Anti-magic stones- dmg taken from berserk ( body warrior )

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    • i agree with you, they should remove antimagic stones and give mor magic atac to shamans.
      The way its now u complain against that stones + magical characters has 1 les space for stones on they're equipment
      but berserk has to increase the dmg not as much as nou but is a must have
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • anti magic stones have zero sense. All resistances are 60+ the 61lv shield while with magic dmg you have 50+61 lv shield . thats unfair i dont have anti-sword stones. Sura of black magic is overpowered with these stones and NiNJA with poisonous cloud. Just raise the shaman skill dmg why have those cheat stones? And body warriors are fucked with all these updates 0 dmg and when you cast berserk you receive tons of dmg. The lycan skill who gives attack dmg used to reduce your armor and they deleted it so WHY they dont do the same thing with berserk?
    • Why have those stones? Because the actual magic resis u can get is much higher than the 50% u claim (20% armor + 15%helm +15%brac + 20% dew + 15%costume+15%costume=100%) while the max def vs physical damage is only 75% (60% equipement +15% costume) on top of that the damage output from ANY physicall damage dealing class is way higher than that of a shaman. And not to forget that any 70+ player gets 20% free magic resist without doing any effort and can get an additional 20% by just drinking a green dew giving u 40% magic resis already. As a shaman u still have to tryhard to get half the damage of a poorly equipped mental warrior for example(I make 8.5k roar as a lvl 81 shaman with 35%hh and a 19% skill damage bamboo while my lvl 80 mental warrior with ONLY a SSB+9 equipped makes 10k). So yes something was needed to make shamans viable if you deny that you never played shaman before anti magic stones and in that case you shouldn't be complaining. I won't deny anti magic stones are broken and should be replaced by something else but at least be happy they are nerfing them.
    • Dude i said, maybe in another post i dont remember, RAISE THE DMG OF THE SHAMAN SKILLS, having those stones just isnt fair. And you mean to tell me I HAVE TO drink a 20 green dew to keep up with you or have costumes? And believe me better have 75% without any anti-resistance stones than having 100 resistance with stones that are reducing the mr by 50%. I am aware of the low dmg shamans had but thats not my problem. Raise the dmg or their skills. Is t fair for a ninja do deal 8k poisonous cloud? Or a sura ( bm ) which his whole kit of skills is op with these stones
    • jamesx1998 wrote:

      Dude i said, maybe in another post i dont remember, RAISE THE DMG OF THE SHAMAN SKILLS, having those stones just isnt fair.
      That's not what you said here:

      jamesx1998 wrote:

      But I can agree with you that they should increase sham's damage and tune down anti magic to make pvp more balanced (which is exactly what they are doing right now on the beta)
    • anti magic stones

      well about the anti magic stone I can only tell you that it's totally fair to have it for sura BM and shamane because you can have 20% magic resistance with green dew 20% for free in the 66+9 armors and 30% on costums that's the first part / the 2nd one is that bleu dew (attack value ) doesn't effect on sura BM and shamanes skills . commendament of group doesn't effect our skills . attack up of shaman skill doesn't increese our skills too so we doesn't have much boosts like other players anti magic stones is the only advantage for us so .... / the 3rd part is about reducing protection of darkness reducting damages pliiz try to xp a sura BM in grotto without protection =) with /VIT /INT /DEX it's impossible =)
    • The key problem with magic resistante is that it is free in armours and can appear in headgear costumes. Everybody has Magic Resistence in their amour, so all the people have a minimum of 20-30 % of magic defense. But I also think that antimagic stones should be removed because:
      -Black Magic Suras are too OP (and with new new changes they are more OP and Shamans are worse...)
      -Nijas are too OP
      -These characters loose a slot in their weapons and armours (we need more weapons than physical characters)

      The problem is: SHAMANS NEED THEM

      -Put a limit of 60-70% in all defenses in PVP (if you have 90% magic resistance, only 60-70% is effective). Don't put a limit in PvE. Costumes would be useful if you don't reach 60-70% in your regular equipment.
      -Increase Shaman's damage (WITH BOTH WEAPONS: BELLS AND FANS)
      -Give Diamond Alchemy decent values of magical attack value and magic defense (the same values ruby gives).
      -Change Green Dew and Mong Water to Resistance against Skill damage
    • jamesx1998 wrote:

      With 2 anti magic stones its like you dont even have any resistance. And stop with that green dew excuse. So every time i wanna do a friendly pvp cause im bored i have to drink green dew 20% so i can keep up? And you think thats fair? Lol raise shaman skill dmg and thats it, those stones are OP
      well 50% anti magic means 50% of your magical defence so if you have 50% magic resistance you will have 25% and not a 0% the 2nd thing is that we don't have piercing hit in skills / AV dew / commendament / or attack up to boost our skills so only the anti magic can help us ....
    • YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Before alchemy (good thing) and all the crap that followed (costumes, anti magic, pet with anti magic), Lv 90~ shamans were doing around 4k to a 50% magic + 20% shield in a duel, pretty fair I'd say. That means killing with 5 skills (or 3-4 with crits) a character with 20k hp.

      The other day I did some free PvP with a lv 90 shaman, I had 20% dew, two costumes with 15% magic resistance, excellent alchemy (18% on both skill resistance and shaman resistance), dragon god defense (-12% damage) and tiger earrings (15% skill resistance), and I took 4k from her skills.

      I don't think this is fair, considering how much mantaining all this bullcrap every month costs (hundreds of millions of yang per month, or a good hundred of euros per month).

      Not every player happily wants this type of expense.

      Anti magic isn't, and never was a solution to the magic resistance problem.
      Costumes aren't solutions either.
      All of this is only yang/euro robbing stuff.

      But GameForge will never take out stuff from its game, only add or change.
      So we're doomed :\
      Lv 95 Body Warrior (PPPPG), Lv 80 Weapon Sura (PPGG), Lv 70 Magic Sura (GGGG), Lv 49 Mental Warrior (PP)
      Sirio Server (IT)
    • pelosona666 wrote:

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Before alchemy (good thing) and all the crap that followed (costumes, anti magic, pet with anti magic), Lv 90~ shamans were doing around 4k to a 50% magic + 20% shield in a duel, pretty fair I'd say. That means killing with 5 skills (or 3-4 with crits) a character with 20k hp.
      The other day I did some free PvP with a lv 90 shaman, I had 20% dew, two costumes with 15% magic resistance, excellent alchemy (18% on both skill resistance and shaman resistance), dragon god defense (-12% damage) and tiger earrings (15% skill resistance), and I took 4k from her skills.

      I don't think this is fair, considering how much mantaining all this bullcrap every month costs (hundreds of millions of yang per month, or a good hundred of euros per month).

      Not every player happily wants this type of expense.

      Anti magic isn't, and never was a solution to the magic resistance problem.
      Costumes aren't solutions either.
      All of this is only yang/euro robbing stuff.

      But GameForge will never take out stuff from its game, only add or change.
      So we're doomed :\
      They say now,magic caracters will give dmg even on 100% rezistence or more because new formula that calculate the rezistence.So if is that,why should we keep the sones?
      The ideea of the anti magical rezistence is so stupid.So i buy expensive items whit magical rezistence and i give good money for 20% potion whit magic rezistence,to come a shaman for exaple and get all my rezistence down whit 2 stones :)). If they not want to delete anti magic rezistence,lets remove the stones and make a lvl55 potion whit 20% anti magic rezistence,and another potion but lvl80 whit same bonus.So they will keep the balance on midle lvl and hight lvl
    • pelosona666 wrote:

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Before alchemy (good thing) and all the crap that followed (costumes, anti magic, pet with anti magic), Lv 90~ shamans were doing around 4k to a 50% magic + 20% shield in a duel, pretty fair I'd say. That means killing with 5 skills (or 3-4 with crits) a character with 20k hp.
      The other day I did some free PvP with a lv 90 shaman, I had 20% dew, two costumes with 15% magic resistance, excellent alchemy (18% on both skill resistance and shaman resistance), dragon god defense (-12% damage) and tiger earrings (15% skill resistance), and I took 4k from her skills.

      I don't think this is fair, considering how much mantaining all this bullcrap every month costs (hundreds of millions of yang per month, or a good hundred of euros per month).

      Not every player happily wants this type of expense.

      Anti magic isn't, and never was a solution to the magic resistance problem.
      Costumes aren't solutions either.
      All of this is only yang/euro robbing stuff.

      But GameForge will never take out stuff from its game, only add or change.
      So we're doomed :\
      sorry man you forget to say when u could use as much dew as u want ant that was getting more mr it was that hard that u could b a lvl 15 and deal with a 99 magical character with P skills with no problem.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner