Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    • Yeah yeah the most balanced (you mean trash PvP character) character. You don't know maximum level. So why are you talking? Do you have 120 lv character? Weapon sura is the worst and the weakest character and stepchild. Where were you until this thread? I didn't see a change to weaponary sura for 7 years. Because admins doesn't care us. Because we don't make enough money.

      Everyone talks lycan, ninja, shaman. Because they are good PvP characters. We are playing trash, useless, garbage PvP character!

      Are you blind? I'm writing again. I have maximum equipment but my character isn't good like dagger ninja, mental warrior, lycan. Because we are the worst PvP class. We need PvP buff!
    • metalgearzero wrote:

      Has anyone realized that the HP and attack value has been reduced?
      i already asked for that

      TcatalunyaT wrote:

      Another thing, have u changed the way of gettin hp? because on the beta i get 8720hp with 90int 90 vit 90 dex 16 str while on the real server i get 9159 with 0 items equiped.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • sura lvl 120

      reveina wrote:

      Yeah yeah the most balanced (you mean trash PvP character) character. You don't know maximum level. So why are you talking? Do you have 120 lv character? Weapon sura is the worst and the weakest character and stepchild. Where were you until this thread? I didn't see a change to weaponary sura for 7 years. Because admins doesn't care us. Because we don't make enough money.

      Everyone talks lycan, ninja, shaman. Because they are good PvP characters. We are playing trash, useless, garbage PvP character!

      Are you blind? I'm writing again. I have maximum equipment but my character isn't good like dagger ninja, mental warrior, lycan. Because we are the worst PvP class. We need PvP buff!
      yap i got a sura blade lvl 120 and a body war and pvp i can tank al clases with good equip you want to know somthing else? or you only want talk somthing you dont know.

      like i said sura blade its the most balanced char
    • TheDevilSZ wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      Yeah yeah the most balanced (you mean trash PvP character) character. You don't know maximum level. So why are you talking? Do you have 120 lv character? Weapon sura is the worst and the weakest character and stepchild. Where were you until this thread? I didn't see a change to weaponary sura for 7 years. Because admins doesn't care us. Because we don't make enough money.

      Everyone talks lycan, ninja, shaman. Because they are good PvP characters. We are playing trash, useless, garbage PvP character!

      Are you blind? I'm writing again. I have maximum equipment but my character isn't good like dagger ninja, mental warrior, lycan. Because we are the worst PvP class. We need PvP buff!
      yap i got a sura blade lvl 120 and a body war and pvp i can tank al clases with good equip you want to know somthing else? or you only want talk somthing you dont know.
      like i said sura blade its the most balanced char
      Say me. Why can't I get same performance as weaponary sura player? Etc. I have 50% half human and I can beat 3/4 of server with dagger ninja or lycan or mental warrior. I have same bonus with weaponary sura. I can beat 1/4 of server. Yes very fine character!

      Actually you don't know anything. You gave an argument but you didn't prove it. You're another weaponary sura hater? Yes sure!

      Like I said weaponary sura is the weakest PvP character.
    • baklawa wrote:

      @TcatalunyaT Have you tried resetting the stat points and giving vit again?

      i did not, bc i had no time to try it out, but anyway if my character was copied as it is in the live server this sould be equal, i know some hp points can be lost by raising vit, but its copied, it mus remain the same XD
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • reveina wrote:

      TheDevilSZ wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      Yeah yeah the most balanced (you mean trash PvP character) character. You don't know maximum level. So why are you talking? Do you have 120 lv character? Weapon sura is the worst and the weakest character and stepchild. Where were you until this thread? I didn't see a change to weaponary sura for 7 years. Because admins doesn't care us. Because we don't make enough money.

      Everyone talks lycan, ninja, shaman. Because they are good PvP characters. We are playing trash, useless, garbage PvP character!

      Are you blind? I'm writing again. I have maximum equipment but my character isn't good like dagger ninja, mental warrior, lycan. Because we are the worst PvP class. We need PvP buff!
      yap i got a sura blade lvl 120 and a body war and pvp i can tank al clases with good equip you want to know somthing else? or you only want talk somthing you dont know.like i said sura blade its the most balanced char
      Say me. Why can't I get same performance as weaponary sura player? Etc. I have 50% half human and I can beat 3/4 of server with dagger ninja or lycan or mental warrior. I have same bonus with weaponary sura. I can beat 1/4 of server. Yes very fine character!
      Actually you don't know anything. You gave an argument but you didn't prove it. You're another weaponary sura hater? Yes sure!

      Like I said weaponary sura is the weakest PvP character.
      I tend to disagree...don't know what's happening on your server and to be honest I don't know how it's now with all new gear, but I can tell you that on RO community on the oldest server (Leonis) and after fusion on Polaris, two of the BEST PvP characters were Weaponry Suras. Everyone there remembers Steauaaa and TRIIBAL. What some people forget is that not only items and lvl counts but it's very important the tactics and how well you know to play. Also on other servers there were very good Weapon Sura PvP players. Each class has it's own strong and weak points, yoy have to know how to maximize your advantage.

      Initially Weapon Sura was considered an exclusive PvM char untill some proved it's not and it can excell in PvP too...if you know how. If you have "maximum equipment" as you say, either you don't have proper bonuses, or alchemy or you clearly have no idea how to play. The fact you have an 120 char say nothing, you could have bought it like this. And if you tell me that you made it from ground up and you're still not good...well, you have to learn alot then.

      Some samples about how "weak" a Weaponry Sura is in PvP...watch :) Do you see it's weak? I don't.

      P.S. In most cases the opponents were very good players also.
    • Sorry...those are not MY videos. I play an Archer Ninja, never had a Weapon Sura except for farming. I put those because they were well known PvP players that had good accounts and items and know how to play on this class type. What I can say is that, if you know how to play with it, Weapon Sura can be very good in PvP, even in 1 vs 1 not just general fights and the videos I put here were just to prove that. Now if anyone come with arguments like...he had that and he should have done that...doesn't matter. He was still good.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().

    • Rapier wrote:

      Sorry...those are not MY videos. I play an Archer Ninja, never had a Weapon Sura except for farming. I put those because they were well known PvP players that had good accounts and items and know how to play on this class type. What I can say is that, if you know how to play with it, Weapon Sura can be very good in PvP, even in 1 vs 1 not just general fights and the videos I put here were just to prove that. Now if anyone come with arguments like...he had that and he should have done that...doesn't matter. He was still good.
      ''I play an Archer Ninja, never had a Weapon Sura except for farming. ''

      Nice logic!
    • The logic has nothing to do with the fact that those players ARE good. I don't play it cause I don't like it (I like only Archer). If you have any arguments that prove me wrong, please share. I don't have to play a character to know if it is good or not in PvP. I know if they are cause I fight with or against them and I see what they can do in a fight. And as I said, Weapon Sura is not weak in PvP, I showed videos of general fights as well as 1 vs 1 duels and those suras ARE good. If you are not, this is nobody's problem except yours
    • Yes nice logic. Why are you commenting about PvP? You're playing your sura as farming character. Did you try PvP with weapon sura? Try PvP with weaponary sura or don't comment. Pick one.

      Why are talking about PvP if you don't know that topic?

      Yes weaponary sura is very weak in PvP. Try PvP or don't give wrong info!

      Also your videos are garbage. Don't prove anything. Especially last video. You're using mounts. Enemies don't attack to you. They are afk or they are waiting. Hahahaha. Nice PvP!

      Meanwhile you have 105 lv character. It isn't 120 lv. Because you know. Weponary sura is trash as 120 lv character. So you don't reach 120 lv.

      You continue archery ninja. Because that character is very good in PvP.

      I proved everything. But you? No no your argument were trash.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by reveina ().

    • Rapier wrote:

      The logic has nothing to do with the fact that those players ARE good. I don't play it cause I don't like it (I like only Archer). If you have any arguments that prove me wrong, please share. I don't have to play a character to know if it is good or not in PvP. I know if they are cause I fight with or against them and I see what they can do in a fight. And as I said, Weapon Sura is not weak in PvP, I showed videos of general fights as well as 1 vs 1 duels and those suras ARE good. If you are not, this is nobody's problem except yours
      You're using weaponary sura as farming character and you think sura is very good in PvP?


      You can't fool anyone.
    • It's clear you've missed my point. Yes I do think it is good in PvP..the fact I use it for farming does not change this. I said that I don't like ANY character to play except Archer Ninja. That's why I don't play on sura, not because it is not good. Anyways, this discussion is pointless. I showed you proof that sura is good in PvP, if you dont see it that's not my fault.

      Please eneter the beta server...I will show you my "105" character. What I showed were videos with fights and duels of a Weapon Sura. You still don't get it. If you're not good at it, start learning. I have dozens of such videos in which Weapon Suras excell both in PvM and PvP. I'm wondering why you play it if you consider it so weak...get a warrior, get a schaman...get a dog

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().