My opinion in the FALSE changes you made

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    • My opinion in the FALSE changes you made

      So you decide to nerf lycans but you let body warriors as they are and dont buff them? Every char now does the same hit dmg and every skill does more dmg that the skills of body warrior so whats the point of Aura of sword? We need more dmg at least when its Perfect. Also when you cast berserk the incresed dmg taken is op and you can see thats true because a lot of players leave it g1 and dont even perfect it so they dont get destroyed in 1v1. And what about blade ninjas-shamans-sura? This anti-magic stones ARE BROKEN AF. You have a ninja that deals 3k dmg with resistances and also deals 8k dmg poisonous cloud is it balanced? Shamans do 3 skills and you are dead and so do suras of black magic. How is it balanced when you have anti magic stones? Do i have anti-sword stones? I dont think so. Every class has got so many ADVANTAGES from the previous updates except body warriors