Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    • Signo wrote:

      Wow its amazing! Less than 1 month the first players reached the lvl 90+ ofc they have a full +9 gears and trained pets and legendary alchemys, P skills etc... So the game is ended now and the suras need more pvp power... They allready know how much pvp power in they char because they maxed all and finished the game less than 1 month... Bravo! Well done! :)

      The others are not important whos maybe dont boght all the exp things from the itemshop and maybe stopped a littlebit at lower lvl to make skills and gears right? You are done and now lets change the whole gamplay! Change the beast pvm skills into pvp skills because you dont need it anymore....

      Grow up please!
      Woooow logic. Yes they will be 120 20-25 days later. PvE will finish. So what's your argument? PvE continues 3-4 months. PvP continues forever. Bravo! Well done! Nice logic mate. Improve yourself. PvE is useless, trash right now. No. You can't restrict market, resources. Learn this game. Your argument is completely wrong. Why nobody talks Sura? Because Sura is dead.

      Yes he needs PvP power. Yes change trash, useless PvM skills into PvP skills. Everyone plays lycan, ninja, warrior.

      Learn this game and don't be salty! You don't know anything about this game.

      Meanwhile I will say again. Lycan and body warrior are better PvE champions than weaponary sura. Did you see boss cutting? Yes you know but you deny. So where is beast, flawless PvE character? I don't see. Don't be hater.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • I don't know what is in some persons mind ... I just can't get it. I am a sura ( got lv 76 now ) and this is the farmer which products money; I wanted a PvP character, so I bought a lv 84 Lycan; I could make this sura PvP and I could do it a very good PvP one ( with some Green Potions you are just like an Body Warrior, maybe even better because I have dispel ). Anyway, some classes are good just for PvM, some classes are made just for PvP ... PvM doesn't mean just killing razador or other bosses ( which I understand from the others that Lycan + Body Warrior are better ), PvM is in general... and, in general, sura weaponry is the best ).
    • No one says do archery ninja PvM beast. This is general balancing. Every character should have equal PvM and PvP. Player skills should be key factor. You can't kill, beat any character with weaponary sura. It isn't fair.

      Weaponary sura isn't event or secondary character. You can't see this character in fights. If you don't give enough PvP power this character, you can't find weaponary sura player. Why don't you delete this character? Because useless class.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • Fofarlica wrote:

      I don't know what is in some persons mind ... I just can't get it. I am a sura ( got lv 76 now ) and this is the farmer which products money; I wanted a PvP character, so I bought a lv 84 Lycan; I could make this sura PvP and I could do it a very good PvP one ( with some Green Potions you are just like an Body Warrior, maybe even better because I have dispel ). Anyway, some classes are good just for PvM, some classes are made just for PvP ... PvM doesn't mean just killing razador or other bosses ( which I understand from the others that Lycan + Body Warrior are better ), PvM is in general... and, in general, sura weaponry is the best ).
      u said "PvM doesnt mean just killing razador or other bosses" What is PvM? r u joking? what is 90 or 100 or 110 or 120 level sura's PvM? Grotto? or wild dogs in first village? Why did u buy lycan? Play vith weaponry sura. Because after 90 level weaponry sura is completely GARBAGE. u know that. so u bought lycan. think before u talk pls, or watch players videos and learn. i hope they make very weak lycan and u cry a lot.
    • chronoide wrote:

      RUIN lycans please,,As a weaponry sura player u ruin my character, please ruin lycan too.
      I would call @chronoide a 'toxid' player.
      Sorry if the truth is spoken. But the way you write dosen't help to get a good discussion or balancing.
      You just want to hurt others and you maybe are happy about it.

      I really would like to see a nice and calm discussion.
      I can somehow understand the weakness of a weapon sura. They just have a few Hit-Skills wich doesn't have a big range.
      Also the 1-Hit "bug" from bosses is really anoying. So in PvP and PvM vs BOSSES they aren't the best.

      But they have a super strong self-buff wich gives them +12% life leach on each hit.
      You may say it is not usefull in high level, but you can farm smaller bosses like those in the Temple of the Ochao pretty good. You can also tank over 10 Ember Flame Chieftain with the right equipment and farm plenty of Tough Straps.

      Sure he isn't the best for killing bosses, but what about ninjas, schamans, mb-suras, mental-warriors ?

      LoL description for toxid players:

      LoL wrote:

      The reason we use the word 'toxic' is very intentional.

      In our observations and research on player behavior, we find that a single source of negative behavior can ripple through hundreds or thousands of games. For example, let's say we have a game with 10 players--9 are positive, and 1 is negative. The 1 negative player is racist, rages all game, and intentionally leaves the game. This experience can negatively influence some of the other 9 positive players in the game. Some of these 9 players will play another game of League of Legends and instead of being positive, they might start the game neutral or negative. Their actions can then influence 9 other players in the game, and toxicity spreads.

      A single negative action could result in thousands of games with negative incidences--this is why many of our latest experiments focus on shielding players from toxicity (Restricted Chat Mode -- forcing players to make a decision between using limited chat resources for cooperative communication, or still using it for negative purposes and being message capped), or stemming the spread of toxicity (our next experiment).
    • I would call lycan players a toxic player too. You aren't objective. You're biased. Discussion is very nice and true. Some players want to sabotage this topic with insults, wrong infos. Discussion has videos, evidences, arguments and facts. 12% life leach is useless if you can't auto attack. Also you're forgetting blocking and defenses.

      You still insist to talk about PvM. You're still saying farm smaller bosses etc. Yes he can be little bit good in PvM (he isn't best but good) but that doesn't mean he should be very very weak in PvP.
    • Are you out of your mind?

      You’re playing a Tank with moderate Damage (Weaponary Sura) and expect it to deal the same Amount of Damage as a Body Warrior who is a “Damage Dealer”?

      Sorry, it’s just getting more and more ridiculous the last Days.

      The Weaponary Sura is a PvE MONSTER. Even in PvP he’s not the worst. With a Combination of Attacks + Skills his Damage is devastating. So please, stop calling him “to weak” or ask for a Buff, while in reality the Class got a strong Kit with many Options.

      Furthermore I don’t see anything wrong with a Shaman Lv. 100 killing a Metin Stone alone, my Wife was able to do that as well – so what?

      Just as an Example, how BAD the Sura’s really are.. :)



      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • Tank? I didn't see a tank. We're getting same damage like you. Enchanted Armor hasn't enough defence, 150 defence is nothing. fear hasn't true feature. You're still saying tank? Even did you play this game? Weaponary sura isn't PvE monster like your character and lycan. Also your body warrior has better damage. Woooow. Where is justice?

      Weaponary sura is the worst PvP character like your character. (yes you're right about this issue) Weaponary sura didn't get a change, strong kit. Follow changes. Our character stayed same 7 years. You took new skills but we stayed same. New bones, alchemy, potions were useful for you. But they were useless for us.

      Meanwhile I'm looking your videos. You can do same things with Lycan without market!

      Another characters have same auto damage like our character but they have 3x damage with abilities. Nice balance!

      One more thing. Almost all characters are skill-oriented. They give all damage with skills except body warrior and weaponary sura. Fear and enchanted armor are useless abilities against skills.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • Weapon Sura vs Lycan in 1v1 with the same defence and storng against --> the weapon sura should win if dispel hits on the start.
      Same with weapon sura vs body warrior.

      I think you underestimate the power of this PvP Skill and don't see the strength behind it.

      The weapon sura is kind of a tank with a Skill that debuffs other players.

      Who else can debuff other players? None.

      A few can stun, a few can poison or bleed you.
      But none can turn off your main Buff skills, all at the same with just a little bit of luck.

      I can understand some things.
      It is hard to land Finger Strike and Dragon Swirl also does not that much dmg.
      But Dispel does nearly true dmg, you can't defend yourself against it with resistance like on other skills.

      The weapon sura is very special and has some skills and mechanics that no other class has.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Yemon ().

    • Yes he is kind of a tank with a skill that debuff other players. But you can't be a tank even if you debuff ninjas, black magic, mental warrior, healing shaman. Because they have 4 or 5 active skills. You can only debuff 1 skill. Dispel is useful against body warrior and maybe lycan. Another character doesn't be affected very much. Our 1v1 isn't very bad (mediocre) but otherwise we are in very bad situation. We can't do damage till die. Meanwhile dispel was nerfed. RIP our 1v1 potential too.

      Every class has very special skills and mechanics. That doesn't mean we have special kit or skills.

      If you think weaponary sura is strong in PvP, please start to playing weaponary sura character. You will understand difference.
    • TianyLu aka Meh, du verstehst einfach immer noch nicht was den sura im high end so Low macht. Die Maps sind garnicht mehr auf die eigenbuffs abgestimmt und im Pvp erst recht nicht. So ist der Char stark aber wenn man eigenbuffs hat die ihn nichts bringen so ist er schwach da er letztendlich mit 4 Skills jeden anderen unterlegen ist. Ich rede nicht von dem fks schaden aber du brauchst deine eigenbuffs um als Tank agieren zu können und das ist nicht mehr gegeben, zumal er erst ZA't werden kann. Ich bete jeden Tag zu Gott das du endlich mal die Thematik verstehst
    • Gameforge, please help Weaponary Sura, he dont have a unic weapon, is weak in pvp. We need more power. Im play a Sura and i like but the game in lvl superior is focus on PvP battles ande the sura need more power to against other character a new weapon special only for weaponary sura. Please modificate the weaponary sura, it has not been modified for a long long year, motivate a new player to play this Class Please Gameforge Help Weaponary sura :)
    • HectorElizondo wrote:

      Gameforge, please help Weaponary Sura, he dont have a unic weapon, is weak in pvp. We need more power. Im play a Sura and i like but the game in lvl superior is focus on PvP battles ande the sura need more power to against other character a new weapon special only for weaponary sura. Please modificate the weaponary sura, it has not been modified for a long long year, motivate a new player to play this Class Please Gameforge Help Weaponary sura :)
      Sura Weapons is the most popular subclass on my server, and is the best option for a new player, so why more motivation? Archer/Black Magic/Healer are really rare to see in PvP and they are almost never used in PvM, maybe only when making level.