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      I have tested whit my lvl65 mental warrior the critical skills and is really bad.My critical are just like normals,maybe just 500-1000 dmg in +.
      I tested it whit mat and excelent alchimy,and more diferent ways.I have lvl65 sword+9 and lvl 65 twho handed weapoin+9 same shit.
      20-22k normal 20-23k critical
      64-66k normal 65-67 critical.

      If u dont want the critical to be 2x normal dmg.Make it be normal dmg + half of the normal .For exeple if u give 10k normal damage and 15k critical damage.

      U sayd that the update will not afect the value of my items.This update will make criticals useless so any critical chance on items will be =0 .

      For exeple an 2k 15sword boots costs 200kk ,and a 2k 15sword 10critic boots cost 1kkk.
    • AthozOrion wrote:

      I have tested whit my lvl65 mental warrior the critical skills and is really bad.My critical are just like normals,maybe just 500-1000 dmg in +.
      I tested it whit mat and excelent alchimy,and more diferent ways.I have lvl65 sword+9 and lvl 65 twho handed weapoin+9 same shit.
      20-22k normal 20-23k critical
      64-66k normal 65-67 critical.

      If u dont want the critical to be 2x normal dmg.Make it be normal dmg + half of the normal .For exeple if u give 10k normal damage and 15k critical damage.

      U sayd that the update will not afect the value of my items.This update will make criticals useless so any critical chance on items will be =0 .

      For exeple an 2k 15sword boots costs 200kk ,and a 2k 15sword 10critic boots cost 1kkk.
      Hehe tell that to dragon shaman who need's to sell his fan and try to find an pvp bell (nobody have them because none used them in pvp) to can still be viable in pvp.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Critical hit damage only in PvP is being calculated depending on the Weapon Damage and how upgraded it is. The damage increase is independent from the initial hit damage.

      Man,i have lvl65+9 10hh showrd and lvl 65+9 twho handed weapoin whit 10hh 6str ,and i am lvl 65.The critical are useless.What more i can do,i have the best weapoins for my level ! .Whit this update u are ruin my itmes !!!!! .I give 65k normal spirit strike atac and 65k critical spirit strike !.
      Dont ruin the game please
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Critical hit damage only in PvP is being calculated depending on the Weapon Damage and how upgraded it is. The damage increase is independent from the initial hit damage.
      You say "hit" damage and as I see here, all are complaining about SKILL damage. Don't know what Webzen is doing but if you do this to crit damage (hits & skills), there are a lot of items and bonuses (not talking about buffs) that will become useless. We won't need Dragons Aid, we won't need weapons with critical chance on them, we won't need Critical Strike from Moonlight Chest or red dew...because why bother and spend so much for 2-3 k extra damage.

      You said the items will keep their value. Do you know how much is a 105 +9 weapon with double HH compared with one having double HH AND 10% critical chance? Some of us spent hundreds of euros trying to get such bonuses and now you make them useless? Really? And you do expect we're gonna invest more now for what? Noone can change bonuses cause you'll never get double HH on an 105 lvl weapon. You have to do that from lvl 65 weapon.
    • Rapier wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Critical hit damage only in PvP is being calculated depending on the Weapon Damage and how upgraded it is. The damage increase is independent from the initial hit damage.
      You say "hit" damage and as I see here, all are complaining about SKILL damage. Don't know what Webzen is doing but if you do this to crit damage (hits & skills), there are a lot of items and bonuses (not talking about buffs) that will become useless. We won't need Dragons Aid, we won't need weapons with critical chance on them, we won't need Critical Strike from Moonlight Chest or red dew...because why bother and spend so much for 2-3 k extra damage.
      You said the items will keep their value. Do you know how much is a 105 +9 weapon with double HH compared with one having double HH AND 10% critical chance? Some of us spent hundreds of euros trying to get such bonuses and now you make them useless? Really? And you do expect we're gonna invest more now for what? Noone can change bonuses cause you'll never get double HH on an 105 lvl weapon. You have to do that from lvl 65 weapon.
      You are werry right.And ikr ,i think he dont even read what we are saying and tell al the people same shit . Unforgiven we talk abaut critical skills not hits ! ok? .I agre to reduce it on hits ,but on skills no way like that.Yea iknow removing critical from hits will make body warror and sura magic weeapon wekness because they are not skill based caracters,and more so on low lvl pvp.And it will be fair to give an normal damage + half of the normal in critical skill ,that will be fairn enought.Because on 75 sword i give 2k damage whit spirit strike,soo even 4k would noth be enought to beat a body warrior.