Scarlet Soul, duration in ruin

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    • Scarlet Soul, duration in ruin

      Hello to all players of all classes

      Straight to the point, I just tried the scarlet soul and leaving aside the reduction of the value of attack that gave him ,,, THE DURATION, the duration 55 seconds ...

      every 55 seconds, equipping intelligence is extremely uncomfortable, not only because the monsters can kill you, or it's unrealized damage, or the lag can annoy the activation of the skill .. but even in pvp it can not last !! !


      just for this duration, lycan can truly die, activate 2-3 times the scarlet soul to break a stone is time wasted

      I do not understand the logic that led them to reduce the duration of the skill

      I hope to read this and the fellow players, I ask you to leave in commentary the disadvantages that would have the reduction of the duration of the skill in 1/3 of what it was before

      Google Translator, I'm sorry.
    • Yemon wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      • Increasing the duration of Crimson Wolf Soul at Perfect Master to 92 seconds

      92 Seconds ok.Better then 55 but still ~ 1/2 of the old duration time.

      I made a short video to show "how long" you need to change your eq + turn off cws.

      It was made without any lags. I just moved a little bit because this is pretty normal when you change your eqipment (you want to get away from the monsters).

      So as you can see you need about ~10 second to turn on cws.
      5 seconds long is cws off
      5 seconds long is cws on.

      So let me calculate that quickly.

      With 92 seconds duration:
      • you can hit 92s - 5s long = 87s
      • and you need a totall of 10s to get everything done
      • --> 87 + 10 = 97s total
      • you do 1 DMG per hit and one hit per second ( 1 DMG/s ) --> you did 87s * 1 DMG/s = 87 DMG
      • --> 87 DMG : 97s (total) = 0,89 DMG/s

      With 175 seconds duration (official duration):
      • you can hit 175s - 5s long = 170s
      • and you need a total of 10s to get everything done
      • --> 170 + 10 = 180s total
      • you do 1 DMG per hit and one hit per second ( 1 DMG/s ) --> you did 170s * 1 DMG/s = 170 DMG
      • --> 170 DMG / 180s (total) = 0,94 DMG/s

      Different between 0,89 DMG/s and 0,94 DMG/s = 0,54 DMG/s --> ~5,76% less DMG over Time (per minute)

      Yeah sure are 92s better than 55s but well it all comes together with the nerf of the attack value.
      I don't understand why you even needed to touch the duration?

      So over all do the lycans now ~ 17-26% less DMG and 26% is in my opinion a huge number.

      Is it also still annoying to change the equipment and if you don't do it you will lose a lot of DMG.

      In my opinion is the DMG reduction through the value enough and should not be influenced extra by the duration time.
    • since my last post was removed, gonna tell this to you again without the swearing words like 'poop' and the f words in it and without the gameforge parts.

      90 seconds is still terrible for a skill that you HAVE TO use int equipment with, to actually notice an AVERAGE change on your damage.

      These new changes are still not better, they are worse! Especially for shamans.


      When people were asking for a 'pvp balance' (notice I said 'were'), they were not talking about characters being broken, but about your systems. Yes there are some very small imbalances between certain characters, but then you should also make very small changes on the skills (if this is the point of this beta).

      Characters can be deffed almost completely in a 1vs1 and you're talking about a damage problem? L oh L.. Maybe in pvm there is a damage problem, but gonna tell you again till it comes through to you; The characters are NOT the problem in these matters.

      This is a terrible change to shamans and lycans as I see and not near to an improvement in SMALL balancing. This is not balance, this is destroying your own game. I really hope even more players will leave after this update, so it'll come through to you.

      Your first suggested change for shamans was quite decent with more damage from bells and fans for dragons and healers, but now you're ? up your own ideas. The problem here was that bells are rather rare, and people wanted at least some kind of trade. Now as I see it, you don't want these kind of 'refunds' and you decide to ? up both characters even more, good job on that. Oh and yeah, is it really that much of an imbalance that magical characters have 'anti magic'? In my opinion it's not as long as you can have that much magic def and also considering they already have low damage. These characters are usually much more ? in pvm as well.

      You realise yourself that ITEMS are more important than skills in pve and pvp content, yet you're trying to nerf skills in these matters.
      Where is the logic??

      Guys are you really serious about these changes?