Lycan does not die

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    • Lycan does not die

      I have been a lycan player for some time and I tested the new update after the beta server and eventually found it does not negatively affect lycan this update. It was normal for this to happen because there was a huge difference in the damage between the lycan and the other characters, but the biggest difference is that we do not forget that the items are not the character for the most part.
    • Do not exaggerate .... damage is not reduced 40-50%. Now with full int and 960 attack they get 15k in stones and with 585 attack, I mean, I get 13.5. (Lycan lv95, clear ruby)
      When does a lv95 warrior get 13.5 in stones?

      Indeed, reducing the time to the red soul is not ok, but I tested the beta server the red soul had normal time but I guess it will not stay at 55sek :)
    • Attack value increases greatly with medium / force damage against monsters, pet, props, mount, alchemy etc.
      only 50 attack value in an armor makes quite a difference ...

      my lycan lv 75, scarlet without deactivated 90 int, claws 40 of average, gives blows of

      with Scarlet activated 90 int, gives strokes of 2100-2200 (without

      imagine the difference with alchemy, mount, media accessories, mascot, md store, etc ... ufff

      (Claws lv 75 give a maximum damage of 200, Poison gives 277 attack value :))
    • al8u wrote:

      Do not exaggerate .... damage is not reduced 40-50%. Now with full int and 960 attack they get 15k in stones and with 585 attack, I mean, I get 13.5. (Lycan lv95, clear ruby)
      When does a lv95 warrior get 13.5 in stones?

      Indeed, reducing the time to the red soul is not ok, but I tested the beta server the red soul had normal time but I guess it will not stay at 55sek :)

      Dude right now at beta lycan continues with 900+ attack value with int, the old skill time, continue removing -37 defense and gives old amount of piercing... If you notice any change right now, so when they do the fix you will notice the true change...
      And yes, they nerfed 40% damage of lycan
    • Monsaire wrote:

      Attack value increases greatly with medium / force damage against monsters, pet, props, mount, alchemy etc.
      only 50 attack value in an armor makes quite a difference ...

      my lycan lv 75, scarlet without deactivated 90 int, claws 40 of average, gives blows of

      with Scarlet activated 90 int, gives strokes of 2100-2200 (without

      imagine the difference with alchemy, mount, media accessories, mascot, md store, etc ... ufff

      (Claws lv 75 give a maximum damage of 200, Poison gives 277 attack value :))
      it is normal for items to make a difference. I have claws +9 average damage 50% / scarf 10% average damage / fire shoes +6 / armor +50 attack / 12% berseker on razador / emerald earrings / pet khan (lycan lv95, think if you have lv 100 as you can put the helmet with attack and the belt of monsters)

      Only the duration of the red soul would be a problem ... the damage can be increased by items and alchemy
    • al8u wrote:

      Monsaire wrote:

      Attack value increases greatly with medium / force damage against monsters, pet, props, mount, alchemy etc.
      only 50 attack value in an armor makes quite a difference ...

      my lycan lv 75, scarlet without deactivated 90 int, claws 40 of average, gives blows of

      with Scarlet activated 90 int, gives strokes of 2100-2200 (without

      imagine the difference with alchemy, mount, media accessories, mascot, md store, etc ... ufff

      (Claws lv 75 give a maximum damage of 200, Poison gives 277 attack value :))
      it is normal for items to make a difference. I have claws +9 average damage 50% / scarf 10% average damage / fire shoes +6 / armor +50 attack / 12% berseker on razador / emerald earrings / pet khan (lycan lv95, think if you have lv 100 as you can put the helmet with attack and the belt of monsters)

      Only the duration of the red soul would be a problem ... the damage can be increased by items and alchemy
      Everyone can equipt those items so that means they should reduce EVERYONE damage by 40%???. My lycan does 30k on crit to stones. After nerfs its like 22k. Fair. Meanwhile body still does same dmg nad after nerfs even a lot more cause bonus from strenght from mount avg earings etc ;)
      It is enough. From 30k to 22k = 25% reduced. Anyway, you're louder than any other character
    • Oh poor lycan... I know it is not good for you because your char was on the top and now you have to play this game like everyone else...

      Every char can reach the max attack speed on horse/mount because of the attack speed cap... Fast combo? I see this in many topics...
      Have you ever played with a highlvl body warrior? You know how much +damage taken from the berserk at P?

      If i'll be a developer of this game ,i would change the 2 skills just for a week.. The berserk for the indigo wolf soul...
      Every body warrior owner will be happy with this change and i have a bet...
      You and any of lycan player doesnt like the berserk skill! And cry over all of the whole forum to change it back..

      So please stop compare the lycans with bodys. If you think its a good ,top ,OP char ,lets make one and test yourself how good is the P berserk... and the char overall.
      The lycan is much better.

      What you feel now about the output damage thing is regular for the body warriors. We play this game like this from the beginning!

      Reduced damage? Same output damage like a body warrior? Welcome to the Metin2!
      Why do you want hit 2x bigger than everyone else?

      Anyways... My lvl 95 body with full P ,khan ,razador with 12% berserk ,40 avg poison+9 and 10 avg sash with alchemy cannot do 11k normal hit damage on one lvl 105 metin...
      7-8k max.

      So after this nerf thing the lycans output danage better than the body warriors damage and one more thing! Dont forget that thing if we put the berserk on ,33% of our ressit is gone! Both pvp and pvm side! (And yes we get +33% damage from skills too...)
    • Signo wrote:

      So please stop compare the lycans with bodys. If you think its a good ,top ,OP char ,lets make one and test yourself how good is the P berserk... and the char overall.
      The lycan is much better.

      What you feel now about the output damage thing is regular for the body warriors. We play this game like this from the beginning!

      Reduced damage? Same output damage like a body warrior? Welcome to the Metin2!
      Why do you want hit 2x bigger than everyone else?

      Anyways... My lvl 95 body with full P ,khan ,razador with 12% berserk ,40 avg poison+9 and 10 avg sash with alchemy cannot do 11k normal hit damage on one lvl 105 metin...
      7-8k max.
      Wait you just said 'stop compare lycans with bodys' and you're doing it few lines later yourself?

      Nobody is forcing you to make berserk P, I would trade indigo P for berserk M10/G1 any time dude. If you have suggestions to change berserk P, make it on warrior section, this has nothing to do with lycans. (Berserk is actually a very good skill on low level but very bad skill on high level)

      I'm not gonna care that lycans will deal less (or same or bit more) than body warriors on mount, but there is no news about a buff on their active skills and that's what annoys me. And ye, I'll notice a loss of 300-400 attack from crimson on my actives. The current pvp situation is fine for lycans (when you have defenses at least -.-), many people say they're op in pvm (they mean only boss killing and metin killing).

      Anyways for pvm (and I mean, unlike some others, ALL aspects of pvm; leveling/bosskilling/metinkilling/runs/..) I love playing warrior much more than lycan just because of how fast it is on the ground (and this has nothing to do with berserk but with how warriors are designed).

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jeroenado ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      If someone wants to give feedback, they need to be polite and have a decent nickname on the board. I will deactivate and remove their feedback if not done.
      Next time learn what balance means. Then start changing something.
      Did u even play this game in past 3 months? Did u even asked some experiences top players about lycan nerf, values or smthing? Itd a joke. Beta is jokenothing works and lycan ruined w.o reason
    • al8u wrote:

      I have been a lycan player for some time and I tested the new update after the beta server and eventually found it does not negatively affect lycan this update. It was normal for this to happen because there was a huge difference in the damage between the lycan and the other characters, but the biggest difference is that we do not forget that the items are not the character for the most part.
      does not feel the nerf, because it was not yet implemented (for example, it only tells you that it lasts 55 seconds, but it lasts for 175, same with the attack value) when it is implemented, you will see the decrease of the damage