New Magical Weapon Sura and News

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    • New Magical Weapon Sura and News

      Hello. I play Beta server like many friends. My character is 120 lvl magical weapon.

      First, I do not like the new shape of the spell-resolving skill. What the hell does it hit. I tried the slotta and pvpde the same result. A non-solving skill and a non-damaging skill magical weapons work is now very difficult. For a moment I thought I was lvl.

      Another issue is that the value of magical sharpness does not work normally. This skill is worth half as much damage as normal damage. For example; Although the strut value 90 in the status of the magical weapon is not 90, it is higher than the attack value of another character with the same alchemy and silage. However, the attack is not as damaging as a bodily one. I am thinking that magical sharpness works as a semi-bonus, it needs to be corrected and the attack value as well as the running value must be written.

      I still can not figure out what the chance of ignoring the runaway to the dragon and ignoring that bonus is.

      the chance of a punch in the finger is very rare, but 300 500 damege is noticeable. I did not see a difference.

      I think that the defense value of magical armor should be increased and the reflection ratio should be reduced.

      The terrifying skill is fully functional. So it should work now. For years we dreamed of an empty skill set. I hope this situation changes.

      Comes with the new items, I wrote down the conversion items, but; we can do 115 armor and try new shackles, while the number of players capable of 115 armor is so low, and this beta test is open around the world. I want to ask you this.

      At least 115 armor conversion and + stuffs must be added to npc so that we can do some things neatly. Because nobody goes in there and goes out and I jotun kesimde moon stone out of my armor 9 experience does not work. It is clear and clear. As I said, this is a beta test server and it should be easy to reach something. People we do not know the language can not test this server. I believe that the addition of NPCs to the materials will make the testing of new armor and PvP testers more successful.

      Good game to everyone.