Lycan DMG on Metins (Original vs Beta) + PvM Feedback Lycan

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    • Lycan DMG on Metins (Original vs Beta) + PvM Feedback Lycan

      Hey there.

      I made some Lycan test to see how big the nerf really is.

      First of all let's start with the piercing chance.
      Before the nerf:
      • 90 Int = 34% piercing chance
      • 169 Int = 60% piercing chance
      After the nerf:
      • 90 Int = 11% piercing chance
      • 169 Int = 21% piercing chance
      I really like it this way, it is really fair.
      10% is a nice default value and it can grow up to 21% what is not to much but also not that less.

      Now lets go to the DMG on Metins.
      Test1 --> Difference between Beta and Official Servers:
      • Same Equipment used
      • No alchemie
      • Just pets
      • and a 20% Monster Mount
      1. Official Server:

      2. Beta Server:

      • Official highest Hit DMG was around 14,4K
      • Betaserver highest Hit DMG was around 12,4K
      --> That makes a different from around 2K = ~13,9% less DMG.

      Test 2 --> I tried to get my highest DMG as possible, with evry "push" Item I could wear.
      • Bevore the nerf I did ~40K on a Metin
      • After the nerf I did ~32,5K on a Metin
      --> There are ~7,5K DMG difference = ~18,75% less DMG.

      I think it is kind of OK.
      But I can only speak for my selfe and my Equipment.

      Maybe in the lower level the difference will be higher.

      Test 3 --> Difference between 90 Int and 145 Int on Betaserver
      90 Int:

      145 Int:

      • With 90Int I did a maximum from ~11,2K
      • With 145 I did a maximum from ~12,6K
      --> I did ~ 1,4K more DMG when I used Int to buff on crimson wolf, thats around 12% more DMG (but remeber it always depends on the other push and Equipment)

      I think it is worth to turn crimson wolf soul on with Int equipment, but only if the skill has a good duration time, if it will stay at 55seconds it will cost too much Time and maybe you die while switching the equipment etc.

      So lets talk again about the duration of the skill.
      The nerf to 55s duration is also a lost of 10% DMG over Time and it is really annoying to change the Equipment every minute.
      If you want read more about the impact of the duration then you can read one of my other Posts: Dont ruin lykan

      What I would like to Change:
      • Change the duration back to his old value because it will be super annoying like it is now (with 55s duration) and the players will lose a lot of fun playing this char/game.
      • Fix the 1-Hit Bug from Bosses, because no one likes 1-Hit, not In PvP and also not in PvM. It makes the players realy mad if they die because a Monster do crazy numbers even on 50+ skill resistance.
      The DMG what the Lycan dose in PvM now is for the first look "kind of ok".

      So what do you guys think about the nerf?
      Is it "ok", is it "to much"?

      I am sorry for the PvP players, but I am not a fan of playing PvP so you guys need to do your own tests :)

      The post was edited 12 times, last by Yemon ().

    • MMM
      if the nerf actually applied (duration and attack value, because before it was still the same), I think the damage is fine, the problem would be the duration of the skill, put total intelligence equipment every 50 seconds (subtracting to activate skill, horse and other things) 50 seconds is nothing, it's crap, it takes the playing time, it's less damage caused, probability of dying, delay, etc.
    • jeroenado wrote:

      btw you noticed that you are using energy on beta server and not in live? (first 2 videos)
      Yeah I have noticed, but I don't wanted to wait any longer.
      Maybe I do a short Video soon and update the Post.

      But anyway, thanks for the remember :)

      Edit: The numbers are now without energy push.
      The Video will follow soon.
      Edit2: The new Video is now live (without energy)

      I also would like to know how the nerf effects the low level.
      Has some one a low level Lycan who can do the same test like my first one ? :)

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Yemon ().

    • A firend of mine already testet a little bit with me.
      He is a level 115 Body Warrior.

      On the first Test we did both without Alchemie, just Pets +self-buff.

      I used crimson wolf with ~ 140Int and he used sao with ~ 108 str.
      We used both the same eqipment, just the weapon was different (of course).

      So I used the lv75 claw like in the video above with 50% avg.
      And he used the lv75 sword with 45% avg.
      Both without alchemy and the same eqipment.

      He did something around 13k on the metin and I did 12,4.

      But then we tests like "how much DMG is possible".

      He only had brilliant alchemie but around the same eqipment and push and did 27K
      While I did with excellent alchemie but nearly the same equipment around 32K.

      So without push Items and intelligence the Lykan will do less DMG then the body warrior, but with push and a lot of intelligence the Lykan will do more DMG.

      But this is not 100% sure, so please test it again with better requirements then me and tell us your result

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Yemon ().

    • I do not know why i should play a lycan and buff crimson every time with full int eq, while i could play a body warrior that makes more dmg and hasn't to buff AoS with full Str-EQ.

      That's my opinion. Where's the advantage of the Lycan through using Int-EQ? It costs much time, but it is necessary to balance this class? This is not fair at all.

      Attack value of Crimson (90 int) should be 585 AV

      Attack value of Crimson (169int) should be around 700-800 AV

      The nerf of piercing in crimson is okay.

      The Duration of 55 seconds is unacceptable.

      Why did you throw away the idea of giving the lycan a little bit more AV but let him have negative side-effects on crimson. The Lycan is a berserker, who deliberately accepts taking more Dmg because he is at close combat for dealing also more Dmg.

      Of course, the 37-Deff-Reduction is not the perfect "Negative Effect". You could give the Lycan the old AV (585 to 1040 AV) and give him stronger negative Effects (For example 10-20% more Dmg from every Mob (even Boss-Skills) while crimson is activated or sth like that)

      The post was edited 5 times, last by iLow ().

    • 55 sec of skills will never be good! You've done well to point out that you, with your team, do that harm, I do not think everyone has your team. We will find ourselves doing the same damage, if not least, of a war or sura. Think about who does 5k of damage and find it to make 3k ... 3k i'll get them with my shamy at moments, do not joke! haha
      Nerf of piercing in crimson is okay.
      The reduction, so, of the damage, is NOT OKAY. It's okay about 1K of damage less, not 2k.
    • Yemon wrote:

      I also would like to know how the nerf effects the low level.
      Has some one a low level Lycan who can do the same test like my first one ?
      I can't upload videos that fast but I have a lv 35 lycan copied (for you) to the beta server now:

      on horse (no mount), no pets, 28avg+9 lv30 claws, no alch, only 97int, so just basic equipment ;

      on a lv35 metin:

      without crimson: 363 damage
      with crimson live: 847 damage (crimson G6 gives +495)
      with crimson beta: 673 damage (crimson G6 gives +304)