Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

      Hi, i am a weaponary sura player, i like this character but this is very weak in PVP and after alchemy in PvE .

      1) Dispel skils attack value is very low. everyone hate this skill. so delete this skill and give us a good PvP skill.
      2) Dragon Swirl skill is good to watch but just watch, its useless an pvp and pve
      3)Enchanted Armour is one of the fail skills of sura. it gives 150 defence (its good) but (Reflects damage back onto the attacker) part is fail.
      4)Enchanted Blade skill is good but i cant break metin stones and bosses like warrior and lycans. why.? what is wrong? with same equipment warrior and lycan better than sura. Please do something. Every character has own best skill but weaponry sura is realy fail. İf u dont like this weaponry sura just delete this character.
      5) Fear skill is really comedy, not working skill. why not fix it. what is yoru problem.( Opponent Attack Power loss %37 ) it says but NOT. (Opponent Miss Chance %37) it says but NOT. Fear skill is TOTALLY EMPTY skill. Garbage skill. what do u mean OPPONENT? animals in 1st village? against other players or bosses its not working.
      6)Finger Strike is his best skill but not enough to win PVP.

      İn Pve warriors and lycans better than weaponry sura. in Pvp all other characters are better than weaponry sura. WHY? What have i do? Delete my 100 level Sura? Every character has own problems but Weaponry Sura is TOTALLY a PROBLEM.
      İ am looking and saw that u mess with lycans shamans , why? U just fix useless skills of all characters. Thats all.

      Note( İ am 100 level player an i couldnt kill Red dragon yet. i attck with 8000 score but his Health is not decreasing. but i look other peoples videos. They can kill really comfortable with 8000 attack score. My weaponry sura is really useless. İ want to ask Gameforge. What do i do best with weaponry sura?
    • edit weapon sura

      chronoide wrote:

      spirit strike has 355k damage

      Finger strike has 95 k

      ninja ambush 217k

      nnja poisoned cloud

      black magic sura

      there are a lot of videos like that u can find yourself. WE WANT weaponry sura a litle bit PVP skills thats all. everyone kiill us.
      thank you man , I saw very wretched damage for weapon sura :( Injustice ,please edit weapon sura
    • Waffensura are very weak in the high level. The skills are not more of a question. All skills of the self-reinforcement are equilibrated with little effort Equip moderately.
      Pvm the skills the new maps are not adapted and therefore you have no advantages.
      PvP is the Sura much too weak, the further half-boni are not fully charged, which in turn has more disadvantages.
      PvP one gets the damage the other make through punch and skills in the same time no more raus.
      Also bring enchanted armor and fear almost nothing in the pvp.
      The skill Dispell has only a 62% cahnce and you can barely reinforce almost nothing. By the increased introduction of resistance against FKS makes the skill just 2k.
      The Waffensura is therefore the most unbalanced.
      All classes do get new weapons of the Waffensura not. All get more AW and more half-men and attack speed only of the Waffensura not.
      The sword is already the weakest of all weapons and the Waffensura requires 250AW points of the Enchanted Blade to balance this weapon weakness. In addition, his skills are only conditionally against melee and not against skills.
      PvM needs the Waffensura itself to add items to survive, because the monster use magic, wind damage, fire and lightning.
      In the past, it was almost only the monsters that used the arrows, and the Waffensura was an advantage because he could use his own skills.
    • I agree. Weaponary Sura is very weak in PvP. Enchanted Armor and Fear skills are fail. They need to be fixed. Also finger skill needs more damage. He was already weak. Also after dispel skill nerf weaponry sura will be weaker.

      I don't want PvE character. We don't want PvE character Everyone is 120 (maximum) lv right now. I want PvP character I want PvP power. We want PvP power.

      Also every character can use multiple weapon except our character weaponary sura. We only can use sword. It is another injustice. Everyone has sword defense.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by reveina ().

    • When you started the char ,you knew its a full pvm char and the best pvm... Untill the lvl 95 map wich is not in the original development plan.

      This new maps builded to make the classes equal. Nobody can stand in the center of the map and use capes with full HP like in g2...

      And ok. If the skills will be removed/changed to pvp then? Fine for you and highlvls but what about the others?
      Without fear and ench armour how can they lvlup to 120? This char made to pvm beast from the beginning and can be a good support char in wars.

      If you ask "do something with fear because at highlvl not so usefull" (not useless!) Then i say ok because its true. But you sad the complete char is useless.. Its just a joke right? :)
    • reveina wrote:

      I agree. Weaponary Sura is very weak in PvP. Enchanted Armor and Fear skills are fail. They need to be fixed. Also finger skill needs more damage. He was already weak. Also after dispel skill nerf weaponry sura will be weaker.

      I don't want PvE character. We don't want PvE character Everyone is 120 (maximum) lv right now. I want PvP character I want PvP power. We want PvP power.

      Also every character can use multiple weapon except our character weaponary sura. We only can use sword. It is another injustice. Everyone has sword defense.
      Most people don't have 120 level, Sura Weapons is the best in PvM, if you want PvP make another character. Ninjas/shamans/sura BM are really bad in PvM, so let's make them great in PvM, right? /s. If you think Sura Weapons is bad in PvP make another character, you can't be the best in PvM and PvP at the same time.
    • Yes most people don't have 120 level. They are 105, 110 or 115. Because 120 lvl will not change anything. PvE finished. I want PvP power for weaponry sura. Because I don't want different character. I love my character. I want equal PvP and PvE power for each character. I say again. PvE finished. A lot players reached very high levels.

      Take our PvM power give us PvP power. OK?

      Also our character isn't best PvM character. Lycan is better. Body warrior too. Body warrior and weaponary sura need PvP power.

      One more thing. Agree to disagree. Character is useless right now. Everyone sees our character as event or secondary character. It is ridiculous.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • Just show me one ... ONE warrior or lycan or any char who able to do this things;

      And before you say its fake ,its not a P server.
      The videos maded in metin2 UK.

      The weaponry suras want more pvp power? Ok.
      The Warriors and BM suras want more pvm power. Lets make us able to do this what the weaponry suras can do in g2 or everywhere!


      Anyways reveina.. You can say easy "Take our PvM power give us PvP power."(!) because you are done. What about the lower lvls? Or what about if the lvlcap increase to lvl 150 then you'll ask "Take our PvP power give us our PvM power back!" ? Because you cant lvling like before or your pvm skills will be equal with the BMs PvM power? :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Signo ().

    • You guys are so freaking hilarious now all of a sudden pvm is about g2 for these 'weapon sura haters' and you also never talk anything good about your body warrior (most popular character in metin2, and this must have a reason), I'm not taking part of discussions like these anymore, only thing you're doing is trying to talk good about your body warrior. I don't agree at all with this lycan nerf either and am not gonna complain about it anymore, I think I'm gonna take it anyway if this is final and I have my own personal reasons for that.

      Which character is the best for pvm? Everyone has his own opinion, sometimes it's about tanking, then again it's about damage, and so on.. The thing with weapon suras is that they're overall good for pvm, maybe not always thé best. It will usually be a very good tanker on most levels, but it will also still have decent damage.

      If you really want pvp power with your weapon suras, you can reset your skills (through item shop) and make black magic suras if you really want to be strong.

      Also in those clips the weapon sura isn't even full (no sash/alch/pet/..) but whatever, he's probably not gonna reach same as spirit strike w though. I don't want to make a steorotype about weapon suras but most of them don't even try full pvp and then they're even trying to compare their skills with mentals for example.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by jeroenado ().

    • Yes weaponary sura ist best for 34-90 lvl, because is fear skill and evading arrows.

      They are taking lots of critical damage from high level bosses. Maybe good for 90+ destroying metins but body warrior (without berserk skill) and lycan class are better then weponary sura.

      What is our PvM advantage?
      “Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?”
      “Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?”
    • jeroenado wrote:

      You guys are so freaking hilarious now all of a sudden pvm is about g2 for these 'weapon sura haters' and you also never talk anything good about your body warrior (most popular character in metin2, and this must have a reason), I'm not taking part of discussions like these anymore, only thing you're doing is trying to talk good about your body warrior. I don't agree at all with this lycan nerf either and am not gonna complain about it anymore, I think I'm gonna take it anyway if this is final and I have my own personal reasons for that.

      Which character is the best for pvm? Everyone has his own opinion, sometimes it's about tanking, then again it's about damage, and so on.. The thing with weapon suras is that they're overall good for pvm, maybe not always the best. It will always usually be a very good tanker on most levels, but it will also still have decent damage.

      If you really want pvp power with your weapon suras, you can reset your skills (through item shop) and make black magic suras if you really want to be strong.

      Also in those clips the weapon sura isn't even full (no sash/alch/pet/..) but whatever, he's probably not gonna reach same as spirit strike w though. I don't want to make a steorotype about weapon suras but most of them don't even try full pvp and then they're even trying to compare their skills with mentals for example.
      Hey, i don't mean to be harsh but weapon sura its best on pvm, no other class can solo like him and no i'm not talking about razador etc, i'm talking about leveling, no other class can solo in room 13 grotto2 w/o buff's.

      Imagine an weapon sura being forced to use Edge Blade for pvp and u will need to just sell triton or rune sword like us dragon shaman need's to do. That will be something to cry about, i have played weapon sura till lvl 100, and yes in pvp they need some love, his dmg can't compare with mental but they have advantage of normal attacks (after this critical hits nerf for pvp not sure how will this work out same for aura).
    • baklawa wrote:

      What is our PvM advantage?
      your enchanted blade is your PvM-Advantage. Weapon Suras are the best PvM-Tanks (Exept Magic Suras) while dealing above average damage. Only BodyWarrior and Lycan are better in Dmg, but clearly worse in Defence.

      You want to keep The Absorb-Bonus of Enchanted Blade, Fear and the Enchanted Armour (150 Deff isn't that bad) and on top you want the same Damage as Body Warriors and Lycans?

      Sorry that is ridiculous.

      The 1-Hit Bug exists also for Lycans, Ninjas and Shamans. Not only Suras are disadvantaged by this bug.
    • @iLow

      Enchanted Blade's hp absorbtion is only for close combat. Okey but ranged attacks? Fear skill evading arrows especially good for groto. Hp absorb from skill, extra items for arrow defence and sp absorbtion. This character best place is groto exile then other class.
      “Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?”
      “Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?”