Archer Feedback

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    • Archer Feedback

      So,i m using a lv 80 Ninja archer and so fari discoverd some interesting problems.
      First of all,fire arrow has no fire effect and it is not dealing damage every time(Yes,i m sure the target was in range).I mean,sometimes even if i hit someone with it,it appears like i did 0dmg.(i tested that on another account of mine)
      The knockback from repetitive shot is not working every time.
      Now,the spark cooldown should be;s not that powerfull anymore(because of the arrow rezistence)
      I dont know what to say about the Feather my opinion the duration is too small and the dmg from the bombs is too big while the AoE radius is insanely small.I dont know if u can use this skill to much and make it work.I would like to have it for a long duration with less bombs spawned and less damage.Or at least change the skill animation and don t force archers to stop moving in order to cast this 15 seconds skill(or whatever duration is it at perfect master) becasue if we have to stop,we give time to all enemies to start hitting us(with basic attacks)..and thats the worst possible thing to happen for an archer.
      The other skills are fine but i don t understand the part with the inteligence..i mean it isn t that effective..just a slight buff(not worth to try to get intelligence).
      Moreover i consider that the 15seconds cooldown on fire arrow its a little bit overbuffed.I mean,yes its something nice to have,but jesus christ,that s too much,you don t need that short cooldown,for real now.
      Thanks for reading,this is my own opinion of what i ve tested so far and i hope that the fire arrow problem will be solved.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      The skill problems have been fixed. Please test and give constructive feedback.

      Thank you in advance!
      Thank you = D the archer spells work correctly, you only have modified the description of the spells to add the side effects (with the% of preference), I did several dozens of tests and with rain of arrows j I slowed down each time, fire arrow I burned 2 times out of 3, shot shooting well dropped and shot sparkling makes invisible the time indicated.