New Pendants

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    • unforgiven wrote:

      I don't understand why are you all surprised to the fact that there will be new items in Metin2 and that the upgrade/making old ones become easier with time. This is pretty much standard in every single game MMORPG. oO
      Of course I'm surprised. Since I'm playing, you have never touched the upgrading system, and you have only added more and more epic equipment which failed almost always while trying to upgrade.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      I don't understand why are you all surprised to the fact that there will be new items in Metin2 and that the upgrade/making old ones become easier with time. This is pretty much standard in every single game MMORPG. oO
      One thing is with time the items getting easier to upgrade, because there's more necessary items or whatnot, other is to have the upgrade system changed in order to make it easier to upgrade said items.

      I work my ass off trying to level an item with X% upgrade chance and some time later the upgrade chance is changed to X + Y%, does this make any sense?

      Yeah, lets put 200 levels in a piece of gear just so players have a big number to look up to but will never achieve because we only expect them to have it a level 5 or so. Try to add some logic to the thinking process, the community would appreciate it.

      Did you even stop to think that maybe, only maybe, the entire community giving feedback has some actual knowledge of the game that they have been playing for years? I don't know, maybe hearing the community is a good choice.
    • miyako9 wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier.
      So, now it's gonna be hard and after people spend time trying the hard way a change happens and it becomes easier, making the work made obsolete? This makes no sense at all.
      Well not always has been this way.

      The setau captains farming on grotto2 has been deleted and was much faster to reach 95 than now.
      Meley exp will be removed until you end the cave (myquestion is, if u use exp ring, will you gain the same amonut of exp or just a + more?)
      the first live servers to get meley could use mounts and that make a great benefit on them.

      So not always has been this way.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier.
      Then this would be an announcement of which we are not aware, if in a future they will change the system of improvement of the items but it would be interesting if someday they apply this, in a beta like this, to be able to test it.
      It is true that many% are very low, but look what it is to try to make certain equipment such as armors 115 and other things at high level, which use blessing scrolls loses sense since if or if it fails practically and we know this without having seen the% upgrade of each item.
      I think and think that there are certain things that should look, for example you implement a new weapon called kyanite weapon and this weapon has a fairly decent and normal % improvement and I think if you ever try to change the improvement system, you should be something similar to these % since anyone who uses blessing scrolls can upload them but will have to use 50 to 200 or more. On the other hand whoever uses blessings of 10% or 20% will have to use about 20 or 30 or more depending on their luck. And it seems to me that the purpose of such blessings is that an item is much more likely to rise, and improve faster, than to actually use them as the only way of improvement possible.
      The latter is that the only possible way is as it happens with the % improvement of the armor 115 and in this range also enter the kyanite armor.
      The only thing we want is for the improvement system to be equitable since a player, even being a seeker of achievements, will have to work hard to achieve it and if he wants the fast way, he should use these blessings that exist. Instead with the current improvement system, he is forced to use these blessings that exist to at least have any possibility of upgrading those items.
      It would be interesting if soon we are told more about this change in the improvement system that may come to exist. Since we now know the elements of each monster due to the introduction of the pendants and avoid the speculations of each player that existed, maybe in the future if we can know the% improvement of each item, but I think this will not do since many like not knowing the probability and try luck, which in part that already depends on the player and also in this way if we could account when they modify the% or not since it is impossible for us to know.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier.
      This is a terribly wrong and unrespectful policy, you know.

      And by far, the worst entry I've been reading on this board.

      New contents should be introduced considering BOTH the current perspective AND the future one. Modifying contents according to the fact that someone who consumed all of his/her salary on a MMORPG reached a goal sounds like a joke, we are not mice in a cage.
    • Are we crazy? or GF it dont knows wath talks

      unforgiven wrote:

      I don't understand why are you all surprised to the fact that there will be new items in Metin2 and that the upgrade/making old ones become easier with time. This is pretty much standard in every single game MMORPG. oO
      let see you guys from GF do you think we are crazy etc or wath?
      at the interview that GF guy tels clear he wont make devalue the old equipment
      and right now he didit, with this update al the lvl 75 wepons are devalued.

      tell me who is crazy GF or we the players?
    • I also understand that this game must somehow sustain itself, so it's natural trying to find new ways to magnify incomes.

      But that's not the point. There are so many ideas, so many ways you could have thought of, in order to make things challenging - and probably stimulating "over-achievers" desire to pay for itemshop services - but STILL, not completely overlooking the efforts done until now.

      And you obviously went for the worst one.


      By the way, the blue dragon access problem I've been talking about in another thread, displays always the SAME way of acting adopted by Gameforge.

      You just introduce an update without thinking too much deeply about its future consequences - and leave things as they are. Then, you realize things are not entirely fair and try to put a patch on a hole.

      I'm on the first line here, when it comes to acknowledging your efforts. But I'm not really happy with how things are going.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by BlueShade ().

    • Ok, so you know that some systems got easier to get with time. Now it is up to you if you want to upgrade now or wait until, and if, happens. As always it is the user option, it has been like this and it will always be like this. If you do not make systems easier, no one who starts or restarts now would be able to reach the same progression as someone who has started 10 years ago. Where is the point in that?

      Equipment devaluation will always happen but this is a normal progression. If you buy a car it will also have its value reduced with time. It is a normal progression in a game. We try to reduce this but the only way for it to happen is if no new content is added to the game and this is obviously a no-go.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Ok, so you know that some systems got easier to get with time. Now it is up to you if you want to upgrade now or wait until, and if, happens. As always it is the user option, it has been like this and it will always be like this. If you do not make systems easier, no one who starts or restarts now would be able to reach the same progression as someone who has started 10 years ago. Where is the point in that?

      Equipment devaluation will always happen but this is a normal progression. If you buy a car it will also have its value reduced with time. It is a normal progression in a game. We try to reduce this but the only way for it to happen is if no new content is added to the game and this is obviously a no-go.
      you make the most stupid changes. and instead of gaining players u lose like 15-25% per update ......and yet again u only focus on high lvl dungs no new content for any low lvls but in the end I know ur not the one who decides what goes on but be real at this rate u don't have any hopes of attracting new players just trying to keep the old ones. But look pay attention to your servers Uk dieing Us dead france Dead and many other dead.
    • Snuggles wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Ok, so you know that some systems got easier to get with time. Now it is up to you if you want to upgrade now or wait until, and if, happens. As always it is the user option, it has been like this and it will always be like this. If you do not make systems easier, no one who starts or restarts now would be able to reach the same progression as someone who has started 10 years ago. Where is the point in that?

      Equipment devaluation will always happen but this is a normal progression. If you buy a car it will also have its value reduced with time. It is a normal progression in a game. We try to reduce this but the only way for it to happen is if no new content is added to the game and this is obviously a no-go.
      you make the most stupid changes. and instead of gaining players u lose like 15-25% per update ......and yet again u only focus on high lvl dungs no new content for any low lvls but in the end I know ur not the one who decides what goes on but be real at this rate u don't have any hopes of attracting new players just trying to keep the old ones. But look pay attention to your servers Uk dieing Us dead france Dead and many other dead.

      Let's be real here, who would farm (yes, not play, farm) the low level content? Not really low levels, it would mainly be high levels in their low level buffed char... And we all know that the biggest part of the content is between Lv1 and Lv80~90. Zodiac Temple can be played with a low level character, it is possible to reap some rewards but obviously will not be able to do the whole dungeon.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Let's be real here, who would farm (yes, not play, farm) the low level content
      That's a rather convenient way of being real. :)

      Don't you actually know that many high level monsters still drop lv.66 armors and lv.75 weapons? Even Jotun-Thrym chests may contain those weapons. I thought it was natural and respectful, in regard of older players, to assure a certain continuity between the previous contents and the new ones.

      We're not talking of 5% average damages here or damage against monsters - Metin2 mechanics mainly rely on the attack value given by weapons. Introducing new weapons may be challenging, all right, but it creates a fissure between those who can manage to complete the dungeon and those who can't.

      Not to mention the quantity of enchant items required - AGAIN. Come on. Where's the balancing? It'll be even more pay4win than it's now.

      And by the way. Considering the noticeable atk value, those weapons should at least require lv.115 or 120 in order to be equipped, if +9.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Snuggles wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Ok, so you know that some systems got easier to get with time. Now it is up to you if you want to upgrade now or wait until, and if, happens. As always it is the user option, it has been like this and it will always be like this. If you do not make systems easier, no one who starts or restarts now would be able to reach the same progression as someone who has started 10 years ago. Where is the point in that?

      Equipment devaluation will always happen but this is a normal progression. If you buy a car it will also have its value reduced with time. It is a normal progression in a game. We try to reduce this but the only way for it to happen is if no new content is added to the game and this is obviously a no-go.
      you make the most stupid changes. and instead of gaining players u lose like 15-25% per update ......and yet again u only focus on high lvl dungs no new content for any low lvls but in the end I know ur not the one who decides what goes on but be real at this rate u don't have any hopes of attracting new players just trying to keep the old ones. But look pay attention to your servers Uk dieing Us dead france Dead and many other dead.
      Let's be real here, who would farm (yes, not play, farm) the low level content? Not really low levels, it would mainly be high levels in their low level buffed char... And we all know that the biggest part of the content is between Lv1 and Lv80~90. Zodiac Temple can be played with a low level character, it is possible to reap some rewards but obviously will not be able to do the whole dungeon.
      unforgiven,lots of players are playing low lewel caracters because it is to expensive to play at hight lvl.Both in pvp or pvm.Do u know the price of +9 beta accesories,lvl81 shield,lvl115 armours,beta weapoins,etc? A normal player need to spend 10 hours/day every day farming for 1 year to make in game maoney to buy something like that.Or maybe more then 1 year,depending what they farm.But think a second,in my server a lvl 115+9 armour is 100-150 won, and 100won =450 euro.;an excelent rubin whit atack and and other bonus is 150 won =675 euro so for 2 items requier 1125 euro's .How much a normal player need to farm to make 250-300 won to buy this items? over 1 YEAR .SO the conclusion is that,a normal player will NEVAR have what a player who spend money to buy yang or items whil have.So thats why lots of people play low lvl because the ones spend much money on the game play on the hight lvl.