Lykan nerf,werry important to do!

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    • Lykan nerf,werry important to do!

      Hello metinians,here is my opinion for lykan class changes.
      Notice:I played lvl60 lykan 3P ,good itemes,alchimy,etc and i know what is his potential in real servar.And now i play lvl65 Mental Worrior,better pvp equipment than what i had when i played lykan class,but still week at 1vs1 or general battle than when i played lykan.

      You have to admit on the official servar,lykan gives more skill damage than a mental warrior,and more hit damage than a body warrior,and also hits a critical skill wery frequently,and the pircing hit chance are insame! INSAME,almost every time.
      Besides all of this they have werry little skill cooldown,12sec on shred, the most powerfull lykan skill,better than spirit strike of mental warrior,and besides this it have Chance of Bleeding that is almost 80% i think + 20% critic.12sec on wolf claw and 20 sec on wolf beath which is also a powerfull dmg skill.

      The nerf they do to lykan is wery important and good !
      • Crimson Wolf Soul
        • Cooldown time has been sharply increased
        • Removed the defence reduction
        • Significantly reduced the chance of landing a piercing hit
        • Significantly reduced buff duration
        • Significantly reduced attack damage power
      • Wolf's Breath
        • Decreased chance of stunning
        Is all good changes but i think lykan need to have same skill damage than before,and the hit atack how is now.So incresse the atack value of the skills to get same or nearly that damage it had before,but incresse the cooldown of shred and wolf claw to 15 seconds,and remove the critic bonus from them or reduce it to 5%.Also decress the change of bleeding from shred,because it hits almoust every time at the first shred.Decress the pircing bonus from crimson soul to 20% max.
    • He doesn't see the things as we all see...I think he's in his own world, or he had nightmates with lycans lv. 55 that beat him. I will tell you the thruth about him: he had a weak lycan lv 90, he sold it at a small price, he bought a mental warrior lv 65 named Athoz and now even a warrior lv 61 beats him without dew, site or piercing and critical hits :))) But what are we talking about when we say a lycan lv 55? I thnink it's a complicated result for him because it's about comma.
      Turning back to the important things: lycan class must remain the same before this stupid update, because at the current time the lycan it's very weak compared to sura and warrior and the most important thing: the lycan is the ultimate character created by Webzen and this has to be the special and the most powerfull as Optimus Prime, as you know what i mean.
    • being a new breed, should be somewhat superior, or equal to the best kinds of game, but now they have become garbage, even there are people who create bot beads, to say that there is no difference in damage (when they reduced it from 970 to 550 ), so that the nerfeo stays like this

      to see if any lycan player stays more than 55 seconds in the game after they officially implement it
    • Bgd Bls wrote:

      He doesn't see the things as we all see...I think he's in his own world, or he had nightmates with lycans lv. 55 that beat him. I will tell you the thruth about him: he had a weak lycan lv 90, he sold it at a small price, he bought a mental warrior lv 65 named Athoz and now even a warrior lv 61 beats him without dew, site or piercing and critical hits :))) But what are we talking about when we say a lycan lv 55? I thnink it's a complicated result for him because it's about comma.
      Turning back to the important things: lycan class must remain the same before this stupid update, because at the current time the lycan it's very weak compared to sura and warrior and the most important thing: the lycan is the ultimate character created by Webzen and this has to be the special and the most powerfull as Optimus Prime, as you know what i mean.
      Serios ? Cand aveam eu lykanu lvl60 eram primu cu 3P-uri si aveam iteme stai linistit,stiu ce poate si stiu ce trebuie schimbat la el.Pentru cultura ta generala nu eu am facut lvl 90 lykanu in primu rand,si nu l am vandut pe un pret mic deloc,l am dat lvl 78 fara alchimie pe el la 800kk.Tu doar esti un catel ignorant,probabil dreamsex si normal ca esti impotriva schimbarii.Adu orice lykan si orice mental fata in fata cu aceleasi iteme si alchimie si sa vezi care bate.
    • AthozOrion wrote:

      Bgd Bls wrote:

      He doesn't see the things as we all see...I think he's in his own world, or he had nightmates with lycans lv. 55 that beat him. I will tell you the thruth about him: he had a weak lycan lv 90, he sold it at a small price, he bought a mental warrior lv 65 named Athoz and now even a warrior lv 61 beats him without dew, site or piercing and critical hits :))) But what are we talking about when we say a lycan lv 55? I thnink it's a complicated result for him because it's about comma.
      Turning back to the important things: lycan class must remain the same before this stupid update, because at the current time the lycan it's very weak compared to sura and warrior and the most important thing: the lycan is the ultimate character created by Webzen and this has to be the special and the most powerfull as Optimus Prime, as you know what i mean.
      Serios ? Cand aveam eu lykanu lvl60 eram primu cu 3P-uri si aveam iteme stai linistit,stiu ce poate si stiu ce trebuie schimbat la el.Pentru cultura ta generala nu eu am facut lvl 90 lykanu in primu rand,si nu l am vandut pe un pret mic deloc,l am dat lvl 78 fara alchimie pe el la 800kk.Tu doar esti un catel ignorant,probabil dreamsex si normal ca esti impotriva schimbarii.Adu orice lykan si orice mental fata in fata cu aceleasi iteme si alchimie si sa vezi care bate.
      cand o sa realizezi ceva atunci sa comentezi pana atunci iti las aici niste videoclipuri cu "performantele" tale :))
      Here is Athoz: the best mental lv 61 :)))))))))))))))))))))

      All of these players come here and give feedback for metin2 :(... It's sad to see that they can comment when they don't know what is the potential of every character...