Shaman Changes Opinion

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    • Shaman Changes Opinion

      Helloo everybody,
      I want to tell you my feedback on shaman character echilibration.
      First of all i want to say i don't play shaman,but i can give you my opinion about it.

      Lets start whit Shaman – Dragon Force
      :thumbup: Its seems that they have increased the cool down of the Flying Talisman and Shooting Dragon and have reduced the cool down of the Dragon Roar and thats good,because the talisman is a week skill so it doesn't upset anyone. Shooting dragon has way too little cool down,because u almost can use it over and over again if u have enough casting speed on items.These would had quite compensated for the fact that they reduced the cool down for Dragon Roar the most powerful skill for dragon force character,but they also added knockback and increased fire chance for shooting dragon,and that guarantees help in 1vs1 duel.
      :thumbup: About buffs:Blessing,Reflect,Dragon’s Aid ,the fact that if u use it on yourself u will get additional bonus is a good idea to increase dragon force potential.I understand that the buffs will give more critic,reflect,damage reduction when used on self and than using to other player.I think it will be good an 25% for others and 50% for self,because shamans are week at hits,and have only 3 skill atacks instead of 5 like other caracters,so they need to give critical skills.
      :thumbup: The bonus damage for skills if u use bell i don't think its something that will deserve to switch from fan to bell especially on high lvl fan (lvl65+) where the magic atack from fan are much more than the bells. Also in the interview it says that the update will not affect the value of players items.But the change is good for the middle lvl shamans (lvl55-61) who are using the bell in pvp,and for pvm. Because bells are used in pvm,so any damage in+ is welcome.
      :) So I'm positive for these changes in dragon force.

      Lets go whit Shaman – Healing Force
      :thumbdown: I will say that the healing force shaman was pretty good even before,especially with antimagic resistance stones.I hope the bonus damage if they are using fan is not that big instead of using bells.You could have put bonus damage using the bell as well as dragon force,because it waz usefull in middle lvl pvp,and all lvl pvm,Healing force shaman dont need any +damage because is a fast skill charger,and whit casting bonus on items + Swiftness can give skill after skill whitout even waiting.And now is more important because you have changed the critical and pircing hit in order to incresse skill relevance,so much more advantage for healing shaman.
      :thumbup: Again aditional bonus if use Swiftness and Attack ,and its good change.
      :thumbdown: I dont think cure need more healing amount,especially because will be skill relevance in pvp,so on a full 60% rezistence,or 75% whit suit + shield players whill not give more than 4-6k damage whit the best skill.And if u make cure have 5k HP the shaman cant be killed unless u give some criticals.Or keep the increese the healing amount but increese the skill cooldown also whit 5 sec.

      Conclusion:The changes are preaty good,except the bonus damage from fan for healing force shaman,u need to make bell bonus damage also for them.And not incresse the healing amount for cure,or incresse but incresse the cooldown speed also whit 5 seconds.

      Sorry for my bad engleish

      The post was edited 3 times, last by AthozOrion ().

    • AthozOrion wrote:

      The changes are preaty good,except the bonus damage from fan for healing force shaman,u need to make bell bonus damage also for them.And not incresse the healing amount for cure,or incresse but incresse the cooldown speed also whit 5 seconds.
      did you test it?
      Because healer shamans get theyr skills more powerfull with fanse than dragons with bells.

      And about the buff skills its all speculation bc they don't work on the beta so ....
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • TcatalunyaT wrote:

      AthozOrion wrote:

      The changes are preaty good,except the bonus damage from fan for healing force shaman,u need to make bell bonus damage also for them.And not incresse the healing amount for cure,or incresse but incresse the cooldown speed also whit 5 seconds.
      did you test it?Because healer shamans get theyr skills more powerfull with fanse than dragons with bells.

      And about the buff skills its all speculation bc they don't work on the beta so ....
      Yea thats the ideea.They dont need bonus dmg from using fans !That + incressing cure amound of hp will make healer OP.
    • shaman changes good, skills good effects beauty but damage? no..

      all players sayin ..
      hey shaman stay back
      stay back and heal
      or buff..
      hey shaman dude stay back.. and see me ---- wow 320k damage huh? ---
      no warriors weak. i wanna more..

      --- hey shaman dude can i test my p skill on u?

      __ hey dude step aside
      - stay back - stay back
      always back

      go erase fan defance
      go erase bell defance
      and dragon scale shields in game because noone uses that items and bonusses

      if The shaman will beat you if u do not take action
      but no nothing . and cry : shamans powerfull ..
      yes yes. u true. ure right
    • Fan/Bell boost

      I tested my skills on dogs in the beta and it showed that with a cure chaman it is around 22% boost on skills if you use a fan.

      And I think it is really bad. Why? Because bells are no longer useable in pvp for cure chamans, and fans are no longer usable in pvp for dragon chamans.

      The boost is SO HUGE that a 20% skill damage bell will deal less damages than a 0% skill damage fan with a cure chaman (lv 30 weapons).

      So yeah, I will sell all my bells if this is the next update, that's not at all what GF said in the interview. We should be able to transform our fans into bells or our bells into fans, if not, a lot of items will lose their value ! (lv 30 bells or lv 80+ fans !)

      Sorry fod bad english.