Hello, after many conversations with other players as well as with members of the GameForge equine, I had an idea that fits perfectly into this PVP balancing beta and that could be tested at an upcoming beta.
The idea is simple: it would be necessary to implant a new passive bonus, which would reduce any type of damage PVP. This new bonus would not be comparable to any other since it could not be found on the stuff or other item. My idea would be to add this bonus to each level up of our character, I thought a rate of 0.2% added per level (the level 1 characters will have 0% and the 120 levels will have 23.8% or 24% rounding).
This will fix once and for all the problem of the damage too important in the PVP, this will avoid the duels of 3 seconds, the OS at 50k + on characters stuff as well as the abused and massive nerve as for the Lycan at the moment. Many people are also complaining that low level characters (60-) could easily kill high levels (75-90 sometimes even 105) thanks to their perfect alchemy.
Moreover, it would give an additional motivation to reach the maximum level to undergo less damage and to be more effective (24% for a 120 level seems to me really reasonable).
For now there is no real reason to exceed level 115 apart for the pleasure of being at the maximum level (since statistics are blocked from lvl 91). This closes my first point and opens the second.
If the top idea does not fit, there is another one that is even simpler: unlock statistics, it will allow a character level 120 (even a little before) to have all his statistics at least 90 points which seems to be normal when you reach the highest level of the game. Moreover, with the changes on the statistics of this beta (I think especially of the shamans and archers) it becomes necessary to put points in all the statistics if one want to maximize our character except that no one wants to lose any damage and if an opportunity presents itself to have more, one seizes it. All this to say that for example for the archers, the players will put 90 points in strength dexterity and integrity and only 16 unfortunate points in vitality, it makes a loss of approximately 3k points of life which will still listen to our resistance in PVP.
Here are my 2 little ideas
do not hesitate to say what you think, personally I am satisfied and I think it could really help the revaluation PVP what is the bte of all these beta :).
The idea is simple: it would be necessary to implant a new passive bonus, which would reduce any type of damage PVP. This new bonus would not be comparable to any other since it could not be found on the stuff or other item. My idea would be to add this bonus to each level up of our character, I thought a rate of 0.2% added per level (the level 1 characters will have 0% and the 120 levels will have 23.8% or 24% rounding).
This will fix once and for all the problem of the damage too important in the PVP, this will avoid the duels of 3 seconds, the OS at 50k + on characters stuff as well as the abused and massive nerve as for the Lycan at the moment. Many people are also complaining that low level characters (60-) could easily kill high levels (75-90 sometimes even 105) thanks to their perfect alchemy.
Moreover, it would give an additional motivation to reach the maximum level to undergo less damage and to be more effective (24% for a 120 level seems to me really reasonable).
For now there is no real reason to exceed level 115 apart for the pleasure of being at the maximum level (since statistics are blocked from lvl 91). This closes my first point and opens the second.
If the top idea does not fit, there is another one that is even simpler: unlock statistics, it will allow a character level 120 (even a little before) to have all his statistics at least 90 points which seems to be normal when you reach the highest level of the game. Moreover, with the changes on the statistics of this beta (I think especially of the shamans and archers) it becomes necessary to put points in all the statistics if one want to maximize our character except that no one wants to lose any damage and if an opportunity presents itself to have more, one seizes it. All this to say that for example for the archers, the players will put 90 points in strength dexterity and integrity and only 16 unfortunate points in vitality, it makes a loss of approximately 3k points of life which will still listen to our resistance in PVP.
Here are my 2 little ideas