was about balancing the pvp classes, but you do not realize that it affects pvm. Each class has its benefits in both pvp and pvm. Sura AM has defense, it loads quickly despite the fact that it does not have a brilliant DMG, and in PVP has a great advantage due to scattering. War body has a very good attack, and the speed of attack is enormous but it does not have defense. Wolf has no defense, nor is the speed of high attack, but it has a very good damage. In PVP, corporal war attacks two hands and a sword, which gives it a great advantage. While lycanu attacks only on the corners, and if he gets a waste, it's equal to 0. Wolf gives a damn good, but think, though, that DMG's full defense just makes DMG, if you lower the attack, What else will he do? A lot of players are playing lycan, if you lower the attack as much as in beta, I assure you that lycanu will become the weakest and the worst character (the others prefer the war body) so many players will be left. agree to give less in pvp with skilles, but do not spoil the red soul soul, he does it all, if you destroy him, lycanu will be equal to attack like Sura AM The game must evolve not do it! Do not beat lycan!