise that there are people who nearly touched a single boss or metin till lv 95, because they play pure for pvp aspects? Leveling is usually done on the ground (or is leveling no longer a part of the pvm aspect? Sorry I think I missed something).

      ->Another suggestion for 'lycan def balance'; 61 shields against lycans (three emperors shield) are quite rare on most servers, why are the drops of these things not being adjusted (for example make it drop in spider dungeons too) and change the required upgrade materials to the same items as falcon/lion edge/tiger shield?
    • The wep sura if builded with full VIT ,INT ,STR will deal more damage than body warriors.

      The warriors only deal more damage because basicly the wep suras dont "waste" points on STR.

      If the wep sura put STR then will get the attack value what warriors got + the INT rise the damage of the ench.blade more than the STR of the aura.

      My wifes farmer weaponry sura (lvl 75) deal more damage with one Lion+9 avg 43 than my farmer body with Poison+9 avg 40.
      Both char has P skills.

      The big difference between the two chars is the stat. My warrior has full VIT STR rest on DEX because the berserks side effect i must need more HP and def...

      Shes sura has full INT STR and rest on VIT because shes blades life steal enugh HP to stand in the lvl 70 metins with full HP.

      So this can be happened in high lvl too...
      You are right ,usualy the body warriors deal more damage but the wep sura (if he/she want) can do more. :)
    • I have 104 lvl likan and hawks 48 medium +9.

      I can not even triumph with Boss and Metin such with alchemy.

      Purple is far too weak.

      Should be restored to 585 dmg.
      And 1 point intelligence should be reduced to 2 points attack value, and not like today to 6 points.

      Then everything will be fine.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

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